Chapter 8: Part 2

- Silas -

We came back to the shop and I went ahead to take a bath.

That fight had left my clothes destroyed but it was enlightening.

I hadn't been in a fight like this as most of my fights had been over in single hits.

Todo however was strong and fast. He was able to adapt to my technique with a single look. To be honest, I could have stopped him easily if I used magic but if I did that, it would be hard to learn about my Innate Cursed technique.

This spar was very necessary because of this reason.

I did however test out my new technique.


It was extremely useful.

Over the course of fighting, I could analyse my opponent's fighting style completely and predict where he was about to come and attack.

It was because of this that I was able to react to Todo's attacks so quickly and then adapt to his fighting style.

It was still a far cry from Rimuru's Great Sage but a very welcome addition.

The skill basically allowed me to think at very fast speeds and increased my rate of learning and understanding.

Thought Acceleration and Comprehension Boost was always good.

Not only that, even my healing had become faster.

The wounds I had received from the fight already seemed a bit lighter.

I walked down the stairs and heard the students talking happily with each other.

"Ohh, so you like tall girls. I see. Take this, Sexy Jutsu, tall girl version." I heard Naruto's voice and then two shouts of cheering.

"Y-y-you are my new brother!" I heard Todo's voice just before loud smacks were heard.

Finally, reaching the Restaurant, I saw Naruto, Todo and Yuji sitting on the ground holding their heads.

"Stop teaching the kid bad things!" I heard another shout there.

The girl, Maki, seemed to be fuming while standing behind them while Miu was continuously apologising to the rest.

I could already guess what had happened here.

With a sigh, I went towards where Sakura was sitting with Shoko-san.

Shoko-san checked on me. "Hmm, your wounds are already healing." She said before observing it a bit more and then looked at Sakura. "Here. This is how we use the Reverse Curse Technique for healing." With that, she used her technique and I could see my wounds disappear at a visible rate. "At complete mastery, one can even regrow lost limbs and internal organs….even during a fight. A good example of this would be Gojo who continuously uses this technique to heal his brain which gets continuously fried up due to the stress of keeping his Limitless Technique active at all times."

"Did you get it?" She asked when the healing was done.


"What?" I asked, confused.

"Well, this is how the Reverse Cursed Technique is done. You go like this and then change it into this and there, it's all done."


I looked towards the others and Gojo-san was laughing while Nanami-sensei just massaged his head.

"Shoko is a natural at this technique. She….is also very bad at explaining."

"Huh! I am not bad at explaining. It's just common sense." She complained. "You guys didn't get it?" She turned towards us and asked. "Go on and try it."

Sakura turned towards me and put her hands up over another cut on my cheek and I felt the sting disappear completely. I touched the place and sure enough, the wound was done.

I looked at Sakura, surprised.

She learned it from that?

"See, Sakura-chan understood. You all are just dumb." She scoffed at the rest who were all looking at Sakura, dumbfounded.

I needed to see it again.

"Can you do it once more, please?" I asked and she nodded and I went and sat down on one of the chairs and pulled up the sleeves of my shirt, showing them more cuts.

Sakura sat beside me and proceeded to heal all the injuries on my right hand.

While she was doing this, I decided to use my last untested skill.



I saw her Cursed Energy flow from two sources. One from her brain and the other from her stomach and intertwining together to produce and energy, completely different from any of the sources.

This energy was then used to heal the wounds.

Sage helped me understand the process while Sakura was healing me.

"Thanks Sakura. I think I get it now. Let me try once for myself." I said and controlled my Cursed Energy in the same way. Magic Manipulation helped a bit with it.

The two energies intertwined together and the new type of energy formed which I then applied on my left hand.

Sure enough, the wounds were healing slowly. It was regenerating the flesh in my wounds and in just a few seconds, every small cut in my arm was healed.

I was looking at my arm in wonder when I suddenly realised that the entire place had become quiet so I looked around. Everyone was staring at me dumbfoundedly.

"Did you just?" Nanami-sensei asked.

I nodded. "Yes. It's actually quite easy once you know what you are doing." I replied.

"No. No it's not. We all know the theory but it's very hard to do it in practice. Sakura, I can understand but how did you do it?"

"Hmm, I used my new magic to analyse the whole technique and then copied the flow of Cursed Energy to imitate the process. It worked."


"It's something I got yesterday. It can analyse different phenomena. This is actually the first time I have used it so I didn't know much about it either."

They asked me some more questions and about what exactly I had analysed while giving me their own explanation.

The basic explanation was that the reverse cursed technique processes negative energy into positive energy by taking two sources of cursed energy and multiplying them by one another. As a result, the energy that destroys becomes energy that creates, and negative energy becomes positive.

This positive energy is then used for various purposes but most commonly for healing. It is also extremely dangerous when used against Cursed Spirits which are composed entirely of Cursed or Negative Energy. When attacked with Positive Energy, they tend to disintegrate the Cursed Spirits entirely.

It was however not that easy to use.

The Multiplication part was extremely hard, even for prodigies like Gojo-san who only got it on the verge of death in a fight. The healing part is also easier if the user heals themselves but they are not able to heal others as efficiently.

As Nanami-sensei said, Shoko-san really was a natural at this.

"I have a question." Miu, who was listening to us, asked from the side.

"Yes?" Shoko-san asked.

"Umm, you all can heal and even regrow flesh then….umm….why don't you completely heal…."

"Maki and Todo?" Shoko-san completed.

Miu apologised or rather was about to apologise to them but they waved it off.

"That's because cursed wounds cannot be healed completely. Maki was burned by the flames of a Special Grade Curse and Todo also got the injuries similarly."

"Ah….I am sorry."

"Really?" I asked, taken aback.


I suddenly remembered something and went to my room and came back with the bottle of potion Rimuru had given me. This thing was also very good at healing so I wonder if this will work.

"What is this? Some kind of drink?" Shoko-san asked.

I got a cup and poured some in it and then looked at Maki. "This is something my friend gave me. It's a healing potion."

"Like in the RPGs?" Yuji asked.

"Kinda similar. I want to see if this will work for your injuries. Would you like to try?"

She looked at the cup unsurely. "What do I need to do, drink this?"

"You can drink this or apply this to your wounds. Let's try applying first and see if it works." I suggested.

She took some drops of the potion in her hand and applied it over her burn marks and in front of the surprised eyes of everyone, the wounds started healing.

Her skin returned to normal.


"Try drinking it." I suggested.

She nodded, now confident and drank the entire thing in one gulp.

The change was instant.

Her burnt skin was slowly transformed into a healthy one. The change began on her face and then spread to her whole body slowly and in just a few seconds, she was completely healed.

She looked at her hands and then at her reflection and I could see that her eyes were slightly moist.

Her friends cheered for her.

I looked at Aoi but he raised his hand directly. "No! This scar is my mark of honour. Also I think it looks cool."


"I see. Good luck with that." I gave the guy a thumb's up.

Nanami-sensei however did use the potion and for the first time I saw the burn marks under the sleeves of his shirts and the side of his body.


I was reminded again how dangerous this profession was.

"Say, how much of this potion can you get from your friend?" Shoko-san asked me, taking a look at the potion.

"That….I don't know. He just gave me a jug full. I didn't ask for much as I didn't have any need for it."

"Can we talk to this friend of yours? Maybe buy some of this potion from him?"

"I will talk to him and see what he wants."

"That would be greatly helpful."

The atmosphere was very happy at the moment so we partied after that.

I found something else during this time.


"Call me Maki." She interrupted.

"Alright then, Maki. I….cannot sense any Cursed Energy from you." I asked about something which had been confusing me for a long time now.

"That's because I don't have any." She answered with a shrug.


"I don't have any cursed energy or rather next to none. In fact, I need these glasses to even see spirits." She then went on to explain about her Clan.

The Zenin Clan were one of the three biggest clans of Sorcerers in Japan along with the Gojo Clan and the Kamo Clan.

There was however a very big problem with the family. The Zenin clan values powerful cursed techniques above all else and rejects their own family members if they don't deem their power acceptable.

Those idiots had even rejected Megumi's father, Toji Zenin because he was born with no Cursed Energy, even when that guy was the one who had brought Gojo-san, the strongest sorcerer in the world, closest to death.

Maki also left the clan to become a sorcerer as a way to spite the other members of her clan. The Clan also didn't back down. They have actively prevented her promotion all this time so she was still a Grade 4 Sorcerer despite being much stronger.

The whole story left me feeling extremely bad for some reason. I couldn't understand their thinking at all.