It takes the better part of an hour to cleanse and tend Ethan's wounds. That vampire did a number on him, barely missing his carotid artery, or I'd be a twin now, instead of a triplet.
Bloody towels fill the kitchen sink, and crimson spatters cover the floor, but at least my brother is alive.
I had to break out our best liquor to stitch Ethan up good and proper. Now that he's shit-faced, I tie off the last thread on his neck and pat his shoulder. "Good as new."
Ethan opens his eyes—he's kept them squeezed shut with a grimace on his face while I've stitched his neck. "You fucking done?"
"Just about." I grab the can of spray antiseptic we keep for moments like this and spritz some onto his wound. "The scar'll leave you uglier than you already are. Want to see?"
Ethan takes another swig of whiskey and shakes his head. "Nah. I trust you."
"Then let's go deal with the body."