Chapter 83

Chapter 83


Something is wrong. I can feel it somehow, even though Luna hasn't sworn into the pack, so we don't share the pack bond. But we still share some other bond, a curse that ties me to her no matter how much I deny it. My wolf frets inside me, sure that something is not right.

I sigh and try to focus again, piling sandbags along the edge of Kato's backyard to keep the water at bay. Luna finally got it through my thick head that she's with them now, not me. She wants nothing to do with me. She's got three thugs protecting her, and even though they're worthless wastes of wolf skin, they're not going to let anyone touch her. They'd rip anyone's head off who tried. It's a miracle they put up with me as long as they did. If I'd understood how things were, I would have walked away before. But I listened to my wolf, and I sure as fuck suffered enough for it. I don't need to go running to her house now. I never want to set foot in that place again.