I don't know how long I sleep, but when a hand touches my shoulder and shakes me, I rocket to consciousness, fists flying, ready for a fight.
"Easy, Luna," Axel says, ducking, palms up to fend off the blows. "It's just me."
"Just you," I say, blinking at the fading light outside. I must have slept all day. My chest feels as empty as my belly, aching for the triplets and not this man who betrayed me so badly.
"Ama prepared some food for us," Axel says. "I sent her away so we can have time to connect."
Groggy as hell, I scrub my face with my hands, trying to wipe the sludge from my brain. My bruised, confused heart clatters about in my chest. "We're never going to connect," I say, "but tell her thanks for the food next time you see her."
"I will," he says simply. "I'll get you some clothes."
I sit up and yawn again, stretching my arms over my head. The dust lining the side table catches my eye. I drag a finger through it, hold my