Prologue - Part 2

Jujutsu Pros Training Center:

Steve: So right now I have 3 new players that have been assigned to me. I have to train them, bring out their potential, make them stronger. You will join them. Train together to learn combat, crafting, etc. While I'll train you to control Jean. Sounds cool?

Jesse: It feels really…I don't know. I feel like I am not getting the full Minecraft experience this way. I mean aren't we supposed to like explore the world, fight the mobs, learn ourselves from our failures? Instead, I have to train with a bunch of players. It sounds boring.

Steve: Well in this server if you die you get banned instantly so learning from our failures is not something we promote here.

Jesse: Oh, yeah right.

Steve: As for training, we can't let Jean be a threat to other players' gaming experience by allowing you to have a full experience.

Jesse: True.

Steve: As for boring, training is fun. You are gonna enjoy it. Trust me. What do you think we do here for training? Practicing on wooden dummies? We let you out, kill some mobs, mine some resources you know. Just under supervision. It's Minecraft. It can't be boring.

Jesse: I get it.

Steve: Cool. Let's meet each other then.

Steve enters a room where 3 players are waiting for him.

Maki: You're late.

Steve: Forgive me, but it's because I have a surprise for all of you.

Panda: Surprise?

Steve: Yes. We have another player that's going to train with you all.

Maki: Great. Another noob.

As Jesse enters the room a giant health bar appears on top of his head. All of them quickly jump at him with their weapons. Jean comes out of her spawn egg and knocks them away with her wings.

Steve: Calm down everyone. Is this how you treat a new player?

Inumaki: New player?

Steve: That's right. Everyone, this is Jesse. And that is Jean his little friend.

Panda: Little? Steve, is this the Ender Dragon guy?

Steve: Yes. He will be training with you all now.

Maki: Do you know how dangerous it is to keep him here? The dragon could destroy the entire base.

Steve: You all are worried when I'm here with you? Don't worry. We are here to prevent exactly that. He will train to learn to control her, only to come out when he calls her. So try to befriend him, or it will ruin our reputation. He might think we are boring players.

Maki: How exactly will training with us help him in that?

Steve: Oh I'll take care of that. He is to learn PvP combat, crafting, Redstone, and other stuff with you guys. Jesse, call Jean back, will you?

Jesse: Yeah sure.

Jean goes back inside her egg.

Jesse: Sorry for that everyone. My name is Jesse. I'm new to the game and the server. Nice to meet you.

Panda: Sorry we attacked you like that. I'm Panda. Nice to meet you.

Inumaki: My name is Inumaki as you can probably see.

Maki: Sup. I'm Maki. Don't talk to me.

Jesse: Nice to meet you all. I hope I enjoy playing with you.

Jesse trains with the others about the game, and basic stuff like fighting, mobs, potions, etc. Separate from the others, Steve trains him to control Jean.

Steve: So basically, it's completely unnatural for an Ender Dragon to spawn in the Overworld. Without the End Crystals at least.

Jesse: So how is it that it spawned?

Steve: That's what we don't know. What confuses me even more is the fact that after I subdued her, her health healed back automatically, without the end crystals. It's very weird and something that shouldn't be happening.

Jesse: So what does that mean?

Steve: Something is not right. Unusual things have always been known to occur in this server, but this seems too much. Anyways right now we just need you to train Jean so that she comes out and enters back into her egg on your command. Then we will train her to not come out on her own whenever you are in danger. It's important she spawns only when you spawn her and it's important you spawn her only when absolutely necessary. So call her out. We will begin.

In the morning Jesse trains combat while in the evening he trains with Steve. They are sent to hunt mobs occasionally with players monitoring their gameplay. Other times they just spar with each other using wooden swords.

Jesse: Hey Maki, wanna have a friendly battle?

Maki: Take on Panda or Inumaki if you want to train. I'm way out of your league right now.

Jesse: But that's exactly why I want to fight you. You're skilled and I want to become as skilled as you. Plus I have been getting better and better.

Maki: Fine. Let's see if you can keep up.

As soon as Maki finishes saying this she strikes Jesse with her wooden sword. Jesse immediately blocks the strike with his sword. But before he could react Maki kicks him in the stomach, quickly followed by a strike from her sword, knocking him down.

Maki: I guess you can't.

Jesse immediately gets up and runs toward Maki swinging his sword. She easily blocks his hits and hits him a few times.

Maki: You are no match.

Jesse fakes a strike from his sword, distracting Maki while attempting to punch her with his other hand but she quickly dodges that too, realizing that it was another fake with Jesse preparing to strike her with his sword, she quickly jumps in the air. Jesse prepares to strike her while she is mid-air, but she flattens herself, barely dodging his strike. Balancing herself on her hand, she kicks Jesse away. Then instantly rushes toward him with her sword. As Jesse loses balance, he falls down, dodging the strike in the process.

Maki: You have gotten better. That's nice. But you're still leagues behind me.

She walks away as Panda consoles Jesse.

A few days later Steve gives Jesse his first mission. He is to team up with Maki and investigate a villager building with mobs. Steve gives Jesse his Jujutsu Pros ID.

Jesse: What's this?

Steve: It's your Jujutsu Pros ID. It contains your details. This shows that you are a member of the Jujutsu Pros group.

They are able to fight a horde of zombies and skeletons present there with Maki dealing with most of them. Because of their training, Jean didn't come out even when mobs attacked Jesse.

Maki: This was easy. I don't know why they send us on easy missions.

Jesse: It might be because we are not that skilled yet. Or maybe it's just because I'm with you. You might have gotten a tougher mission had I not been here, but since I'm new they decided to give us a simpler mission.

Maki: Could be true. Speaking of which, what grade are you?

Jesse: Grade?

Maki: Yes. Grade tells us how pro you are. Every newcomer is grade 4 and as they advance they are classified in a higher grade. Show me your ID, it contains what grade you are.

Jesse: Oh. You mean this.

He hands over his ID to Maki who reads it.

Maki: Sp…Special Grade???

Jesse: Huh?

Maki: How can you be a special grade? Only the strongest players in the server get special grade. There are only 3 special grades in the server, including Steve.

Jesse: It's likely because of Jean. Nothing to do with me.

Maki: That might be true. But you might be the fastest player to get special grade on this server.

Suddenly they are attacked by a witch who throws a potion at them which they barely dodge.

Maki: A witch. I'll make short work of her.

She rushes toward it but the witch dodges her attack and hits Maki with a potion of damage.

Jesse: Maki!

Jesse also runs toward her but the witch throws another potion at him which he deflects with his sword. Maki gets behind the witch as both she and Jesse attack the witch from opposite directions but the witch ducks and rolls away throwing another potion at Jesse. Maki pushes him away but gets hit by the potion herself. The witch laughs as she prepares another potion. Jesse feels he is not strong enough to fight the witch alone and can only support Maki. He calls her but Maki seems to be in pain from taking the potion. He realizes this is not a normal witch and he can not defeat it alone.

Jesse: Come out Jean!

Jean spawns out of her egg and stands in front of the witch, her head breaking through the roof of the building. The witch is terrified to see Jean and quickly throws multiple potions at her. Jean knocks the witch away with her wing. Then breathes dragon breath at it, killing it. Jesse thanks Jean for saving them and tells her to return to her egg. Jean refuses as she tries to look around in anger. Jesse assures her that they are no longer in danger and that she can return. Jean agrees and goes inside. Jesse returns with Maki as Steve congratulates Jesse for completing his first mission though he is disappointed that they needed Jean's help. He quickly takes Maki to their group's healer Shoko while instructing Jesse to rest. After a while Maki returns. They then continue their usual training sessions. Jesse becomes better at combat though still behind his friends. Steve then assigns another mission to him, this time teaming up with Inumaki.

Steve: With Inumaki, you might be able to learn something new.

Inumaki: You telling me to use it?

Steve: Only if necessary. But among the 3, only you can use them so, maybe he might see them in use.

Inumaki: Fine.

Jesse: What are you guys talking about?

Inumaki: Nothing. You'll see. Let's go.

Their mission was to investigate an abandoned village, said to be infested with mobs. When they reach there they don't find any mob, however. They search around and find some destroyed buildings.

Inumaki: Looks like explosion.

Jesse: Might be creepers.

Inumaki: No, this looks like a single huge explosion.

Jesse: TNT? Grouped together?

Inumaki: It could also be…

Suddenly they turn around and find a charged creeper moving towards them.