Chrysa's Heritage

Harry turned the Premier Ball in his palm, sunlight glinting off the polished surface. The white sphere with its crimson band had become a regular weight since yesterday. Inside, Chrysa slumbered peacefully - he could sense her through their familiar bond.

"Still nothing." Nicolas lowered his wand with a sigh. Blue detection magic faded from the surface of the pokéballs spread across the garden table. "These spheres really do resist analysis just like your Elixir of Life, no matter what I try."

Perenelle walked out from the cottage, carrying a small cloth-wrapped package. "Some sandwiches for Chrysa. She'll need her strength." She placed the bundle in Harry's enchanted pouch. "And yes, I know you don't need much food, but please eat something if you get hungry."

Harry nodded, attaching the Premier Ball to his charmed belt alongside the bag of ten regular pokéballs. "I'll be careful. Just going to test these in the forest west of here."

"The one with the forest trolls and graphorn herd?" Nicolas raised an eyebrow. "Well, I know you can handle them, just make sure to keep your distance..."

"I will." Harry checked his gear one final time. The representation of the Hero's Journal appeared on his belt as always, ready to hint at possible adventures if they popped up. "Back before dark."

Perenelle pulled him into a quick hug. "Have fun exploring."

Harry walked to the edge of the garden wards. Morning dew dampened his boots as he moved through the tall grass. When he reached the boundary line, he transformed. Feathers sprouted across his body as his bones hollowed and reshaped. Within seconds, a Golden Eagle stood where Harry had been.

He spread his wings wide, feeling the breeze ruffle his feathers. After several strong beats against the air, he soared upward into the sky. From above, the cottage shrank until it became a tiny speck. A warm thermal current lifted him westward.

Below him was an ever-changing view. Fields of crops transitioned into gentle hills where patches of forest grew. His sharp eagle eyes noticed every detail of the world beneath - in the tall grass, a fox moved stealthily. Wheat swayed in waves across the fields. Through wisps of morning mist, a group of deer wandered together.

A flash of silver caught his eye. A unicorn mare and foal crossed a meadow, their hooves barely touching the ground. The foal pranced around its mother, pure golden in the sunlight. Harry banked slightly, carried by another thermal as he watched them disappear into the treeline.

The sun climbed higher as Harry continued west. Below, the terrain grew wilder. Patches of marsh appeared between hills, dark water gleaming. The forest he sought appeared on the horizon - ancient trees rising like a wall of green. This particular woodland was known to house various magical creatures, including trolls, dugbogs, a herd of graphorns and more...

Harry descended into a small clearing below. He kept his talons ready as the ground came closer. The transformation began right after his feet touched earth. Within moments, his body shifted back to human form. A quick stretch helped ease the stiffness from flying so long.

Life filled every corner of the clearing. The air buzzed with insects moving among bright wildflowers. Birds sang overhead in the leafy canopy. After unclipping the Premier Ball from his belt, Harry pushed its center button. In a flash of red light, Chrysa appeared on the ground, fast asleep.

The young Nemean Lion stirred and opened her eyes. She rose to stand on all fours before stretching our her muscles. A big yawn revealed her sharp teeth. She looked around the clearing, nose twitching at the new scents.

Harry knelt down next to his companion. "Sleep well? The Premier Ball must be cozy." From his pouch he retrieved several wrapped sandwiches. "Look what Aunt Nelle prepared for your breakfast."

Chrysa pounced on the wrapped sandwiches, purring as she tore through the cloth to reach the meat inside. Harry smiled and scratched behind her ears. "Easy there. We've got a whole day ahead of us."

A rustling in the undergrowth caught both their attention. Harry stood up, gesturing for Chrysa to stay quiet. "Hear that? Sounds like something's moving in the marsh." He pulled out one of the red-and-white pokéballs, expanding it to full size. "Want to help me test these out?"

Chrysa finished the last bite of her sandwich and crouched low, ready to spring. Her golden fur gleamed as sunlight shone through the leaves above. Together, they quietly walked toward the edge of the clearing where the ground became softer and wetter.

The smell hit them first - stagnant water and rotting plants. Harry wrinkled his nose. "Definitely dugbogs around here." He pointed to disturbed mud near a fallen log. "See those tracks? Fresh ones."

A splash drew their eyes to a half-submerged shape. The dugbog's woody skin blended with the dead branches floating in the marsh, but Harry spotted the creature's movement. "There's our first target. Remember what Uncle Nick taught us about dugbogs? They might look like floating logs, but those teeth can snap right through-"

Chrysa didn't wait for him to finish. She jumped forward with a squeaky roar that made Harry laugh. "Wait up! We need a plan-"

The dugbog burst from the water, snapping at Chrysa with wood-like jaws. She batted at it with one paw, but the creature twisted away. Its tail swept through the mud, spraying them both with dark water.

"Nice try." Harry wiped mud from his face. "But dugbogs are quick in the water. Try herding it toward that fallen tree - cut off its escape route."

Chrysa circled around, forcing the dugbog away from deeper water. Each time it tried to dive, she blocked its path. Her movements were still uncoordinated - more playful cub than skilled hunter - but her natural strength made up for lack of technique.

The dugbog snapped at her legs. Chrysa jumped back with a startled yelp. "You're okay!" Harry called out. "Remember, you're a Nemean Lion. Those teeth can't hurt you."

Reassured, Chrysa pressed forward. The dugbog retreated until its back hit the fallen tree. Harry raised the pokéball, aiming carefully. "Now!"

The pokéball sailed through the air and struck the dugbog squarely. Red light surrounded the creature, pulling it inside the sphere. The ball dropped into the mud with a soft splash and wobbled once before bursting open. The dugbog reappeared, shaking itself and snapping angrily at them.

"Hmm." Harry ran towards it and quickly picked up the muddy pokéball, sidestepping a bite from the dugbog at the same time. "Looks like we need to weaken it first." He glanced at Chrysa. "Want to show this log with teeth what a Nemean Lion can do?"

Chrysa crouched low, tail swishing back and forth. The dugbog tried to retreat into deeper water, but she pounced forward. Her paw struck the creature's side with enough force to send it tumbling. Before it could recover, she grabbed it by what passed for a neck and shook hard.

The dugbog thrashed, but Chrysa's grip held firm. Her golden fur remained unscathed even when the creature's sharp teeth scraped against her. After several seconds, she dropped the now-battered dugbog onto a patch of wet grass.

"Good girl!" Harry readied another pokéball. "Let's try this again."

The second throw struck true. Red light consumed the dugbog once more. The ball fell into a shallow puddle and wobbled. Harry held his breath. A second wobble followed, then a sharp click echoed across the marsh.

"We did it!" Harry splashed through the mud to retrieve the pokéball. He held it up triumphantly while Chrysa jumped around him, chuffing excitedly. "Our first catch! Want to see what happens when we let it out?"

Chrysa sat down and tilted her head, watching as Harry expanded the ball again. He pointed it away from them and pressed the release button. The dugbog appeared in another flash of red light. But instead of attacking or fleeing, it simply lay there, watching them with calm eyes.

"Interesting." Harry knelt beside the creature. "The pokéball must affect their behavior somehow." He stretched out his hand slowly. The dugbog allowed him to touch its woody skin without complaint. "See that, Chrysa? Much friendlier now."

A distant crash interrupted their examination. Harry stood up quickly, recalling the dugbog into its ball. "Sounds like something big moving through the trees." He grinned at Chrysa. "Want to go investigate?"

Chrysa roared and jumped to her feet, already moving toward the sound. Harry followed, keeping his voice low. "Remember what I said yesterday - stay quiet until we know what we're dealing with." He pulled out a fresh pokéball. "This forest has all sorts of creatures. Could be that herd of graphorns..."

They left the marsh behind, moving deeper into the shadowy forest. Broken branches and deep footprints marked their path. Whatever made that noise was definitely large. Harry touched Chrysa's back gently. "Ready for another adventure?"

Chrysa rumbled softly in response, pressing close to Harry's side as they sneaked forward. The forest grew denser here - old growth trees towered above them, branches blocking most of the sunlight. Moss covered fallen logs while mushrooms sprouted in the perpetual shade.

Another crash echoed ahead, followed by the sound of splintering wood. Harry peered around a massive oak tree and sucked in a sharp breath. "Graphorn," he whispered to Chrysa. "And not just any graphorn - look at the size of those horns."

The creature stood nearly twelve feet tall, purple-gray hide rippling with muscle as it used its horns to strip bark from a young tree. Two pairs of legs, each as thick as Harry's torso, supported its massive bulk. The golden-tipped horns gleamed even in the dim forest light.

"Okay." Harry pulled Chrysa back behind the tree. "These are tough - tougher than dragons according to some books. We need a plan." He looked down at his companion. "Think you can dodge those horns?"

Chrysa puffed up her chest and made a quiet mrrow sound that clearly meant 'of course'.

"Right, silly question." Harry grinned and scratched under her chin. "Just remember - even with your invulnerable fur, those horns can still knock you around. I'll try to guide it with some fire, make it easier for you to-"

The graphorn's head snapped up, nostrils flaring. Before Harry could finish his sentence, the creature charged straight through the tree they were hiding behind. Splinters flew everywhere as the ancient oak shattered.

"Move!" Harry dove right while Chrysa sprang left. The graphorn's horns passed between them, missing by inches. It skidded to a stop, hooves gouging deep furrows in the earth.

Harry rolled to his feet, hands already moving. Blue flames burst from his palms, forming a curved wall that forced the graphorn to turn away from Chrysa. "Now! While it's distracted!"

Chrysa needed no encouragement. She launched herself at the graphorn's flank, claws seeking purchase on its tough hide. The larger beast bellowed and tried to shake her off, but she held on tight.

"Good girl!" Harry adjusted his stance, ready to redirect the graphorn if it charged again. "Try for the legs - might slow it down!"

The graphorn had other ideas. It reared up on its hind legs, nearly vertical as it attempted to crush Chrysa beneath its bulk. She released her grip just in time, landing gracefully while the ground shook from the graphorn's impact.

"Careful!" Harry sent another stream of azure flames to keep the creature turning in circles. "Watch the timing - just like we practiced with the training dummies!"

Chrysa growled in acknowledgment. She darted in and out, slowly wearing down the graphorn while avoiding its powerful kicks and horn strikes. But the beast was incredibly strong. Even when she managed to draw blood, it barely seemed to notice.

"This might take a while." Harry muttered. But that was half the fun, wasn't it? If he just overpowered the beast, Chrysa wouldn't learn anything…

Harry stepped back, watching Chrysa dart between the graphorn's legs. She was learning quickly - each attack more precise than the last. When the graphorn's horns swept low, she jumped over them instead of retreating. When it charged, she moved to the side at the last moment, scoring hits on its flanks.

"Remember what I taught you about timing?" Harry called out. He sent a small burst of fire near the graphorn's head, making it turn away from Chrysa. "Count the steps between charges. Most creatures follow a rhythm when they fight."

Chrysa's answering growl showed she understood. She circled the graphorn, matching its movements. The massive beast grew frustrated, unable to land a solid hit on the smaller but quicker opponent. Each time it tried to crush her, she was already gone.

"Perfect!" Harry grinned as Chrysa ducked another horn swipe. "Now try targeting the same spot. Even that hide will give way eventually."

The graphorn bellowed in rage when Chrysa's claws found the same wound repeatedly. Blood matted its purple-gray hide. Its charges became wilder, less coordinated. Harry noticed its breathing growing heavier, front legs trembling slightly.

"Almost there." He readied a pokéball. "One more good hit should-" 

A chorus of grunts interrupted him. Harry spun around to find five forest trolls walking out from the dense trees. They carried crude clubs and wore nothing but scraps of leather. The largest one pointed at Harry, speaking in a garbled mix of grunts and snarls.

"Oh, wonderful." Harry glanced between the trolls and the graphorn. "Chrysa! We've got company!"

The graphorn seized this moment of distraction. Its horns caught Chrysa in the side, sending her tumbling across the clearing. She rolled back to her feet, shaking her head to clear it. The hit hadn't pierced her invulnerable fur, but the impact still stunned her.

"Change of plans!" Harry moved to put himself between Chrysa and the approaching trolls. "Take down the graphorn. I'll handle our new friends."

The trolls spread out, trying to surround them. Harry kept his movements calm as azure flames sprang to life around his hands. He could burn them all in seconds, but that wasn't the point of this trip. Chrysa needed to learn, and he needed to practice working with her.

"Remember what we practiced?" Harry backed up until he stood beside Chrysa. "I'll keep them contained. You focus on one target at a time."

Chrysa rumbled in agreement, eyes locked on the wounded graphorn. The trolls were closing in, but Harry simply smiled. Azure fire burst towards them, and then erupted in a circle around them, causing the trolls to stumble back with surprised grunts as one of the smaller ones began swinging his club at the fire… doing nothing but charring his wooden weapon.

"Go!" Harry thrust his hands skyward, and the fire roared to the sky. "I've got these idiots. Show that graphorn what happens when it messes with a Nemean Lion!"

Chrysa launched herself at the graphorn. The beast tried to retreat, but Harry's fire had cut off its escape route. He kept most of his attention on maintaining the flame walls, but he couldn't help grinning as he watched Chrysa's assault.

She was learning so quickly. Each attack flowed into the next, no wasted movement or hesitation. The graphorn's superior size meant nothing against her speed and precision.

Blood poured from the graphorn's wounds as Chrysa struck the same spot again and again. The beast's movements grew sluggish, each bellow weaker than the last. Purple-gray hide, previously impenetrable, now hung in ragged strips where Chrysa's claws had done their work.

"HURGH!" The largest stupid forest troll slammed his club against Harry's fire wall. The wooden weapon burst into flames, making him drop it with a yelp. "GRAAAAH!"

"Oh, shut up." Harry rolled his eyes, keeping the azure flames steady. Another troll tried throwing rocks through the fire - they melted into slag before reaching Harry. "Chrysa! How are you doing over there?"

Chrysa answered with a proud mrrow as she ducked another clumsy charge from the graphorn. The massive creature stumbled, front legs buckling. Blood dripped steadily from multiple wounds along its flanks and belly.

"DURRRR!" A smaller troll pointed at Chrysa, jumping up and down while making frantic gestures at his companions. "HURGH DURGH!"

"No, you're not getting past these flames." Harry sent a tendril of fire to snap at the troll's feet, making him jump back. "Just watch the show. Chrysa's almost done."

The graphorn made one final attempt to gore Chrysa with its horns. She simply stepped aside and raked her claws across the largest wound. The beast crashed to its knees, sides heaving as blood pooled beneath it.

"Perfect!" Harry pulled out a fresh pokéball. He drew back his arm, aimed carefully, and threw. "Let's see if this works!"

The red and white sphere struck the graphorn's side. Red light enveloped the creature, drawing it inside. The ball dropped to the forest floor with a soft thud. One wobble. Two wobbles. Three...


"YES!" Harry punched the air in triumph. "Amazing work, Chrysa! Did you see how you wore it down? Uncle Nick will never believe you defeated a graphorn at such a young age!"

"DURGH?" The trolls stared at the spot where the graphorn had vanished. The largest one scratched his head in confusion. "HURGH DURGH?"

"Right, almost forgot about you lot." Harry lowered the fire walls slightly. "Want to try catching one of them, Chrysa? No, wait - trolls aren't beasts, are they? More like really stupid beings." He grinned at the confused trolls. "Better just scare them off."

Chrysa padded over to Harry's side, blood still dripping from her claws. She bared her teeth at the trolls and released a squeaky roar that made Harry laugh.

"We really need to work on that roar." He patted her furry head. "But look how well you did against the graphorn! Perfect timing on those attacks."

The trolls began backing away, muttering to each other in grunts and growls. Harry let the fire walls drop completely. "Go on, get out of here. And spread the word - this part of the forest belongs to Harry Potter and his Nemean Lion now."

"HURGH!" The largest troll turned and ran, crashing through the underbrush. The others followed, their heavy footsteps fading into the distance.

Harry walked over to retrieve the pokéball containing the graphorn. "Want to see if it's as docile as the dugbog now?" He expanded the ball and pressed the release button.

The graphorn appeared in a flash of red light. All its wounds remained, but the beast showed no sign of aggression. It simply stood there, watching them with calm eyes.

"Good." Harry circled the graphorn slowly. "The wounds need treatment, but the behavior change is incredible..."

A rustle in the bushes caught their attention. Harry returned the graphorn to its pokeball and turned his head sharply, hands ready to call forth flames again. "What now? More trolls?"

But the sound came from something much smaller. A shape moved through the undergrowth - definitely not a troll. Harry caught a glimpse of gray-green skin and matted hair.

"Chrysa." He kept his voice low. "I think we just found one of the forest hags..."

The hag arose from the bushes, hunched and twisted. Rags hung from her emaciated frame while long, dirty nails curved like talons. Her eyes fixed on Harry with undisguised hunger.

"A child..." The hag's tongue slid across broken teeth. "Sweet tender meat, wandering into my part of the forest..."

Chrysa growled, positioning herself between Harry and the hag. The sound held none of the earlier squeakiness - pure predator now.

"Your forest?" Harry raised an eyebrow. "Funny. I just claimed it five minutes ago." He pulled out a pokéball, more out of curiosity than anything else. "Want to see what happens when I throw this at you?"

The hag cackled, the sound like rocks scraping together. "Such a brave little morsel. Your flesh will taste even sweeter." She raised a gnarled hand, dark magic crackling between her fingers. "Perhaps I'll tenderize you first..."

A bolt of sickly yellow light shot from her hand. Chrysa jumped forward, golden fur gleaming. The curse struck her flank and was… reflected, hitting the hag square in the chest. She screamed, dropping to her knees as the magic worked against her.

"Well." Harry blinked in surprise. "That's new." He looked down at Chrysa. "Did you know you could do that?"

Chrysa made a confused sound, examining her own fur with wide eyes.

"Must be from your... connection to the Oracle." Harry frowned slightly at just the thought of that being. "Makes sense - a guardian that reflects curses back at attackers. Maybe you're the descendant of the Oracle's Nemean Lion? It wouldn't make much sense otherwise…"

The hag struggled to her feet, face twisted with rage and pain. "Cursed beast! I'll strip the flesh from your bones and-"

Harry tossed the pokéball. It struck the hag's shoulder and... bounced off harmlessly. No red light, no capture attempt. Nothing.

"Right." Harry caught the ball on the rebound. "Not a beast. Just a being who eats children." His voice turned cold. "Chrysa? Pin her down."

Chrysa launched forward in a blur of golden fur. The hag tried to scramble away, but Chrysa's weight slammed into her chest. Sharp claws pressed against the hag's throat while powerful jaws snapped inches from her face.

"No, wait!" The hag's voice rose to a shrill screech. "I was only joking! I'd never eat children, I swear it!"

"Really?" Harry walked closer, pulling a small crystal vial from his enchanted pouch. Clear liquid sloshed inside. "Let's test that claim."

The hag's eyes widened at the sight of the vial. "Truth potion? No, you can't-"

"Chrysa." Harry nodded at his companion. "Open her mouth."

Chrysa shifted her weight, pressing one paw against the hag's jaw. The hag tried to resist, but Chrysa simply increased the pressure until her mouth opened with a pained gasp.

"Three drops." Harry uncorked the vial. "That's all we need." He carefully let three drops of Veritaserum fall onto the hag's tongue. "Now, let's try this again. Have you ever eaten children?"

The hag's eyes glazed over as the potion took effect. "Yes." Her voice came out flat, emotionless. "Seven children. The youngest was four."

Harry's hands clenched into fists. "When was the last time?"

"Three months ago. A girl wandered away from her family's campsite." The hag's face twitched. "She screamed for her mother."

"I see." Harry stepped back. Azure flames sprang to life around his hands, crackling hungrily. "Chrysa, move aside."

Chrysa released her grip on the hag and backed away. The hag tried to stand, but Harry's fire had already begun to spread. Blue flames encircled her feet, then climbed higher.

"No!" The hag screamed as the fire reached her waist. "Please! I'll never-"

"You're right." Harry watched the flames rise. "You won't."

The azure fire surged upward, consuming the hag completely. Her screams cut off as the intense heat reduced flesh and bone to ash in seconds. When the flames died down, nothing remained but a scorched patch of earth and a sharp rise in the amount of Justice Virtue within his dantian.

Harry knelt down and wrapped his arms around Chrysa's neck, burying his face in her soft golden fur. "You were amazing today. That curse reflection... we'll have to practice with that." He pulled back and smiled at her proud expression. "But first, time to go home. Uncle Nick will want to examine the graphorn."

Chrysa butted her head against his chest, purring loudly. Harry retrieved her Premier Ball and expanded it. "Ready for a nap?" Red light surrounded Chrysa, drawing her inside the sphere. Through their bond, he felt her contentment - the Premier Ball really did make a cozy resting place.

After clipping the ball to his belt, Harry stretched his arms wide. The transformation started, bones and muscles shifting until a Golden Eagle stood in his place. Strong wings carried him above the forest canopy. Far below, he spotted the scorched spot where the hag had met her end. No regrets there.

The journey home passed quickly. When the Flamel cottage came into view, Harry began his descent. He landed in the garden and transformed back to human form.

The moment his feet touched the ground, his green eyes darkened. Another offer…

[Of The Elder Blood – Witcher] – Costs 400CP, 400CP available to spend.

You are an unaccounted for relative of Ciri through Laura Dorren, being an active carrier of the Elder Blood. This means you can travel through the omniverse, shifting through time and space and crossing between worlds as easily as stepping through a door. Your control over this ability is rather crude and requires extensive training before it becomes truly useful.

Harry's breath caught in his throat. The ability to cross between worlds as easily as stepping through a door? The memories from that other life, the one filled with immortal cultivators and world-shaking powers... he could actually visit such places?

But wouldn't that be dangerous? Harry remembered tales of Primal Daoists who could shatter massive mountains with ease. Of Immortals who were as far above the Primal Daoists as Primal Daoists were above mere mortals...

Then again, that previous offer 'Just An Old Painter' had given him perfect control over how much of his power and relevance was emanated towards the outside worlds. Even the mightiest beings wouldn't notice him unless he allowed it. And this Elder Blood ability started crude - he would have time to master it before attempting anything too ambitious, right?

Could he really pass this up? The chance to explore countless worlds, to see wonders beyond imagination? What if this offer never came again?

Harry smiled gently. The choice was obvious. He accepted the offer, embracing the power of Elder Blood.

Something immediately tried to alter his appearance - probably to match this 'Ciri' person he was now related to. But Harry's Po Soul rejected the change completely. His body remained exactly as it was, protected by that gift of absolute stability.

"Chrysa!" Harry pulled out the Premier Ball, releasing his companion in a flash of red light. "Come on, we need to tell Uncle Nick and Aunt Nelle!"

He burst through the cottage door, nearly colliding with Nicolas who was reading in his favorite armchair. "Uncle Nick! The most amazing thing just happened!"

Perenelle walked out from her herb room, drawn by his excited voice. "Harry? What's got you so worked up? Did something happen in the forest?"

"I got another offer." Harry grinned wildly while Chrysa circled around him. "This one... this one changes everything! It's called Elder Blood, and it lets me travel between worlds!"

Nicolas set his book aside, eyes sharpening with interest. "Between worlds?"

"More than that." Harry gestured wildly. "Different realities entirely, through the omniverse itself! And through time too! The offer said it starts crude and needs training, but..." He took a deep breath. "Think of what we could learn! The things we could see!"

"Slow down." Perenelle guided him to sit at the kitchen table. "Start from the beginning. Tell us exactly what this Elder Blood does..."

Harry took a deep breath, running his fingers through Chrysa's fur as she sat beside his chair. "The offer was called 'Of The Elder Blood'. It said I'm now related to someone named Ciri through Laura Dorren, and I'm an active carrier of the Elder Blood."

"Related to..." Nicolas leaned forward. "Through blood magic?"

"Maybe, but I don't think so." Harry shook his head. "The offer tried to change how I looked, probably to match this Ciri person. But my Po Soul rejected it completely thanks to the stability offer." He smiled at his guardians. "The important part is what Elder Blood does. It lets me travel through the omniverse."

"Omniverse?" Perenelle's eyebrows drew together. "I've never heard that term before."

"I didn't know what it meant myself until I read the word thanks to Language Comprehension." Harry's eyes lit up with excitement. "The omniverse is... everything. All multiverses, all universes, all realities, all possible worlds that exist or could exist. And the offer said I can shift through time and space across all of it 'as easily as stepping through a door'."

Nicolas dropped his cup. Hot tea splashed across the table, but he didn't even notice. "Impossible." His voice came out as a whisper. "That would mean..."

"Multiple worlds." Harry nodded eagerly. "Remember those memories I have, the ones from that cultivation world? I could actually go there! And not just there - anywhere! The offer said my control starts crude and needs training, but-"

"Harry." Perenelle gripped the back of her chair so hard her knuckles turned white. "Are you absolutely certain about this? The implications..."

"Are incredible!" Nicolas jumped to his feet and started pacing. "Think of the knowledge we could gain! The secrets of reality itself! Every mystery of magic, every lost art..." He stopped suddenly. "But the dangers... Harry, there could be beings in these other worlds that..."

"I know." Harry scratched Chrysa's ears as she made a concerned sound. "But remember that other offer I got? The one that lets me control how much of my relevance and power emanates to the outside world? Even mighty immortals won't notice me unless I want them to."

"Still." Perenelle sank into her chair. "The scale of this... in six hundred years, I've never heard of anything like it. Nicolas?"

"Hah..." Nicolas ran a shaking hand through his beard. "Never, nothing even close. The ability to cross between worlds..." He turned to Harry. "We'll need to be extremely careful about this. Start small, test the limits gradually."

Harry's eyes suddenly widened. Something deep inside bubbled up, like a spring breaking through rock. Beyond the edges of his perception, he sensed something vast - impossibly, mind-breakingly vast.

"No." Harry grabbed the table edge as a pulling sensation grew in his chest. "The Elder Blood - it's not just crude control, it's completely unstable!" His voice rose with panic. "I can feel something out there. The omniverse maybe? It's trying to pull me away!"

Chrysa jumped up with a worried yowl as both she and Harry began to fade. The kitchen table became visible through Harry's increasingly transparent hands.

"Merde!" Nicolas yanked out his wand. Beside him, Perenelle swore as well while casting spells. Blue and silver light passed harmlessly through Harry's form.

"Nothing's working!" Perenelle cast another spell that fizzled uselessly. "Harry, what's happening?"

"I can feel it." Harry's voice sounded distant, even to himself. "The Elder Blood is pushing me towards another world!" He reached for Chrysa, but his hand passed through her fur. At least she was still connected to him through the familiar bond. "I'll try to come back as soon as I can! I don't know what other limitations-"

His voice cut off as reality twisted. The kitchen blurred and stretched like taffy. Harry caught one last glimpse of Nicolas and Perenelle's panicked faces before everything went black.

For a moment that felt like eternity, Harry floated in absolute darkness. Then light exploded around him, and he felt himself falling...