The Hunger Games

Megumi: Stop blaming yourself. It's not your fault alone. It's our fault. We should have done better. But we aren't some heroes. We are players. We play to enjoy. But this is no longer about that. The game itself is under threat. Our enjoyment…is under threat. You don't have to blame yourself for failing to save everyone. But you can save more people in the future. So start by saving me.

Player: What are you talking about?

Megumi: A new server-wide event has started. It was created by Alex or Ivor. A server-wide Hunger Games. We don't know how but he has admin rights to this server and he used that to make changes in the server to create this event. Participation is compulsory. If anyone fails to participate, they will be banned. Fumiki, my sister. She doesn't know how to fight. I…I don't want her to be involved with this. So please Player, help me save her.

Player: …Herobrine is planning something. He has already acquired 75% of his power. Jesse if Herobrine takes back control, I want you to kill him. I think you can do that.

Jesse: Alright. I'll do what I can.

Player: Our first task should be freeing Steve. If he is in the Nether then we should build a portal already and get him out.

Megumi: That's the thing. Ivor has removed all obsidian blocks from the server.

Player: What?

Megumi: Not only that, he has removed any source of obtaining Obsidian as well. There is no Lava in the server.

Player: Then how are we supposed to get him back?

Megumi: We should go meet Notch first. We will regroup at Jujutsu Pros HQ. If no one sees you there, you'll be safe. We will team up with our friends and go meet Notch for some answers.

Player: What about Choso?

Jesse: Oh he was here the whole time. Just standing guard. He insisted.

Player: He is being too protective.

All of them head to Jujutsu Pros HQ.

Maki: Long time no see.

Player: Hi Maki.

Yuki: Hello.

Jesse: Maki! I'm glad you are ok.

Megumi: So are we all ready to meet Notch?

Choso: Yeah let's go.

Maki: Who is this guy again?

Player: He is my friend.

Maki: Ok.

They go to meet Notch in his HQ but find the area covered in Barrier blocks.

Yuki: This is strange. It was never in Barrier blocks before. (Is it because of Ivor or because of me?)

Suddenly a hole appears in the barrier blocks. They all enter through it and go inside the building. They enter the protected room.

Player: Why is some part of it destroyed?

Yuki: This is where the last vessel for Notch got killed. This is where things went to shit.

They enter the inner door and go inside the chamber to finally see Notch standing at the center, only not as a player, but as an entity.

Notch: Surprised to see me like this?

Yuki: What are you?

Notch: It is a long story.

Yuki: Why did you create a barrier around the HQ?

Notch: To protect myself from people working for Entity 303.

Yuki: Entity 303?

Notch: The person who once took control of Ivor and is now using Alex's account is a player known as Entity 303.

Yuki: Who is h…

Player: How are you an entity? I thought you were a player.

Notch: Last year, after failing to take over another vessel, when my account was removed, I decided that instead of taking over accounts that get banned with time, I create an entity inside the game and embed it into its very code. An entity I can control remotely. An entity like that is difficult to detect and remove by the devs.

Yuki: ...

Megumi: I'm sorry to interrupt but, we came here to ask about this Entity 303 and their motives.

Jesse: And how to free Steve? Can you help us?

Notch: I will answer all of your questions but on one condition. 2 of you must stay here as my guards to protect me. One of them being a special-grade player.

Yuki: Protect you from who?

Notch: Entity 303. Now then. His goal is to destroy Minecraft.

Everyone: …

Notch: Entity 303 was actually a former employee at Mojang. He was on the developer team. But he was secretly trying to sell the game's secrets to other companies. So I fired him. This angered him. So now he wants revenge. He plans to destroy the game to take revenge on me. He doesn't care about anything else. He doesn't care how many people play this game. He just wants to destroy it.

Megumi: How can he do something like that?

Notch: For years, he has been operating on this server secretly. He has been found and banned many times. But he has some sort of back door access here. He can play through banned accounts here. That's how he has been playing through Alex after her death. That's how he played through Ivor after he was found and killed by the Jujutsu Pros. He has been trying to create bugs and glitches in the world to try to break it, corrupt it somehow. But he has failed to do much. All this time he was secretly trying to get dev access to many sections of the game. But nothing worked. But that was what I thought. In reality, all of these were his backup plans, in case his main plan never took off. But it did. When Player burnt that totem.

Player: …

Notch: Long before he started his revenge plan, his greatest ally had already been born in the game. A glitch born inside the game out of nowhere. A self-made glitch that would threaten the game from within itself. Herobrine. The biggest of all glitches that occurred in the game. He was bigger than anything he had managed to create on his own. So he quickly formed an alliance with him over their shared goal. Destruction of Minecraft.

Player: But why does Herobrine want to destroy Minecraft?

Notch: He is a glitch. It's in his nature. To him, destruction is the natural course of things.

Player remembers Mahito's words.

Mahito: How is it evil to kill if that's what were were made for? We were born to live that way. It isn't our fault. Killing is in our nature.

Notch: He was there when Herobrine defeated the void generals. He knew if anything could help him achieve his goal, it was Herobrine. So when he found out they were about to remove him from the game, he helped store his code in 20 totems. Yes, Entity 303 created the totems. He stored 5% of him in each totem to help better hide him in the game files. He engraved the totems inside the game without anyone noticing. Which is why we had to remove him in each update. Jeb of course allowed the totems to exist however in this update. Entity had given up hope that Herobrine would ever return and tried other methods to gain power. Enough to break the game himself but he never got it. But when Player burned the totem. The world glitched again. Creating the cursed mobs. Increasing the number of mobs in the world. Entity 303 once again started working on his initial goal. He met with Green Steve and decided to use the glitched mobs for his plan. But he knew Steve would be a problem in his plans. So he decided to get rid of him first. Meanwhile, he gathered admin access to the server to create the Hunger Games. He is now very close to achieving his goal.

Yuki: Who is Green Steve?

Notch: Green Steve is a glitched mob that's almost a player. It was created along with Herobrine only. Probably the result of a glitch formed by the presence of Herobrine himself. His purpose is to serve Herobrine. That's it.

Megumi: So what is the Hunger Games and how will it help in his plan? How will he destroy the game with Herobrine? He couldn't do it last time when he was at full power.

Notch: The Hunger Games is his distraction. To force players to fight each other to create as much chaos as possible. The players will be busy dealing with the mobs he unleashed on the world as well as fighting themselves, leaving him free to get me.

Yuki: You?

Notch: You see to prevent myself from getting banned, I made one of the worst mistakes ever. I made myself an entity. A mob in nature. I didn't know of course that he would take control of Alex's account. Due to the nature of Alex's commands. I am now under the threat of being used as a mob by Entity 303. What that means is he would gain access to all the mod and dev abilities that I have. I have the power to make changes to the game on huge levels. If my powers were to be transferred to Herobrine, along with his own ability to glitch and corrupt the world, he would be able to destroy the game from within with ease.

Everyone: …

Yuki: So that's why you made the barrier and why you need us to guard you.

Notch: Yes. The barrier is to mainly stop players from getting here. Entity 303 can easily override the barrier.

Player: We definitely need to free Steve for this one. How do we…

Notch: Before that, I want to know who will stay here.

Choso and Yuki: I'll stay.

Player: What?

Choso: You have been playing with them for a long time. You will be able to perform better with them. I haven't much worked in a team. It would be better if I stayed here.

Yuki: And he needs a special grade player also. I'll stay here. I also need to talk to him some more. That's fine to you?

Jesse: Yeah. I was planning to go with my friends anyway.

Notch: The rules of the Hunger Games are designed specially to bait you guys. You kill players to collect points. If you have enough points, you can either add a new rule to the game or ask for an item. It could be anything. A weapon, tool, or block. This was made to force you to kill players to get points to ask for obsidian blocks. You can then use the blocks to build the nether portal and free Steve.

Jesse: Why would he allow that?

Notch: I think he's confident that he will win no matter what.

Player: How do you know the rules?

Megumi: To help players, along with the game, a chatbot was added to the server. It will tell you all the rules as well as ask you to register for the game. As soon as we register, we comply with the rules of the game.

Player: What about your sister? How will we help her?

Megumi: The game forces us to register or they get banned. But it also allows us to add rules to the game. We will add a rule that allows players to leave the game. This way we can save her.

Jesse: Chatbot!

Chatbot: Yes Jesse. Do you wish to register?

Jesse: Tell us the rules of the game.

Chatbot: 1. Players must declare their registration within 19 Minecraft days.

2. Any player who fails to register will get banned.

3. Players score points by killing villagers and players.

4. Points for killing a player is 5 while for killing a villager is 1.

5. Players can spend 25 points to request an item.

6. Players can spend 100 points to add a new rule to the game.

7. If a player's points remain the same for 19 Minecraft days, the Player loses and will be banned.

Player: So I have to kill players again?

Megumi: No. I think I have a plan for that.

Maki: So that's settled then. Choso and Yuki will stay here and guard Notch. I'll go to the Zenin HQ and get as many weapons and armor as I can.

Jesse: How will you get the weapons? They won't give them to you.

Maki: Megumi is their new leader now so it won't be a problem.

Player: What?

Megumi: I'll explain later.

Maki: After that, I'll gather Panda and with everyone, we will plan to enter the game. What about you Jesse?

Jesse: I will enter the game right away. Before you guys enter, I want to gather some info.

Megumi: Maki…

Maki: Yes. You guys go get Kevin.

Player: Kevin?

Jesse: Yes. Kevin was once a player under Steve but he got removed from Jujutsu Pros.

Maki: We might need as many people as we can.

Player: Is he tough?

Jesse: A lot. But he is moody.

Player: So where will we find him?

Jesse: I've heard he runs an underground fight club.

Player: Those are a thing in Minecraft?

Jesse: Yeah. Players fight for rewards. He runs the thing and streams the fights to earn.

Player: What a guy.

Megumi: Alright. We're heading out.

Yuki: Take care of yourselves.

Choso: Player, be careful.

Player: You too.