
Player and the glitched mob run towards each other. Player dodges him and strikes him from behind. The glitched mob shoots a fire charge at Player but he dodges it. He continues to shoot fire charges at Player, but Player dodges all of them and strikes him again.

Megumi and Nobara kill the spiders but more and more spiders keep coming.

Nobara: Just how many of these ugly things are here?

Megumi: We just have to keep killing them. (There really is an unusual amount of Spiders here.)

As Nobara kills a spider, a player comes flying and grabs her.

Megumi: Nobara!

Nobara: Keep killing the spiders Megumi. I can handle myself.

Player notices Nobara being taken by a flying player.

Player: Huh? Nobara?

Glitched mob: Bro?

Player: Is he another glitched mob?

The glitched mob starts running after the other one. Player follows them.

Megumi: What the hell is going on? (No. I need to trust them. Let them handle those 2. I need to finish our task here.)

Megumi continues to kill the spiders.

The flying entity throws Nobara to the ground, who immediately gets up and starts attacking him, but he dodges away.

Unknown Entity: What the hell are you players doing here? You guys are from Jujutsu Pros right?

Nobara: So you know about us? You're a glitched mob, right?

Unknown Entity: A what? I don't know what you're talking about. We're here to do our job. You don't need to interfere with it. If you go away, we will spare you. We don't need to kill you guys.

Nobara: Job? What Job?

Unknown Entity: I thought we were here for the same reason…

Megumi keeps killing spiders but more and more keep coming.

Megumi: (Something is not right. It shouldn't be possible for these many mobs to be in a single place. The last time that happened was…the haunted mansion…with the Evoker. Wait, since when did the villagers start disappearing? Was it around the time Player joined the server? That means…)

Unknown Entity: …to retrieve Herobrine's Totem.

Suddenly Megumi gets hit by a spider web, sticking him to the wall, slowly falling down in it. He sees a spider, double the usual size approaching him.

Megumi: So I was right. Herobrine's totem. The unusually large number of mobs is due to it. That also explains that large spider. It must be a powered-up mob. Considering how strong that evoker was, this spider seems to be…stronger.

The Spider jumps towards Megumi as he gets out of the web, but Megumi dodges his attack. The spider shoots its web at him and grabs him. Then runs to attack it. Megumi spawns Black wolf to attack it but the spider traps it in its web as well.

The spider attacks Megumi, damaging him and knocking him towards a wall.

Few days ago:

Megumi was training with Steve. He challenges him to a fight but easily loses.

Steve: Feeling left behind by Player's development? Even I'm surprised. He is growing quickly.

Megumi: I just want to be stronger. What's wrong with that?

Steve: Nothing. You have the potential to be stronger. Stronger than many. But your mind holds you back. You don't know how to bring out your best.

Megumi: Are you saying I don't do my best?

Steve: No. I'm saying you don't know how to do your best. You always try to act support. And while it's important to support your teammates, you should also try to take charge of things. Even in fights. You have so many different mobs to support you. Yet you always end up trying to rely on one. Is it your trump card?

Megumi: …

Steve: You always think in the end everything will be solved when you die, so you don't need to try so hard. If you keep that attitude, you won't even reach Nanami's level. To die and then win, and to die victoriously. These are 2 completely different things. Give it your all.

At present, Megumi gets up after taking the spider's attack. He sees spiders approaching him as well as the powered-up spider ready to attack it. Megumi takes out a dark turquoise spawn egg. But then keeps it back.

Megumi: Give it my all huh? Well, then I will give it my all. Let's do this.

Megumi starts glitching. Suddenly the entire mine starts glitching.

Megumi: It might not be as strong as Steve's, but it is something. Welcome to my glitched domain.

The entire mine area glitches and becomes black. The spiders approach Megumi but Megumi gets inside a spawn egg and disappears. Multiple Spawn eggs appear near the spiders and Different mobs spawn out of them and attack the spiders. Multiple Wolves, Phantoms, and Slimes attack and kill all the spiders in the mine. Megumi spawns behind the giant spider and stabs it. Then disappears. He again spawns and attacks the spider with all his mobs surrounding it and attacking it. The giant mob finally dies and Megumi closes his glitched domain. With all the spiders dead. He takes out the black wolf and searches for the Totem, which he finds hidden inside a cave wall. He takes it.

Nobara: Herobrine's Totem?

Unknown Entity: (Looks like they were here for a different reason.) Forget it. We are leaving.

He starts running away but suddenly The glitched mob and Player arrive there.

Unknown Entity: You? Kechizu, what are you doing here?

Kechizu: Eso, I came here to help you

Eso: You were supposed to get the Totem while I distract the players.

Kechizu: Well, but this player was already fighting me and the other was fighting with the spiders.

Eso: Doesn't matter now. We will kill both of them here.

Nobara attacks Eso from behind.

Nobara: So you're a glitched mob as well?

Eso: I seriously don't know what you are talking about, but I will kill you.

Eso flies and shoots tipped arrows at them. Player and Nobara dodge the arrows while running away from them.

Eso: (They are fast. At this rate, they will escape.)

Player and Nobara run while dodging and deflecting Eso's arrows, eventually running out of the cave.

Player: Nice. I think we got away from them.

Nobara: What about Megumi?

Suddenly Kechizu appears behind Player and shoots a fire charge at them. Player pushes Nobara away but gets hit by it, taking damage.

Nobara: Player!

Nobara gets hit by a tipped arrow.

Eso: Yay. So you finally got hit by our attacks. Now the effects will start.

Player: What effects?

Both my and my friend's attacks have different effects. While mine was a tipped arrow, so it would hit you with poison, my friend's attack gives the wither effect. Let's see who will die first now.

Nobara: You. You will die first.

Player stabs Kechizu who couldn't react in time. Nobara rushes towards Eso who fires multiple arrows at her but she deflects them with her sword. He flies away but Nobara throws her sword at him, which impales him.

Nobara: Finally perfected my aim. Thanks, Maki.

Nobara rushes towards him as he falls, grabs her sword, and strikes him multiple times. Player also strikes Kechizu multiple times while dodging his attacks. Eso gets away from Nobara and flies towards Player.

Nobara: Player!

Player notices him and instantly rushes towards him before Eso could reach him and stabs him. Kechizu charges at him from behind but Player dodges it. Unable to stop, he charges at Nobara who also dodges him and slashes him from his side.

Eso: (Are we about to die?)

Eso fires an arrow at Player at point blank who grabs it with his hand and stabs him with it.

Kechizu also shoots a fire charge at Nobara who deflects it with her sword towards him only. Both being hit by their respective effects, they disable them, disabling it from Player and Nobara also as a result. Player and Nobara attack them at the same time, landing a critical at both of them, which ends up killing both of them.

Nobara: We did it.

Player: Yes.

As both of them die, their inventory falls on the ground.

They both look at it in shock.

Nobara: Wait, if they were mobs, why did their inventory fall?

Player: Were they…were they players?

Megumi walks out of the cave looking for Player and Nobara.

Nobara: Player, have you killed a player before?

Player: I killed villagers once. But first time killing a player.

Nobara: You look more depressed than me. I mean it still shook me a little but it isn't bothering me that much. I mean we were eventually going to face some bad players as well right?

Player: Still doesn't make it easier.

Nobara: Yeah, you're right.

They meet up with Megumi:

Megumi: So how did it go?

Nobara: We killed them, but they turned out to be players.

Megumi: Players? But didn't they use mob abilities?

Nobara: Yeah, it's not the weirdest thing that's happening right now in the game though. Anyways, did you find the Totem?

Player: So there really was a Totem here?

Megumi: How do you guys know about the totem?

Nobara: The guys that attacked us were after it.

Megumi: Well we need to get it to HQ.

Player: Can I burn it?

Nobara: Why? Gross? I don't want to see Herobrine here.

Megumi: We don't know how many totems you can burn and stay in control. It's better if we get it to HQ. But you keep it, you're in a better condition than me right now. Again, don't burn it.

Player: Yes yes. I got it. I'm not an idiot.

As Megumi places the totem for Player to take, Herobrine suddenly takes control and burns the Totem.

Nobara: We told you not to burn it.

Player: He took control. I didn't do anything. But how did he take control?

Megumi: Looks like he can take control for like a second or so at the current level. See, this is why I was saying not to burn it. We don't know how much control he will gain.

Player: But it's not my fault.

They report back and inform Steve about everything.

Steve: They seem like modded accounts. Accounts that use mods for special abilities. I don't know how they got access to the server but that's the best explanation for it. You guys did well still. You defeated them. You're all growing strong really quickly. You've earned yourself a break. Relax for a while.

Megumi talks with Nobara alone.

Megumi: Don't tell Player about the rise in mobs due to Herobrine's return. He will blame himself for it. It wasn't his fault that he burned the totem. He just joined the game so it wasn't possible for him to know. Even then, he still won't accept that as an explanation so don't tell him.

Nobara: I won't.

Herobrine: This is all your fault brat. Because you burned my totem and awakened me, all my totems became active and increased the number of mobs. The glitched mobs are also a result of that. All their deaths are on you. Hahaha. You wanted to save as many villagers and players as you wanted right? Well, all these players and villagers died because of you. Hahaha. Remember that brat.

Player: Laugh all you want. When the time comes…I will kill you.