Chapter 27: Seele enters the scene

After wandering around Villaroca a few times, we didn't find anyone belonging to Wildfire.

-How strange, what's Wildfire playing at? They're not avoiding me?

-You're unbelievable Sampo, they hate you so much that nobody wants to see you.

-My good friend Stelle, please don't be so cruel to me! Even though Sampo may not be liked by everyone, I'm not a bad person!

Even though I already came to an agreement with Natasha and she already revealed the general situation of the Underworld to me, it is better to let them explain the situation to us again themselves instead of me opening my mouth, only then the other members of the Astral Express will develop a better relationship with everyone.

-At this hour, Seele is usually patrolling around here...

Going up some cobblestone stairs, we happened to run into Bronya there only....

-Hey, look! Who's that?

-March, no matter how you look at it, those curls belong to Bronya. Are you suffering from Alzheimer's?

-She looks like she's in trouble...

-We can see that.

-... Nadie, why do you like to bother me so much?

-I'm sorry March, you're too nice to bother. But, if you're offended by that, I'll stop. However, I want to make it clear that I have a somewhat peculiar character, I love to annoy people I consider lovable and I appreciate very much.


March was a little moved to hear my profound words.

-How easy.

-I heard you!

-I'm sorry but I'm serious, March, teasing you is too much fun and I love it. I've decided, I won't stop even if you ask me to.

-That's... *sigh*. Do whatever you want...

Since no form of protest worked on me, March gave up any form of resistance. And if I must give my opinion, this is bad news; what's the point of bothering March if she doesn't react?

-My friends, don't just stand there! It's better that this doesn't go any further....

-Look Sampo, here March and I are discussing something important, how about you go and solve that problem?

-That's right Sampo, solve it yourself. Besides, it would be interesting to see you in trouble... Oh no, I'm becoming a second Nadie, how could this happen?

While March was suffering an existential problem, Dan Heng was against our decision.

-We should avoid drawing attention to ourselves, but we can't leave it at that.

-Dan Heng is right, we can't let it go.

Stelle also came out in favor of Dan Heng; even though she is a weirdo most of the time, she still has a heroic soul that helps those in need.

-Yes, you finally get it!

Sampo celebrated when he saw that there were people on his side.

Determined by the numerical difference, Marzo turned around with his hands on his hips.

-Let's help her.

Of course, I kept silent. Not because I am not interested in Bronya's situation but because I already know that someone will intervene before us.

-Come on, princess, let's save the formalities!

One of the wanderers points his gun at Bronya and fires. Due to the distance between them, Bronya did not react in time to dodge, the bullet goes in the direction of her chest.

Even before any of us could do anything, a storm of butterflies appears and out of it comes a young girl; with her scythe she cuts the bullet, saving Bronya in the process.

-How dare they attack someone in our territory? How about they confront me?

This is Seele, Wildfire's best fighter.

-Damn it! Withdraw!

-They're nothing but a bunch of scum!

Seele complained loudly as she saw the vagabonds running away just like that.

-Miss Seele! Phew, you showed up at just the right time, thank you very much! How dare those vagabonds look for trouble in Wildfire's territory!

-Shut up, Sampo. This looks like it has something to do with you. We have enough trouble in Wildfire and we don't need you to add to it.

Seeing Sampo get scolded for some reason made Stelle smile.

-You were scolded.

-I was scolded...

I didn't know Stelle could be so spiteful....

-I heard that a Crinargenta Guard was visiting the Underworld... Is that you?

-To clarify, I was kidnapped and brought here against my will.

-Hum! Did you hear that? "I was kidnapped." She still thinks she's a princess of the Overworld...

Just like that, Seele and Bronya started arguing in front of all of us.

It's amazing how badly the two of them get along, the complete opposite of their versions in Honkai Impact 3. At least, after Bronya's past is revealed, the two become best friends.

-That's enough, now come with me.

Out of nowhere Seele demanded of Bronya.

-Boss Oleg wants to see you and ask you a few questions.

This change of subject was the perfect opportunity for Sampo to intervene in the conversation.

-Perfect, Miss Seele! We were just on our way to visit Boss Oleg. Can we join you?

-What do you want now? ...And who are they?

When Seele looked in our direction, Bronya made eye contact with me. I could feel the complexity of her emotions in her eyes. At the same time, Stelle stepped forward to introduce.

-I'm Stelle.

-And what good is your name to me?

Seeing that Seele had no intention of being friendly, I put my arm around her shoulders and acted like a bully.

-That's right, who do you think you are, gray-haired girl? Can't you see that Seele and I have work to do? Shoo, get lost.

-Wait, I wouldn't go that far either. Rather, who the hell are you? Don't touch me.

Seele pulled my arm away and looked at me cautiously.

-Seele, it's me, Nadie, did you forget about me? We were classmates, remember? We sat in the back row and you always ate your lunch during class time, I even remember the time the teacher caught you and I had to share my lunch with you so you would stop crying.

-That never happened, I never went to school either. Even if I'm not very smart, that doesn't mean I have memory problems. Stop saying stupid things or I'll cut you to pieces.

-Tsk. Almost.

-No, you weren't even close.

Surprisingly, it was March who commented that in a dry voice.

-March? Oh no, my little girl is entering her rebellious phase, what do I do?!

-Who are you calling little girl?!

-Whatever. Seele, could you take us to meet Oleg? I already made a deal with Natasha and it would be good to get my friends up to speed.

-And ignore me... wait, Natasha? Nadie, when did you make a deal with Dr. Natasha?

-After you all left the clinic. Anyway, I already got Wildfire's cooperation; they will help us in our Coup against Cocolia in exchange for opening the way to the Overworld for them. For more information, let's meet Oleg first for now.

-Wait, what do you mean by Coup? Are you planning to start a Revolution?

Bronya was alarmed to hear my brief explanation.

-You will understand later. As I said, let's go to Oleg first.

Seeing me speak so confidently, Seele finally agreed to take us to meet Oleg, the supposed leader of Wildfire. Whether my words are true or false, everything will become clear when we meet Oleg, that's why Seele agreed so easily to my request.

According to Seele's explanation, for two days now, the miners and the vagrants have been engaged in mass brawls. To defuse the situation, Oleg took Wildfire with him to the mine and put Seele in charge of the security of the settlements. That is why Sampo could not find him anywhere.

Unfortunately, the situation in the mine has worsened and so Seele also needs to go to help.

-Hey, isn't that Dr. Natasha?

March exclaimed as he saw Natasha dealing with some wounded from afar.

-What is Natasha doing here? The situation must be worse than I imagined.

We followed Seele and there I met Natasha again.

-Nat! How come you're here too? Where did Oleg go?

-Hello, Seele. Oh, and Sampo's guests? Nadie. It seems that you already met... Oleg went into the mine with his group, I talked to him before he left.

While Natasha was explaining the situation to the others, Marzo approached me to whisper suspiciously.

-Hey, Nadie, why did Dr. Natasha react like that when she noticed your presence?

-What do you mean by "like that"?

-You know! She seemed surprised and excited, as if she was waiting for your arrival....

-Didn't I tell you already? Natasha and I made a deal, of course she would wait for my arrival, she has to update you too.

-Oh. That makes sense.

According to Natasha's explanation, the first mining team found a huge vein of geomedula, the largest found in the last 30 years. So they tried to hide the news in order to benefit from the great discovery themselves; however, the drifters discovered this secret and used this secret to blackmail the miners and demand payment for their silence. As a result, that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

-Did you come here to help resolve the conflict?

Natasha's question brought March's and my attention back to them.

-They are here because they want to meet boss Oleg. I am escorting them.

Seele replied.

-Since they need something from us, I guess it won't be too much to ask them to do us a favor.

-You seem to be saying we're shallow!

March complained at Seele's blunt manner.

-One favor for another, sounds reasonable.

In the end, Stelle agreed on our behalf. I didn't stop her because I had already agreed this with Natasha beforehand.

-As you can see, the situation in the Underworld is very complicated.

Natasha returned the attention to her with these words.

-I greatly appreciate you helping the people here. Nadie must have already informed them of the deal we made.

For an instant, everyone turned to look at me. As I became the center of attention, I grabbed my chin in style and raised an eyebrow to demonstrate my charm; immediately everyone turned to avoid eye contact... how shy.

-I've already explained everything to Oleg and he agreed to Nadie's offer. You can go with him to arrange the plans in more detail.

Making it clear that my deal with Wildfire is genuine, Seele began to look at me differently. While March...

-I can't believe it, Nadie was really serious.

-March, did you think so little of me?

-It's just that you always seem so clueless that you look like an airhead...

Strange. For some reason, I don't blame her.

Now knowing exactly where we could find Oleg, we said goodbye to Natasha and our group set out into the mine.
