Entity 303: Where is Notch?

Choso: He doesn't want to see you. Man everyone hates you. You should start thinking if you're a good person or not.

Entity 303: Those things don't matter to me. You're anyways delaying the inevitable. All the conditions are ready. If I get Notch here, I win. The destruction of the game will begin.

Choso: Yeah. Of course, those things don't matter to you. You're insane. Can't you just, leave this game alone? It's been years man. Move on. Notch doesn't even own the game anymore. You're taking your revenge out on the wrong thing.

Entity 303: It's not just about it anymore. It's not about Notch. It's just a game. I wanted to make some profit out of it. That's it. I shouldn't have lost my job and my credibility for it. It's a shitty game. I don't know what people enjoy in this. They create so many mods, and servers. What is it about this game that people like? I don't get it. I've been on this for so long and I never found a single thing fun. It's time it ended for good.

Choso: You're just a hateful man. You don't deserve anything.

Entity 303: You are no one to talk that way to me.

Few hours ago:

Choso: Let me do it alone.

Yuki: You'll die if you do so.

Choso: Then would you fight against Ivor 2 v 1? I'll only be in your way. I'll go out first. Force him to take out his strong mobs. Get as much information as I can. If I can get him to use his glitched domain…

Yuki: I'll say this again, you'll die.

Choso: I don't care as long as I kill him.


Choso fires his laser at Entity 303. He barely dodges it and spawns multiple silverfish.

Choso: (Looking down on me?)

Choso throws a TNT at them, killing them. Entity 303 instantly rushes towards him and strikes him. As Choso is knocked away, Entity 303 notices another TNT beside him. He barely dodges it by bouncing it away with a slime, just as it explodes.

Choso: What do you want to do with Player? I know you gave him a modded account as well.

Entity 303: I don't have anything specific in mind. His main purpose was to act as a vessel for Herobrine. I had his spawn point set just near where I expected herobrine's Totem to spawn. That's it. The moment he burned that totem is when he fulfilled his role. Now, he is the root of all tragedy taking place in this game. As long as he exists and Herobrine within him, everyone will suffer.

Choso fires another laser and Entity 303 dodges it.

Choso: You are the root of all suffering Ivor. Not Player.

Choso's leg gets trapped in a spider web. Entity 303 jumps and strikes him.

Entity 303: I know you're just trying me out. You want me to reveal my strong mobs so that Yuki can come out and fight. But I don't need them against you. Basic mobs are enough for you. That is because you are nothing without these mod abilities. Your power is a result of my creation.

He stabs Choso, pushing him down to the ground. He steps on his face.

Entity 303: I gave your friends special abilities and they lost to 2 players who can't even use commands. Such disappointments.

He spawns a spider and it crawls over Choso and attacks him.

Entity 303: Do you know the meaning of a special grade player? Both Steve and Alex were special grades. It means I can defeat players like you without any effort.

Choso kills the spider with his laser.

Choso: My friends didn't lose because they were weak. They lost because our friend Player is strong. And you. Yes these powers are your creation. But what right do you have to criticize me when you are yourself using borrowed powers?

Choso fires a laser at him. He dodges but suddenly sees a tipped arrow coming toward him. He barely dodges it. Choso runs towards him and strikes him with his sword. Entity 303 blocks his hits while dodging his laser at close range.

Entity 303: (He is using his laser while fighting me at close range.)

He spawns a wither skeleton that stabs Choso as soon as it appears. He gets away from them.

Entity 303: Even if your laser hits me, I can negate the poison effect. All that effort for what?

Choso fires a laser at him. As he dodges to the right Choso throws a TNT in his direction while quickly switching to his bow and firing an arrow in the opposite direction. Entity 303 jumps to his left to avoid the TNT and quickly spawns a slime to deflect the arrow. Choso quickly runs towards him as this is happening and kills the slime with his laser. He quickly attacks him but Entity 303 blocks the hit with his sword but is knocked back from the impact. He quickly fires another arrow at him and he dodges it but suddenly notices 2 charged TNTs coming towards him. Choso fired 2 more TNTs along with the charged TNT back when he attacked. With the first explosion charging the other 2 as well as pushing them towards Entity 303, Choso timed his attack to push him directly to their trajectory.

Choso: (He can not spawn a mob in time. He can not avoid it.)

Suddenly the 2 TNTs get knocked back without reaching Entity 303. They explode away from him. At the same time Choso also gets knocked back, hitting a wall.

Choso: (What the hell just happened? The TNTs were deflected on their own. Did he use commands other than Alex's?)

Yuki: Good work Choso. I'll take it from here.

Yuki appears in front of them.

Choso gets knocked out from the hit.

Yuki: Go back to Notch's room. You can't do much here now. I'll handle him.

She pick him up and tosses him inside the door from where she entered. the door closes and a barrier appears in front of it.

Yuki: I like him. I like strong men who play it rough. You on the other hand…

Entity 303: Yuki. (There isn't much info about her. I don't know what she can do.)

He spawns an Iron Golem.

Entity 303: I better keep my distance from you.

Yuki: That's fine.

She takes out her bow and fires a tipped arrow of damage at the golem. As soon as it hits, it explodes, blasting the Golem away, and killing him. She runs towards him and strikes him. He blocks the hit but gets blown away as he gets hit with an explosion as soon as he blocks.

Entity 303: You can create explosions with your commands.

Yuki: That's right. As soon as I hit, boom!

Entity 303: (I guess the explosions don't damage her since she is fine.)

Yuki: (That command he used earlier to deflect the blasts, that was knockback. I've heard of a player who used a command like that. It knocks away entities around him. He can probably use commands of players he previously controlled. I'm assuming he will use that to defend against my attacks.)

Entity 303: (She is classified as special grade. She definitely has a much more powerful command or ability that she is hiding. It's going to be troublesome.)

Yuki: (As planned, I will have him use glitched domain to get that card out of his deck first.)

Entity 303: You can use a glitched domain. I know it. But you haven't. Is this because you're afraid mine will override yours?

Yuki: …

Entity 303 starts glitching. The entire room glitches and turns white. Just like with Herobrine, there are no barriers formed. The room is glitched while existing alongside the Overworld.

Yuki: Notch!

Suddenly the glitched space starts glitching again. It slowly gets overridden and returns to normal.

Entity 303: (I see. So Notch tried to override my domain. She planned this from the beginning. Not to use her domain, but have Notch Override mine. But you were too late.)

By the time Notch Overrides the domain, Yuki has taken significant damage inside his domain.

Entity 303: It would have been better if you used yours against mine. You could have at least fought me before it got overridden. Instead, you relied on that fool. You thought it would be easy to override the barriers but there weren't any, because unlike you, I learned a lot in these years.

He starts moving towards the entrance of the inner room but suddenly gets attacked by Yuki from behind.

Entity 303: (She can still fight?)

He gets blown away by the hit. She rushes toward him and strikes him again but he spawns a slime to block the hit and covers himself in water.

Entity 303: You surprised me that time, but you can not defeat me like this. You have taken a lot of damage and are about to reach your limit.

Yuki: You're forgetting, I like rough boys.

Choso appears behind him.

Few hours ago:

Choso: I don't care as long as I kill him.

Yuki: That is fine, but hear out my plan first. I will have him use his glitched domain first. Notch will dismantle it and then you can surprise attack him.

Choso: Even then I should go first. He won't use his glitched domain if he expects me to tag in. He needs to think I'm beaten and can't do anything. For that, I will fight him first, and then you appear.


Choso shoots him with his laser. Yuki then strikes him blowing him away.

Choso: Heal yourself first.

Choso rushes toward him.

Yuki: Thanks.

Choso stabs him before he can react. He then throws him toward Yuki who prepares to strike him and runs toward him as well to strike him from opposite sides. They suddenly get knocked back.

Yuki: (The knockback ability.)

She gets up and rushes toward him. Entity 303 spawns a ravager but Yuki blows it away using her arrow. She gets close to him but suddenly gets blown away. Entity 303 had spawned a black spawn egg which he threw it at her. It was a mini Uzumaki that used the attack of a few mobs, that hit her directly, blowing her away.

Yuki: (Shit.)

Choso: IVOR!!!

Yuki: Notch, get him out of here.

The floor beneath Choso suddenly opens dropping him inside.

Yuki: (Sorry Choso, but I already asked Notch to get you out of here if this happens. You have to fight alongside Player.)

Entity 303: What can you even do now?

Suddenly Notch appears in front of him.

Entity 303: What have you come to watch?

Notch: Just how far you are willing to go.

Entity 303: I'll show you once I control you.

Suddenly the room around them glitches.

He turns around to see Yuki already glitching. Notch disappears.

Entity 303: (It was a distraction?)

Yuki: My glitched domain is different from everyone else. I can only use it once. As soon as it is activated, the entire area explodes in a massive explosion, leaving nothing behind. Not even me. I'm sorry but, you fail.

The entire room explodes. The surrounding building starts collapsing. Notch steps outside from his inner room.

Notch: It is over.

Entity 303: Unfortunately for you, it is.

Notch: How did you?

Entity 303: Just before the explosion, I spawned an enderman and teleported away. I barely survived. I thought I was really a goner. Choso surprised me and Yuki really proved herself to be a special grade. Now then, let's do this Notch. Finally, you are mine to control.