Chapter 27

Callan stares at me, his eyes wide. Then he clears his throat and says, "That's real sad, Luna. I'm sorry you had to do that."

I shrug, feeling the weight of the moment but trying to push it aside. "It was hard, but we all got hard times, right? That's what Mama always said if I complained."

Callan looks at me, his lips pressing into a thin line. "I guess so," he says quietly. "Can't say we haven't run into our share, too."

I cock my head, curiosity pulling me deeper. "What were your hard times?" I ask, snuggling even closer to him, craving the stories behind those shadowed eyes, that hardened voice. His face stiffens at first, like I've stepped too far into territory he doesn't want to share. I freeze, not wanting to make him uncomfortable, but before I can pull away, he pulls me back in, settling me on his knee.