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Haruka's headset buzzed with another incoming call just as she finished jotting down notes from her previous conversation. Taking a deep breath, she clicked to answer. 

"This is Haruka from Love 119. How can I assist you today?" she greeted, her voice calm and collected. 

"Hi," a soft, wistful voice responded on the other end. "I… I don't know if you can help me. This is probably a long shot, but I needed someone to talk to." 

"That's alright," Haruka reassured her. "Why don't you start from the beginning? I'm here to listen." 

The caller let out a soft sigh. "Okay. So… a few weeks ago, I went to this art exhibition in the city. I wasn't even planning to go, but my friends convinced me last minute. And while I was there, I met this guy." 

Haruka tilted her head slightly, her pen hovering over her notepad. "Go on," she encouraged. 

"He was… different," the caller continued, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "Not in some grand, over-the-top way. He was kind, thoughtful, and so easy to talk to. We spent hours wandering through the exhibit together, talking about everything—art, life, even the little things like favorite childhood memories." 

"Did you exchange contact information?" Haruka asked gently. 

"No," the caller replied, the regret in her voice unmistakable. "I wanted to, but I hesitated. It felt like something out of a movie, you know? Like if I asked for his number, I'd ruin the magic. So, I didn't." 

Haruka frowned sympathetically. "And you haven't seen or heard from him since?" 

"No," the caller admitted, her tone heavy. "I don't even know his last name. All I know is that he loves Van Gogh and that he's from a nearby city. I've been back to the gallery a couple of times, hoping I'd run into him, but… nothing." 

Haruka paused, considering her response. "It sounds like that meeting was really meaningful to you. Sometimes, these kinds of connections happen for a reason, even if they're fleeting." 

"But what if it wasn't supposed to be fleeting?" the caller asked desperately. "What if I missed my chance?" 

"That's always a possibility," Haruka admitted gently. "But sometimes, the universe has a way of surprising us. If it's meant to be, you might cross paths again when you least expect it. In the meantime, cherish the memory for what it was. It's not every day we meet someone who leaves that kind of impression on us." 

The caller sniffled softly, her voice trembling. "I just… I wish I could see him again. Even just to say thank you for that day." 

"You never know," Haruka said, her tone warm and hopeful. "Keep your heart open. And who knows? Maybe he's thinking about you too, hoping for another chance to meet." 

The caller let out a shaky laugh. "You're good at this, you know that? Thank you. I feel a little less hopeless now." 

"That's what I'm here for," Haruka said softly. "Take care of yourself, and don't hesitate to call again if you need someone to talk to." 

"Thank you, Haruka. Really," the caller said before the line disconnected. 

Haruka removed her headset for a moment, leaning back in her chair. Stories like this always tugged at her heartstrings. A fleeting connection, a missed opportunity—she wondered how many people in the world carried similar stories with them. 

As she prepared for the next call, she couldn't help but think about her own life. Was she letting moments slip by, just like the caller? Or was she waiting for the right timing, the right spark? 

With a deep breath, she shook off the thought. There was always another call waiting, and another story to hear.   

Haruka leaned back in her chair, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions. *I only saw Takumi as my senior, not as a romantic interest.

Besides, I gave up on romance a long time ago, after…* She shook her head, unwilling to finish the thought. The memories of the trauma from last year lingered in the back of her mind, but she pushed them away. 

As she mumbled softly to herself, her phone buzzed with her final call of the day. She straightened her posture and pressed the button to answer, her professional tone slipping back into place. 

"This is Haruka from Love 119. How can I assist you today?" 

The caller's voice was soft but filled with nervous excitement. "Hi, um, I hope it's okay that I'm calling. I've never done this before—called a hotline, I mean. But I really need advice." 

"Of course," Haruka replied warmly. "Take your time. What's on your mind?" 

The caller hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Well, I've recently started dating someone. It's my first real relationship, and it's been amazing. We met online a few months ago, and we just… clicked. We've been on a few dates, and he's so sweet, thoughtful, and everything I've ever dreamed of." 

"That sounds wonderful," Haruka said with a smile in her voice. "But I'm guessing there's something about the situation that's troubling you?" 

The caller sighed. "Yeah. My best friend doesn't approve of him. She keeps saying I'm rushing into things, or that he's probably not who he says he is. She's convinced he's hiding something." 

Haruka scribbled notes as she listened. "Has your best friend met him?" 

"Not yet," the caller admitted. "She refuses to. She says meeting someone online isn't 'real' and that I'm setting myself up to get hurt. But… I don't know. When I'm with him, it feels so right. It's like I've known him forever." 

Haruka paused, considering her response. "It sounds like you trust him and value what you've built together, which is great. At the same time, it's normal for your best friend to be protective. She probably just wants what's best for you, even if she's going about it the wrong way." 

"That's what I keep telling myself," the caller said softly. "But it's hard. I feel like I'm being torn between two important people in my life." 

Haruka's voice remained gentle. "Relationships—whether romantic or platonic—can sometimes clash. But this is your journey, and you deserve to explore this connection if it feels right to you. That said, it's also worth having an open conversation with your best friend. Share how you feel, and maybe ask her to meet him. It might help her see him in a different light." 

"You think so?" the caller asked, her tone tinged with hope. 

"It could," Haruka replied. "It's possible she's reacting out of fear or concern. If she sees that he makes you happy, she might come around. But remember, this is your life and your happiness. You don't need anyone else's approval to pursue something meaningful." 

The caller let out a small laugh, sounding more relaxed. "You're really good at this. Thank you, Haruka. I think I needed to hear that." 

"You're welcome," Haruka said warmly. "Take things at your own pace, and don't let anyone rush you into decisions—whether it's your best friend or your partner." 

"Thanks again," the caller said before the line disconnected. 

As the call ended, Haruka removed her headset and leaned back in her chair, her shift officially over. She stared at her notepad, her thoughts drifting back to her own experiences. 

*It's their journey, not mine,* she reminded herself, but the echoes of her past heartache lingered. Romance, in all its forms, seemed so full of possibility yet fraught with risk. 

With a sigh, she stood and began packing her things. Tomorrow would bring more calls, more stories, and perhaps a bit more clarity—both for her callers and for herself.  

"Time to clock out, everyone!" Takumi's voice rang out, signaling the end of the workday. The office buzzed with the usual chatter as colleagues packed up their things, eager to head home after a long day of handling calls.

Haruka gathered her notepad, her pen, and her bag, glancing around at her coworkers. She waited until most of them had left, leaving the office quieter than before. 

Takumi was still at his desk, his eyes scanning over a few papers as he prepared to leave. Haruka hesitated for a moment, her heart beating a little faster than usual.

She had been meaning to speak with him for a while now, but the words never seemed to come out right. Today, however, she felt a sudden urge to address something that had been bothering her for weeks. 

Taking a deep breath, Haruka approached his desk. 

"Um, Takumi," she started, her voice soft but clear. "I need to talk to you. It's important." 

Takumi looked up from his papers, a small smile appearing on his face when he saw Haruka. He pushed his chair back and sat up straighter, giving her his full attention. "Sure, Haruka. What's on your mind?" 

Haruka stood there for a moment, unsure of how to begin. She had been so caught up in her own thoughts about Takumi and the things Aiko had said that she hadn't fully prepared for this conversation. Her hands fidgeted with the strap of her bag as she tried to find the right words. 

"I… I've been meaning to say something," Haruka finally said, her voice a little shaky. "I don't know if you've noticed, but I've been distant lately." 

Takumi's brow furrowed in concern. "I didn't want to push you, Haruka. I know you've been busy with work and everything, but you've seemed a little off. Is something bothering you?" 

Haruka bit her lip, the words spilling out before she could stop them. "It's not just work. It's… well, it's everything. I've been thinking about some things lately, and I need to get them off my chest." 

Takumi remained silent, waiting for her to continue. His expression was gentle, patient, and encouraging. 

"I know I've been keeping to myself a lot lately," Haruka continued, her eyes meeting his. "And I don't want you to think it's because of something you did, but I—" she paused, trying to calm her racing heart. "I've been pushing people away for a long time, and I've been so afraid to let anyone in, especially… when it comes to romance." 

Takumi's eyes softened as he listened. He set down the papers he had been holding, his full attention now on Haruka. "Haruka, I understand. You don't have to explain everything right now. But if there's something you need to say, I'm here to listen. I've always been here for you, you know that, right?" 

Haruka swallowed hard. She could feel the weight of his words, and a small part of her longed to reach out. But she couldn't—her past still loomed large, a barrier she hadn't been able to tear down. 

"I know," she whispered. "But I've been so afraid of... getting close to anyone again." She took a deep breath before adding, "I've been hurt before, Takumi. And I don't know if I can go through that again." 

Takumi remained silent for a long moment, his expression serious but understanding. Then, slowly, he stood up from his desk and took a small step closer to her, his tone softening. 

"Haruka…" he began gently, "I'm not asking for anything from you. I just want you to know that I'm here for you, no matter what. If you ever feel ready to open up or to take that step again, I'll be there, supporting you every step of the way." 

Haruka felt her chest tighten at his words, a mixture of relief and fear flooding through her. She looked at him, unsure of how to respond. 

"Thank you, Takumi," she said quietly, her voice thick with emotion. "I appreciate that more than you know." 

Takumi smiled, his eyes warm with sincerity. "Take all the time you need, Haruka. I'm not going anywhere." 

For a moment, Haruka simply stood there, allowing the comfort of his words to wash over her. Despite the weight of her past, Takumi's kindness felt like a lifeline, a reminder that not all connections were destined to end in heartbreak. 

As she turned to leave, she glanced back at him. "I'll be okay, Takumi. I just needed to say it out loud." 

Takumi nodded, his gaze following her as she walked away. "Whenever you're ready to talk again, I'll be here." 

Haruka gave him a small, grateful smile before heading toward the door. She had no idea what the future held or if she was ready to let go of the past, but for the first time in a long while, she felt like she could take the next step—whenever that might be. 

When Haruka finally arrived home that evening, the quiet of her apartment greeted her like a warm embrace. It was a small, cozy space, just enough for her to feel comfortable after a long day of work.

The familiar hum of the refrigerator and the soft glow of the lights overhead made everything feel just right, as if her apartment had been waiting for her to unwind.

She kicked off her shoes by the door, slipping into her comfortable slippers, and went straight to the living room. After a long day of managing emotions and listening to other people's heartaches, she was more than ready to just relax.

Haruka threw her bag onto the couch and collapsed beside it, kicking her feet up on the coffee table as she let out a long, contented sigh.

The phone call with Naoki earlier still lingered in her mind. She hadn't expected him to open up in that way, but there was something about his sincerity that made her feel… lighter. It had been a while since anyone had shown such genuine care for her without expecting anything in return.

Haruka had always prided herself on being independent, but it was nice to be seen for once—not just as the call center agent offering advice, but as someone worth listening to.

She glanced at her phone, and her heart skipped when she noticed a text message from Takumi. *Hey Haruka, how's your evening going?*

Haruka smiled softly at the message, her fingers hovering over the screen. She hadn't expected him to reach out to her outside of work, but she couldn't help the warmth spreading through her chest. *Should I reply?* she thought, but then quickly typed out a response.

*It's going well. Just got home from work. How about you?*

She sent the message and then put her phone down on the coffee table, deciding to give herself a break from thinking too much. Her mind had been racing all day, and she needed some peace.

She stood up and went to the kitchen, rummaging through the fridge to prepare a light dinner. The routine of chopping vegetables, heating up the stove, and stirring the pot was comforting. As she cooked, her mind wandered back to Takumi's words from the other day. *I'm here for you, no matter what.* 

She didn't know what to make of it yet—whether it was just friendly support or something deeper. But for the first time in a long while, Haruka felt like maybe she could trust someone again.

Her phone buzzed once more, pulling her back to the present. She glanced at the screen and saw that Takumi had replied.

*Just finished up some paperwork. Want to grab coffee sometime?*

Haruka's fingers hovered above the screen again, her heart pounding lightly in her chest. *Coffee with Takumi...* she thought. It was simple, casual, and yet, for some reason, it made her nervous.

Before she could overthink it, she typed a quick reply: *Sure, I'd like that.*

She stared at the message for a few seconds, a small smile playing on her lips, before hitting "send." As soon as the message was sent, she felt a mix of excitement and uncertainty—what was she doing? Was she ready for this? 

But before she could spiral into another round of self-doubt, the sound of a soft knock on her door startled her. Haruka froze, glancing toward the door in confusion. *Who could that be?*

She walked cautiously over and peeked through the peephole, her eyes widening when she saw who it was. Takumi was standing outside her door, his hands shoved in his pockets and his expression unreadable.

"Takumi?" she asked, her voice a little surprised. 

Takumi gave her a small smile and stepped forward. "Hey, I know this is a little spontaneous, but I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd drop by for that coffee we talked about." He held up a small paper bag. "I brought some coffee from that cafe you like. Hope that's okay." 

Haruka blinked, a little stunned by his unexpected appearance. For a moment, she didn't know what to say. But then, something inside her shifted, and she felt that familiar warmth again, the kind that made her realize she wasn't as alone as she had felt in the past year.

With a soft smile, she opened the door. "I didn't expect you to actually come by," Haruka said, her voice quieter than usual. "But I'd love some coffee."

Takumi's smile grew a little wider. "I thought we could talk. I mean, you didn't really get a chance to tell me everything yesterday, and I didn't want to rush you."

Haruka stepped aside to let him in, still processing his words. "You're right. I didn't really explain things properly. I guess… I'm not quite sure what I'm doing with my own feelings."

Takumi chuckled softly as he set the coffee on the small table in her living room. "No one really does. I think we all just do our best."

As Takumi sat down, Haruka joined him, her heart pounding slightly in her chest. She had no idea where this conversation would lead, but for the first time in a long time, she wasn't afraid to find out.

"Takumi, you're a great senior and mentor but I have to be honest with you and myself. I only see you as my boss and we're very different from each other. You're wise and ahead of your time, while as for me, I'm just figuring things out, you know? But for you, it seems you've got everything under control. Just like what Aoki said, I'm just another young teen who doesn't know what she's doing," Haruka continued, her voice barely above a whisper as she stared at the coffee in her hands, avoiding Takumi's gaze.

Takumi was silent for a moment, his expression unreadable. The air between them grew heavy with tension, and Haruka could feel the weight of her words lingering in the space. She hadn't meant to sound so unsure of herself, but the truth was that she felt lost. 

Takumi finally broke the silence, his voice soft but steady. "Haruka, I know you feel like you're still figuring things out, but you're more capable than you give yourself credit for. Just because you're uncertain now doesn't mean you won't find your way. And as for Aoki…" He paused, his eyes narrowing slightly as if weighing his next words carefully. "Aoki's view is just one perspective. You don't have to let that define who you are or what you're capable of." 

Haruka looked up at him, surprised by the firmness in his voice. She had expected him to dismiss her feelings, to brush it off as something trivial. Instead, Takumi seemed genuinely concerned, as if her self-doubt had touched something deeper in him. 

"I… I never asked for anyone's pity or to be seen as a kid," Haruka said quietly, her voice a little shaky. "I know I'm still young, and I haven't figured out everything yet, but I don't want to be underestimated." 

Takumi nodded slowly, understanding the frustration in her words. He reached over and gently placed a hand on hers, his touch comforting yet firm. "I never thought of you as a kid, Haruka. You've got a strength in you that not many people do. You're just... finding your path, like all of us. And that's okay." 

Haruka felt her heart rate increase at the warmth of his touch, the sincerity in his voice. It wasn't the first time he had been kind to her, but something about this moment felt different. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. 

"But Takumi, what if I can't live up to those expectations? What if I can't ever be as sure of myself as you are?" she asked, the vulnerability slipping through her words despite her best efforts to stay composed. 

Takumi's eyes softened, and he let go of her hand, but not before giving her an encouraging smile. "Haruka, it's okay to not have all the answers. It's okay to not know everything right now. The important thing is that you're trying. That's all anyone can really ask for. And if you ever need guidance, I'm here. Not as a mentor, but as someone who cares about you. Just take your time." 

Haruka's heart fluttered, the mixture of gratitude and something deeper flooding her chest. *Why does it feel like something more than just mentorship?* she thought, but before she could dwell on it, Takumi spoke again. 

"Don't let others tell you who you are or what you should be, Haruka. Especially not Aoki." 

Haruka smiled softly, feeling a warmth spread through her that had nothing to do with the coffee in her cup. Takumi's words gave her a new sense of confidence, even if only a little. *Maybe she was right.*

She was still figuring it out, but she didn't have to do it alone. And maybe, just maybe, there was more to her relationship with Takumi than she had allowed herself to believe. 

"Thanks, Takumi. I really needed to hear that," Haruka said, feeling a small but genuine smile tug at the corners of her lips. 

Takumi returned her smile, though there was something different in his eyes. "Anytime, Haruka. Anytime." 

And for the first time in a long time, Haruka allowed herself to believe that maybe, just maybe, she was starting to figure things out.

Haruka took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart, before meeting Takumi's gaze. "But you do know I'm not looking for romance," she said softly, her voice almost apologetic as she looked down at her hands. "I appreciate everything you've said, and I value you as a mentor and a friend. But after everything... I just don't think I'm ready for anything more."

Takumi's expression softened, and he leaned back in his chair, nodding slowly. He didn't look surprised, just understanding. It was almost as if he'd expected this. "I know, Haruka," he replied quietly, his voice steady but tinged with something else—respect, maybe? "I'm not trying to pressure you into anything. I understand that you've been through a lot, and you're still healing. I don't want to complicate things for you."

Haruka felt a wave of relief wash over her. The weight she hadn't even realized she was carrying seemed to lift slightly. It felt good to finally say it out loud, to voice the truth that had been sitting in her chest for so long. "I just don't want you to get the wrong idea. I don't want to hurt anyone, and especially not you," she added, a hint of guilt creeping into her words.

Takumi gave her a reassuring smile, though it was tinged with a slight sadness. "Haruka, I get it. You're important to me, but I'm not going to make things uncomfortable for you. I can't help how I feel, but I also respect your boundaries."

The sincerity in his voice made her chest tighten, but she pushed the feeling aside. *I don't need romance right now,* she thought. *I'm not ready for that kind of relationship. Not yet.*

"Thank you," Haruka murmured, her voice soft but filled with gratitude. "That means a lot to me."

Takumi nodded, his eyes warm. "You don't have to thank me. I just want you to be happy and comfortable. Whatever that looks like for you."

The silence that fell between them was quiet, but it wasn't uncomfortable. They were two people, standing at different places in life, but still willing to support each other in their own ways.

Haruka knew there was something about Takumi that made him trustworthy. Maybe one day she would be ready for more, but for now, she could feel something blossoming between them—a friendship, built on understanding and respect.

"I think that's what I need right now," she said, finally meeting his gaze with a soft smile. "Just to figure things out. Without any pressure."

Takumi smiled back at her, and there was something in his expression—hope, maybe—that made Haruka's heart flutter despite herself. "That's all anyone can ask for," he said quietly.

For a moment, neither of them spoke. The world outside the window seemed to pause, and Haruka realized that, for the first time in a long time, she wasn't afraid of her future.

Whatever came next—whether it was with Takumi as a mentor, a friend, or maybe even something more someday—she would take it one step at a time. And that was enough for now.

"Well," Takumi said, breaking the silence, "I should get going. But I'm glad we talked."

Haruka nodded, standing up as well. "Me too. Thanks for the coffee and the chat, Takumi. I really needed it."

"Anytime, Haruka," Takumi said with a gentle smile, his eyes sincere. "Anytime."

As Haruka watched him leave, she felt a sense of peace settle within her. There was still a lot she had to figure out, but for the first time in a while, it didn't seem so daunting.

Maybe one day she'd be ready for romance again, but for now, she was content with the friendships she was building and the space she was giving herself to heal.

•~• End of 03 •~•