Alaina's POV

I wasn't the same since Taylor came over to see me that day. I could feel the weight of the world pressing down on me as I went on with my day.

It was no exception today. I was at the cafe pouring a customer's coffee into a cup. The steam ride in soft spirals, curling like memories I couldn't shake. Memories of that day—of Taylor's face when he told me he wasn't the man who had slept with me. Of the hollow pit that had opened up inside of me when I realized I didn't know whose body had tangled with mine in that haze of alcohol and regret.

Damn! Even if I had wanted to spend a night with another man aside from Nicole in years, it should be with someone I knew, not a total stranger.

I swallowed hard as I managed to smile with the customer. My throat was tight and I wasn't sure if it was anxiety gnawing at me or the sour taste of that night that lingered in my mouth, despite the passage of weeks.