Chapter 37: Preparations

-*Yawn*~ How well I slept.

Yesterday, after defeating Svarog and taking him as yet another ally, Seele and Bronya parted ways with us to spend time alone. I hope the two were able to have their private chat and deepen their friendship further.

If all went according to the plot, by now Bronya should have left the Underworld and gone up to the Overworld to ask her mother for explanations. Then Cocolia would reveal to Bronya why she conspires with the Estelaron.

-Well, I'll have to slow down the plot.

I immediately got dressed and headed for the nearest Space Anchor. Once teleported into the Overworld, I scanned the most important points of the Administrative District with Hunter's Eyes.

-I found her.

Bronya is currently in the Qlipoth Fortress and is heading in the direction of Cocolia's office. Without further ado, I began the infiltration alone.

-How many guards...

I don't have any stealth related skills and that greatly hinders my infiltration capabilities in places with high concentration of security.

But, in the end, I somehow managed to get to Bronya.


-Shh! It's me, Nadie, don't scream.

I whispered quietly near Bronya's ear while I had her mouth covered and held her arm against her back to immobilize her, I only did this for fear of being accidentally counterattacked.

-Nadie? What are you doing here...?

-I'll be quick as I don't want to be detected by the Estelaron, that thing always has an eye on your mother after all.


Knowing that her mother is being monitored 24 hours a day by the Estelaron surprised Bronya.

My talent belonging to the Path of Abundance: Aspect of Life, allows me to detect any presence of life nearby. If it thinks, then it has life. It means that the "invisible" Estelaron, his consciousness, I can "see" him; and that means I can avoid his gaze to a certain extent.

-Listen carefully, Bronya. If you're going to confront your mother, do it in 2 days.

-You mean a few hours before the coup...?

-That's right. If I had to guess, revealing your knowledge of the Estelaron to your mother will cause her to take you to meet him. If they manage to brainwash you before we can strike, we will have lost you without the chance to try to save you. Until then, please just act as usual.

-All right, I'll wait 2 more days then....

-Okay, I'm out.

With that said, I immediately left Qlipoth Fortress. I can feel the Stellaron's "gaze" heading this way.

Back in the Underworld, I met with Oleg.

-After spreading the news that we were going to stage a rebellion against Cocolia, more than half of the inhabitants of the Underworld applied.

-Wow. In just one night?

-Yes. Ha ha ha! With the mention that Wildfire and Svarog would fight together for this cause, many wanderers came to get their revenge. Sadly, all that the Bajomundians have suffered is no joking matter, the hatred for Cocolia has been contained for far too long.

-At least that saves us a lot of time. Explain the plan to everyone as briefly as possible, don't go into too much detail. The less they know, the better.

-Is it for fear of a leak of information? I doubt that anyone would want to betray us.

-It's for fear of generating confusion.

I clarified, and continued with my explanation.

-First of all, our plan is being carried out too hastily, this will undoubtedly make everyone nervous. Sometimes, explaining too much will only make people get confused easier; in times of chaos, it is best to flavor only what is necessary, so the person doesn't waste time remembering what their role is.

-I see. I see you have experience commanding.

-It wasn't commanded, it was fleeing...


My experience in my time travel, when the Swarm attacked the planet I inhabited for a while together with Firefly, protecting and trying to organize the escape of the few survivors was one of the most difficult jobs I had in my life. In the end, I failed splendidly, I ended up being the only survivor and on top of that the planet exploded?

-Where is Sampo? We have to prepare the harmless bombs now.

-He must be in Natasha's clinic.

-I see. Then I'll say goodbye.

-Of course, make sure you take breaks. It would be terrible if our commander collapsed. It would be terrible if our commander collapsed.

-Ha, I'll keep that in mind.

After I found Sampo, I dragged him to take him with me.

-Sorry Natasha, I'll borrow it and I doubt I'll return it today.

-Don't worry about it. Thanks to your contribution, Nadie, many Bajomundians were able to recover from terrible injuries and others that should have been permanent; this took a lot of workload off my shoulders. Your skill is amazing, they all said they will participate in the Coup d'Etat as a thank you.

-Transmit them my thanks as well, then I'm off.

Then Sampo took me to his workshop, a small secret base where he develops all kinds of strange gadgets.

-And this homemade bomb here can...!

-Well, we'll use whatever's in here.

-My good friend Nadie, please at least listen to my explanation...

-Too much text. More importantly, give me a map of Belobog's Overworld; you must have one, right?

I need to study the general geography and plot the most efficient paths for our operation, this will also allow me to select better spots to place the bombs.

-In the meantime, you go set timers on all the bombs.

-All of them?!

-Hard work is necessary for a moment of exultation, isn't it? Now go and move your ass.

-This is sweatshop labor...

If I'm going to do it, then I'll do it perfect.

The bombs must be placed in both the Administrative District and the Backwater Pass, so the Crinargenta Guards will be forced to split into squads to protect the supramundists.

The harmless bombs will be placed in more crowded places, only then will the chaos spread further; while the real bombs will be placed at strategic points farther away, only then will we really desperate the Crinargenta Guards.

All this is necessary for the sake of avoiding casualties, only in this way will the underworlders be able to defeat the Crinargenta Guard without spilling blood; I need to give them such a big advantage that no guard will expect it.

-Well, that should do it.

-Are you done? Finally, you've been at it for 4 hours...

That long? I checked my cell phone just in case and it's true...

And that I used my Analytical talent to speed up the work.

-How many pumps are already on timer?

-Almost half of them. I started with the real ones, as you asked.

-Well, that's enough for now. I'll give the plans to Natasha and Svarog so they can decide how to form the assault teams. You, Sampo, go prepare the bombs I indicated, we'll plant the real ones first.

-All right...

The real bombs will be placed in less crowded places, that also means they will be easier to plant and less likely to be discovered. Although the attack will be in only two days, it is always necessary to take precautionary measures so that the plan does not suffer unexpected detours.

When I returned to Natasha's clinic, out there I found Stelle and Marzo in front of a group of miners, hobos, robots and children. They are giving a pep talk...?

-I, Galactic Bat, will lead you all to overthrow the tyranny of Cocolia!

-Let's overthrow Cocolia!

-Get Cocolia out!

The shouts came from miners and vagabonds alike, all seeming to agree on the same cause.

-And so, my magnificent legend as Galactic Bat will begin in Belobog! I will bring you all the freedom you deserve!

-------Galactic Bat! Galactic Bat! Galactic Bat! Galactic Bat!

-------Hail Galactic Bat!

As Stelle waved her baseball bat in the direction of the sky, the entire audience cheered loudly.

March... she covered her face in embarrassment....

-Why did I think for a moment that this was a good idea...?

I ignored them both and went back to Sampo.

-It won't be dark for a while, get ready because we'll be leaving in a few minutes.

-So fast?!

-We'll go to Serval's workshop first, I promised her to let her participate in this so you know.

-All right, now I'm getting ready....

How good it feels to exploit others.

After ten minutes, we went up to the Overworld by different ways, me with a Space Anchor and Sampo by the illegal passage he dug by himself.

-You are late.

I said as I took a sip of hot chocolate, sitting with Serval in front of me.

-You cheated! You never said you could teleport! You even made me carry all these bombs by myself!

Sampo complained as he showed me a giant backpack that's fully loaded with bombs.

-Oh, sorry, I forgot to carry my share. Teehee~

-What do you mean "Teehee"!

While waiting for Sampo to arrive at the Neverwinter Workshop, I told Serval in more detail what our Coup plan is all about, so she wasn't surprised when I mentioned the word "bomb".

-So he is the accomplice who will help you plant the bombs, Nadie?

-Yes, he's Sampo. A swindler.

-Trader! Me, Sampo, I'm an honest businessman!

-Whatever you say.

Thanks to the game, I know his real personality so I don't care to hear his excuses.

*knock knock*.

Oh shit, don't tell me that...

-Damn it! I forgot that my brother said he'd come today...

Really Serval...?

-Find a place to hide, quick! I'll take care of him.

Sampo and I immediately hid behind the counter. Then Serval opened the door for Gepard, inviting him in.

-You came, Gepard! I thought you wouldn't have time to visit me, with how tense things are at the front, ha, ha....

-We are controlling the situation, the last wave of monsters has slowed down. I went back to the city to take care of some business, but then I'm going back to the front.... Didn't I tell you?

-Didn't I tell you? Ah, yes, that's right...

Serval's obviously suspicious behavior made Sampo and I slap our foreheads...

-Hey, you look a little pale, did something happen?

-N-no, why would anything have happened?

-You don't normally call me by my name.

-Well, you said you don't like me calling you "little brother" in public. And I think you're right, it would sound better if I started calling you by your name, wouldn't it, little brother?

-...Call me whatever you want, Serval.

-By the way, why is there a curfew in town all of a sudden? Something happened?

-Eh... I got orders to keep it quiet.

-Little Geppy, how old you are now! Looking down on your sister for being a civilian...

-Don't say that... Well, that's all right. If I don't tell you, Pela will.... This morning, Miss Bronya suddenly appeared and entered Qlipth Fortress without saying anything to anyone. The Supreme Guardian is concerned that the 4 intruders have also left the Fragmentum and followed Bronya to the Administrative District, so she imposed a citywide curfew and ordered us to capture any suspicious individuals.

-Ah, so that's it... that's why we didn't know about Bronya. How is he?

-I don't know, she didn't leave the Qlipoth Fortress. The only thing the Supreme Guardian said was that she had returned, nothing else.

-Well, I was very worried about her. Since she disappeared, Pela had double the workload. She said she didn't even have time to go out!

-She really tells you everything...

So everything went according to the plot of the game so far. That's good news.

-By the way, last time I was here I forgot my limited edition Hotel Goethe canteen. I'll look for it now.

-O-one moment!

-What's the matter? You're looking very strange today, Serval... Hm...? What's with this backpack?

At that moment, Gepard accidentally kicked a giant backpack loaded with suspicious objects.

Oh no, that backpack is where Sampo kept all the bombs we were going to plant today! Why did you leave it lying there?!

I shot a furious look at Sampo and he could only apologize using desperate gestures.

-Wait Gepard! Don't touch that backpack!

-Suspicious... It's not another forbidden research of yours, is it Serval...?


For God's sake, Serval, act more natural! Then you'll obviously be found out!

-Serval, we have to do something!

I whispered quietly but also angrily to Sampo.

-But how? The slightest noise will give us away.

Sampo is right, and I still don't want to fight with Gepard, a conflict now will make them discover our plans...!

Think, Nadie, think...!

-Ah, I know! Sampo, can you use illusions?!

-Me? I have a partner who specializes in that but it's not my thing. Rather, you're Aha's Emanator, you should have something similar!

-Yes but...

My Fireworks Festival only works with absurd and large-scale themes....

-Let me take a look at it.

-No, Gepard! Those are your sister's belongings, you can't...!

-Wait Serval, let me go! You're acting too suspicious now!

While Gepard wanted to take a look at what the backpack was hiding, Serval desperately held him back.

Shit, we don't have much time left...!


-A-all right! I'll do my best! Don't blame me if things go wrong!

Then Sampo did his magic.

When Gepard managed to free himself from his sister's grip, he opened the fully loaded backpack and some of the contents spilled out onto the floor....

-This is...

Oh my...

-Holy Aeon...

Sampo accidentally blurted out a voice; luckily, the shock was so great that Gepard didn't pay attention to that detail. I don't blame him, after all, all the bombs were.... replaced by dildos...

There were dildos of all kinds of colors, lengths, thicknesses and even textures....

-I understand that at your age staying single is not easy, but this amount is a bit....

Gepard's voice choked as he felt a murderous aura, because there stood Serval with her face completely flushed and furious with her arms crossed.

At that moment, Gepard felt the real terror.

-Sorry Serval, I just remembered that I had something important to do! If you'll excuse me...!

Without waiting for an answer from his older sister, Gepard immediately ran out of the workshop.

What should have been good news, is now hell for us.... For, now Serval's attention was turned towards us.

Without Gepard around, there was no longer any reason to maintain the illusion. All the dildos returned to their original form... now they are indeed ordinary bombs. However...

-Anything to say?

-In my defense, it was all Sampo's fault.

I immediately gave him away. When I turned around to see why Sampo didn't try to defend himself, it turns out that guy already got away...!

Wow, he even left a note.

"My good friend Nadie. let Sampo do the heavy work, I'll make sure to plant all the bombs tonight. You rest here with Serval.

Yours truly. Sampo."

Fuck you!

-Answer, Nadie.

With heavy steps, Serval started to approach me.

-Wait Serval! Like I told you, Sampo was responsible for that! If you want, I can look for him and bring him to you so you can lynch him...!

-I don't care. I want you to take responsibility.

How unreasonable...!

At that moment, Nadie felt the real terror.

Against my will, I was dragged into Serval's room.

-S-someone save me...!
