Chapter 22: Would you like some coffee?

After introducing himself and a few useless chats, Sampo offered to guide us to Belobog, the City of Preservation, the Imposing Citadel, the last bastion against the Eternal Ice.

-So, are you really in a war against Nanook?

As we walked a bit away from the rest of the group, Sampo whispers quietly to me for confirmation.

The fact that I have quietly revealed to him my identity as the Emanator of Exultation indirectly communicates that I know the true identity of the entity known as Sampo Koski.

-That's right, why do you know that?

I asked Sampo in confusion.

I'm pretty sure I only reported the existence of this war to the Aeons I am connected with, the Estelaron Hunters, Herta, Feixiao and the Astral Express.

-In the last few days, Aha has been shouting this information all over the place. He even said that you and he worked together to trick Nanook and succeeded in driving him back with his tail between his legs! Is that true too?!

Of course it was Aha...

-It wasn't quite like that but the premise is correct.

-Holy Eons, if that madwoman finds out about this, she'll no doubt go even crazier about you.


-N-no one important, just another member of the Masked Fools who's been idolizing you these past few days and it's getting worse and worse.....

Please don't tell me it's Sparkle.

I have enough with one stalker (Kafka), if now a crazy one adds to the equation, I don't know what's going to happen to my mental health..... At least I still have time to psych myself up before I get to Colonipenal.

-Anyway, you're free to act as you wish, Sampo. I won't stop you.


Sampo looked at me in surprise, thinking that my stay on the Astral Express had some hidden meaning and that's why I revealed my identity to him.

-I'm serious. For now, I intend to keep a low profile in Belobog.

Of course, my initial intention will not decide the final outcome, who knows what might make me change my mind.

No longer able to stand us talking in secret, Stelle forcibly positions herself between Sampo and me.

-What are you two talking about? Why so many secrets?

Stelle pouted while resting her hands on her hips, trying to act tough; but to me, she's a sweetheart.

-Nothing important, Stelle. More importantly, someone's coming.

Looking ahead, a group of Crinargenta Guardsmen positioned themselves in the middle of our path. This prompted Sampo to act.

-Help me, friends! I don't want to get caught!

-The suspect and his accomplices! Stop them!

-It's now or never! I leave it to you, my friends!

Already having my permission, Sampo ran away leaving us behind as bait.

-Hey! Where do you think...?!

-Suspects! Surrender without resistance!

The guards showed no intention of reasoning.

-Let it go March, we'll have to deal with the guards first.

-But, Dan Heng!

With no other choice, Stelle, March and Dan Heng had to face the Crinargenta Guards. But, before they could connect a devastating blow, a burly blond man appeared to cover his subordinates.

-I, Gepard Landau, captain of the Crinargenta Guard, order you to put up no resistance!

-Grrrr, that Sampo tricked us. When I caught him...

Again, I just watched them fight from a distance; but, as I knew this fight would last longer than the others, I took out some snacks to go with it.

After everyone showed off their skills, before long, the fight came to a stalemate.

-Nadie, how about a little help!

March complained loudly in annoyance.

-Is it necessary? The only one they have to worry about is Gepard, the rest can take him down one at a time.

-Nadie is right, stay behind me, I'll protect you!

Stelle swings his bat and blue sparks charge around his weapon, this is his ultimate ability: Star Ace. This blow full of charged energy forces Gepard to go on the defensive and his body is pushed back several steps.

-Ugh. That woman is much stronger than she looks. Hey, where's the prime suspect, the one with the blue hair?

-I'm sorry, Captain! We lost him and we are not able to find his tracks...

-It doesn't matter, we have his accomplices. I'm sure he's not far away, he's planning his next move...

Listening to them talk so seriously about a misunderstanding is really tedious. Stelle and Marzo could not contain themselves and complained loudly.

-We are not their accomplices.

-That, we would never hang out with someone like that!

Seeing the girls so upset made Gepard think about that possibility for an instant. Seeing that the opportunity for dialogue opened up, I stepped in.

-She doesn't lie. Didn't you see how he abandoned us without a moment's hesitation? If you are curious about our identities, let me make it clear that we come from beyond the stars. If I had to explain it in a simpler way, we are what you know as aliens.


The reaction of the guards was somewhat amused, but Gepard hardly had a change of expression. What a steadfast boy.

-If you don't believe me, how about trying these snacks here? I bet you've never seen them. By the way, we also have alien coffee, do you want to try it?

-... It is said that, a long time ago, strange visitors came here from beyond the sky.... But since the Eternal Ice began, blizzards prevented passage and no one else has come to Belobog.

Gepard's reasonable deduction surprised the guards.

-But these people...

-This is not for us to decide. If what they say is true, only the Supreme Guardian can decide their fate. Our job is to bring them before the Supreme Guardian, nothing more. Outsiders, come with me. Belobog is behind this blizzard.

In the end he didn't accept the coffee... How cunning.




With expert guidance, we arrived at Conservation City in less than a jiffy.

-It's so warm, nothing like outside!

-Well, we are inside the city after all.

With Gepard's help, we were granted an interview with the Supreme Guardian.

-We arrived. This is Qlipoth Fortress, the nerve center of Belobog and the headquarters of the Architects.

This is where we will meet Cocolia Rand, the second final boss of the game and the very fight that prompted me to try the Honkai Star Rail.

-I sent a messenger and Miss Cocolia should be aware of your arrival by now. Come with me.

-Already?! I haven't even prepared myself emotionally! Stelle, am I well dressed?

-I feel fine.

-I'm talking about me!

I patted March on the shoulder and spoke in a soft voice to reassure her.

-Don't worry March. It doesn't matter if you're well dressed or poorly dressed, to me you'll always be 7 March.

-No, that doesn't make sense! Why are you getting so emotional out of nowhere?!

-Come Stelle, let's leave March alone for a while so she can clear her mind.

-It makes sense.

-No, no it doesn't! Wait, why are you leaving without me?! Wait for me!

March's incessant shouting began to give Dan Heng a headache, so as not to prolong the talk any longer, the latter accompanied me and Stelle in silence, ignoring March completely.

When we arrived at the Supreme Guardian's office, there we could see Bronya protesting.

-But that sacrifice doesn't make any sense, it can't.....

-You may leave, Bronya. The visitors are already here.

-... Yes, mother.

Cocolia did not listen to her daughter's words, instead she sent her out of the room. Bronya left without first giving us a somewhat penetrating look.

Bronya is practically the same as Silver Wolf only with a more developed body. Hay, if only Silvie didn't sleep so late or skip meals because of video games, she could have the same or even a better body now. What a waste.

After introducing ourselves, Gepard also leaves, leaving us alone with Cocolia in this large room.

-Welcome, strangers from beyond the Eternal Ice. Or perhaps I should say... from beyond the sky, shouldn't I? I am Coocolia Rand, the Supreme Guardian of Belobog. I would be grateful if you would inform me of the reason for your visit.

-Thank you Supreme Guardian for being willing to dialogue with us, would you like to celebrate with a space coffee?

I was about to offer a cup of coffee to Cocolia but March stopped me and started to scold me in a low voice.

-Hey, why are you offering Himeko's coffee to every person we meet?!

-I just thought that way we could defeat all our enemies before we even fight. I call this, strategic victory.

-Enemy?! But she's the Supreme Guardian! Why would she be our enemy?!

-Wait, if Himeko's coffee worked even on Nanook, couldn't I defeat the Stellarons like that too? Even the Fragmentum monsters wouldn't be a problem anymore, I just have to spray them with coffee and goodbye.

-Don't ignore me!

Cocolia watched us silently, her facial expression changing as we chatted. The reason was obvious, although March was trying to whisper, her voice rose so unconsciously that we were fully heard.

-I'm sorry for my friend's screams. As you can see, she is nervous and suffers from social anxiety.

-In your dreams!

-Back to the important thing Miss Cocolia, would you like some alien space coffee tasted even by the Aeons themselves? I assure you, you won't be disappointed.

-Please, someone stop him.

Surrendered, March held her head with a pained expression. Dan Heng averted his gaze, trying to convey that he had nothing to do with this. Stelle, she simply shook her head with an amused smile.
