Micheal's Pov

"Say my name."

She didn't say anything. She hadn't said anything since the thrusting. She was different. Everything was different, but I cared less. She should be different. I paid her too much every time we met. I wanted to do wonders to her body, deify her skin, and soothe her stressed contours.

I was drunk. I had too many drinks, but I was still in charge. I had a thrust... two thrusts... three thrusts... until... until she bursts fully into me. That wasn't enough, was it?

I can barely make out her face in the dark. She didn't bother to switch the lights on like she used to. Everything was just out of place. I was tempted to ask, "Who are you?"

After her bursting, I splayed her out on the bed. Her thighs squeezed involuntarily; I was about to do dirty things to her. The intensity of my touch pushed a moan out of her as I climbed onto the bed, covering my body with her. The heat from her body was enticing.

I wasn't demanding; I commanded. I wrapped an arm around her waist. "You moan only when I tell you too." I growled in her ears, and she nodded. "Good girl." My hand slipped down her waist, and I grabbed her ass, "Moan!" I growled before chuckling.

"Yes," she whispered, "yes, Nicole."

I didn't hear her well, but I was not interested in what she was saying. I wanted to satisfy her. My hand dropped lower, dangerously and skillfully lower. "Who," she barely started to say, when my finger pressed against her core. She must have bitten her lip to stop the moan.

"You are soaking wet, fuck," my finger pushed harder through the slimy walls of her core, and heavy tremors of excitement rushed through me. She grabbed my shoulder as a finger slipped past the supposed place it should and into her eager fold.

"I…you…oh my God," Words failed her? That was the plan; even in this state of liquor, I knew what I was doing.

"Don't stop, please!" She yelled like a sabre-toothed tiger. It was the best. It should have lasted longer, but I was beginning to feel sober. The alcohol had begun to ebb away with the hot sex and foreplay. I didn't want to go any further.

I wanted to clean up and send Michelle off. I walked to the bathroom and washed my face. The room was still dark, but I switched on the bathroom light. It was daybreak already. Michelle and I hardly slept for two hours before we were back in each other's arms. I was going to tip her handsomely for this.

I was about to prepare my bath water when I began to hear my phone ring. I came out of the bathroom and skillfully walked naked to where the cellphone lay. I picked the phone up, and I stared at it. I rubbed my eyes to be sure I saw the right thing. My heart raced really fast when I saw the number flashing on the screen. It was the hospital. My mind went blank as I answered.


"Mr. Michael, it's Dr. Smith. I'm sorry to say this, but your grandmother's condition has taken a turn for the worse. She's asking for you."

I felt like I'd been punched in the gut. I hadn't been expecting this call, and it hits me like a ton of bricks. I tried to process what I've just heard. How had she gotten worse? The surgery she had was a success.

"Okay...I'll be right there." I managed to stammer and hung up. I got dressed immediately and picked up my keys. I didn't waste time; once I was out of the hotel reception, I raced to my car and hopped in.

As I drove to the hospital, my thoughts were consumed by memories of my grandmother. Her warm smile, her infectious laughter, her unwavering support. I couldn't bear the thought of losing her.

When did her sickness start? About three months ago, she had slumped while talking to me, and that was it. The beginning of the disease identified as 'cancer', the beginning of her pain and cries, and the constant in and out of the hospital. I couldn't bear the thoughts of losing her; she was all I had.

I got to the hospital and more or less raced to the reception and was about to use the elevator when a nurse by the counter stopped me. The nurse was a gorgeous blonde beauty with rosy cheeks and pink lips. Her chest was full, and she stood erect.

Even in this state, I still admire a woman. God damn you, Michael.

"Mr. Alista." She called.

I went to her and asked, "What is it?"

"Excuse me, sir, but your grandmother has been moved to another ward."

"Then can you tell me where she is?"

The nurse looked down at her paperwork, her expression sympathetic. "Let me check," she typed something into the computer, her eyes scanning the screen. "Yes, your grandmother is in room 314."

I thanked the nurse and made my way to the elevators, my heart heavy with fear. When I got to the third floor, I searched for room 314 and found it. As I entered, I saw my grandmother lying in bed, her eyes sunken, her skin pale, but when she saw me, a faint smile crossed her lips.

"Michael," she whispers, her voice inaudible.

I stood for a while. There she lay, like she was forgotten. I didn't want to see her like this; I couldn't get the fact out of my mind that the woman lying on the bed was my grandmother. "I'm here, Ma."

"Thank goodness you are." She said and raised her hands up.

"Ma, what is wrong with you? You were fine yesterday; what went wrong?"

My eyes were fixed on her frail figure. She lay there, her eyes sunken, her skin pale, but her gaze still held a hint of steel. She stared at me for a long moment, as if collecting her thoughts, before speaking in a weak voice.

"Michael, I've worked hard to build our empire. I've fought tooth and nail for every dollar, every deal, every success, and every accomplishment. And I've done it all for you, for our family's legacy." Her words were slow, so slow and low.

She paused, her chest rising and falling with laboured breaths; that alone scared me. "I want to know that everything I've built will be in good hands when I'm gone. And that's where you come in, Michael."

"I will do anything for you, Ma; you know I will." And that was true.

Her eyes locked onto mine, piercing and intense. "I want you to get married, Michael. I want you to find a suitable bride and settle down."

What she said wouldn't have bothered me until she added, "And I want it done within the next 24 hours."

"What?" My mind raced as I tried to process her demand. Married? In 24 hours? It was absurd. "Ma, that is not possible.

She gave a small smile. "If you don't, Michael," she continued, her voice firm, "I'll leave everything to charity. You'll inherit nothing. I already told Thomas to get everything ready; if by that time you still don't have a bride and I die, everything leaves you. Do you understand?"

"Ma…" The mention of the man called Thomas made me know she was serious; he was the family lawyer; it was safe to say he was only Ma's lawyer.

"Leave, Michael."

"But, Ma–"

She closed her eyes, and that indicated that the conversation was over. I slowly left her side and made my way to the door. As I left the hospital room, I felt like I was walking into a living nightmare. Find a bride in 24 hours or lose everything. The clock was ticking; it was exactly 6 AM, and I know my time starts now, yet I had no fucking idea where to start.

"Oh damnation!" I cursed into the still atmosphere, as if it would send me a bride from heaven.