Chapter 7: Part 4

- Arthas -

We talked for a while about other tropics and found out that he mostly stayed in camps and only came to the town to restock. Moreover, he wasn't using the baits and other products that Herbalists made.

If he did, I doubted he would have been so far behind me. If anything, there was a good chance that he might have been in the lead.

That said, my levelling speed had only increased after teaming up with Veena and Shiroe and we could take more difficult quests which he couldn't.

He was mainly just grinding on mobs to level up while we were coupling them with quests.

I guess he didn't know much about the MMOs and the only reason he played this was because he wanted to check the game out because he had heard a lot of good things about the game.

The guy was quite frank and outspoken and I found this attitude to be quite refreshing as Shiroe was much more conserved.

We departed our own ways and Shiroe followed us to our home to discuss about the rewards. On the way, I had spotted several people staring at us and some even trying to follow us and see where we lived.

I ignored them as we were probably going to move to the mansion either way and they would find out about it soon enough too.

There was just no escaping all this attention.

Getting inside, I locked the door behind us and gathered around the table.

It was still evening and we had gotten our dinner packed so there would be no cooking today.

"Wasn't that tiring?" Shiroe said as she finally slumped in his chair.

"It was certainly a new and quite novel experience." Veena giggled.

"It….wasn't bad per say but I could do with less of a crowd." I replied.

"So….what did we all get?" He asked.

We brought everything out of the inventory and placed them on the table, gathering all our rewards from the quest.

There were seven Skill Books, several equipment and accessories, two pieces of papers which turned out to be the recipe for two new medicines for Veena and finally the Guild Order. 

I even added the Exp Card inside the pile which was only possible since the rewards were not announced.

"Is this….really the Guild Order?" Shiroe asked in surprise as he held up the item and checked it carefully.

"I would think so….with the item description and all. Personally I think they wanted the one in lead to make Guilds so they offered this."

"Or it could be because of us breaking the exam." He replied. "Perhaps you didn't realise that even the fourth place, the one who was almost Tier 4 was only able to get slightly over one thousand points. Maybe we got rewards based on the points we scored."

"Hmm, that's a valid theory. Still, it's better to assume that we will be encountering more guilds soon." Veena concluded.

I checked the items next.

Blessed Armour of the Sun(Blessed Sun Set)

Physical Defence: +220

Magical Defence: +220

HP: +5,500

3 Piece Set Effect: +3% HP and MP Regen under the Sun

5 Piece Set Effect: +8% Magic Resistance

7 Piece Set Effect: Blessing of the Sun Buff is applied to all party members. Increases the attack and defence by 10%(20% against creatures of the Dark)

Requires Level 100 to equip.


I checked the other pieces.

Blessed Sword of the Sun(Blessed Sun Set)

Physical Attack: +500

Magical Attack: +500

MP: +1500

Requires Level 100 to equip.

Blessed Shield of the Sun(Blessed Sun Set)

Physical Defence: +150

Magical Defence: +150

HP: +2000

Requires Level 100 to equip.

Blessed Bottom Piece of the Sun(Blessed Sun Set)

Physical Defence: +200

Magical Defence: +20

HP: +3,500

Requires Level 100 to equip.

All of them were Blessed Sun Set.

But there were supposedly seven pieces in the set.

The robes and staff were independent weapons so maybe this was just one set.

Shiroe was the next person to check it and came to the same conclusion as me.

"What do you think are the last three pieces of the set?" He asked.

"Probably the gauntlet, the boots and the helmet."

"Yeah, I thought that too. We were given the rewards by the Holy Knight, it would make sense if we got equipment for knights. This set is for Heavy Armour users so you will be the only one qualified. We just need to get the last three pieces. One is with Dwain's team and two with Gareth. I will try to talk to them and see if we can trade them for something. Even one piece will help us get the five piece effect and help us out a lot."

We decided to talk to them tomorrow.

For now, we moved to the two accessories.

The necklace and the ring.

The necklace gave a boost to MP Regen so it went to Shiroe. The ring on the other hand, prevented the user from being spied on by Observe type skills.

I was given the ring as I was the highest level in the group.

Till now, people only thought I was a Knight and a level 2 Knight at that because I had made it a point to hide my Goblin Slayer Class in front of others so apart from my team, no one knew that I was not a T4 Player but almost a T5.

It was our trump card.

Veena's Skill Book was Double Refining. It gave her a 5% chance to produce twice the products than she could normally using the same raw materials.

It was quite broken in itself. Imagine using it on some higher ranked products and getting double products. That would be a huge profit.

Shiroe's Skill Books were all for the Mage Class.

Create Mist, a Skill which creates a fog for the enemies but the user and his team members can see through the fog. It could be very useful in battles.

Earth Wall was as the name suggested. It created a wall for defence.

It would help us avoid the situations where we had to make the makeshift walls from the corpses of monsters.

The last Skill was Thorn Bind Hostage.

It bound a target with vines made of energy. Each time one of the vine was cut, it damaged the enemy.

If the vines were not cut within 30 seconds, the skill will be dispelled and cause no damage to the enemy.

While bound, the attack speed of the enemy is reduced by 70%.

The number of vines and the damage from each vine being cut increased with the level of the skill.

I had to say that it was a beast of a skill and Shiroe was really good at using these.

As for the recipes, they were for two pills, the Greater Healing Pill and the Miasma Repelling Pill.

The Greater Healing Pill was the best pill available in the town and even then there were rarely any stocks in the shops. None of the players knew how to make it….or atleast none knew till now.

As for Miasma Repelling Pill….they did just that, repelled Miasma.

In the world, there were some areas where the magic of the world was corrupted and turned into miasma.

These places were generally dens of monsters and people rarely went to these areas.

One of the main reasons for this was the Miasma itself.

Even breathing in the area could cause people to get status effects and lose HP over time. Most of them hallucinated in the fog.

This made it nigh impossible to hunt in these areas unless they had specific equipment or items to use here.

One of these items was the Miasma Repelling Pill. It gave the user immunity from Miasma's effects for two hours.

It might not look like much but it was a massive help and probably the only way to take any quests in the miasma affected areas of the world.

Veena had learned of this while reading some of the books she got from the guild.

There were miasma affected areas in the mountains too so maybe we could go there sometimes and check the place out.

Finally came the Exp Card.

"One hundred thousand experience points! That's a week's work." Shiroe exclaimed.

"It is."

"With this, you can probably become a Tier 5 right now."

"Hmm, I currently need around ninety thousand five hundred points." I nodded.

"Use it."

"What?" I asked.

"Use it."

"Shouldn't Veena or you use it to close in the difference between our levels?" I wasn't so keen on using it because I already had an exp buff with the Traveller Title.

"Not really. You are the main fighter of the group. It would be good if you had higher levels. If you fall, all of us will crash."

"He's not wrong, Arthas. You should use it. Not to mention, with that you will be Tier 5 and can use the Guild Order right away. Then we can attract people to our guild at tomorrow's meeting." Veena added too.

"Are you guys sure?" I asked once more.

"Yup, absolutely sure. Now, get on with it."

"Okay. If you say so."

I changed my class to Goblin Slayer and picked up the card before crushing it in my hand.

Level 40 Goblin Slayer.

The loss of nine thousand five hundred exp points pained me but I pushed the thoughts away and looked at the T5 Classes available to me.

The only one on top of the list was….Man Slayer.


I guess the ring came at the right time to help me avoid suspicion.

With everything set, I selected the Class.

Man Slayer Level 1.

Congratulations on being the first one from your Continent to advance to a 5th Tier Class.

Title Gained

One Among One Hundred Thousand

+40% increased Exp Gain.

Keep doing your best, Traveller.

I looked at the experience gain bonus with satisfaction. Add this with the boost from the Traveller Title and I had well over 50% exp gain.

"You got a new Class?" Shiroe asked.

"Hmm." I nodded while checking the skills.

This Class was similar to the Goblin Slayer Class in a way that it gave Skills and Buffs when I fought against Humans and Demihuman Species like Beastmen and Elves.

It even had the Fated Enemy(Human) and Sweet Revenge(Human) Skills.

The Class was absolutely broken but then again, it was supposedly the reward for fixing a glitch. I doubted there would be any more of those.

Over the next few minutes, I explained the skills to Veena and Shiroe and the guy noted everything down.

"This can help us against bandits and other such enemies, not to mention against other races. It's a great class to have."

"And other players." Veena added, making us turn towards her. She smiled at us. "If I am trapped in a jungle with an animal and another person, I would be more wary of the latter. Animals can be predictable. People, not so much."

Shiroe let out an uncomfortable chuckle at the reminder.

"Alright, too much depressing stuff. Let's see what that Guild Order does." Shiroe said excitedly.

We looked at the guy and laughed. He really became like a kid when things came to game matters.

I picked up the Guild Order and the option to use it came to my mind.


Pick a name for the Guild.

Fairy Tail.

I put in the Guild name and confirmed.


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Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Author's Note:

I am back with another chapter of Soul Art Online.

Arthas and the team got the rewards from the raid and blew everyone's mind.

They have also scouted another member for the team who is another canon character.

Our team is finally in the open and even starting a guild.

What troubles will come for them next?

In the next chapter, we will see some other characters.

I will just give some glimpses of other characters and how they are doing, maybe make it an interlude chapter of sorts.

Enjoy the new chapter.

Good Day, Peace Out.