chapter 10

"After my son leave,. I walk towards my room to get ready for work." i have schedule an operation at 5pm and i need to be there in an hour."When i finished getting shower and changing my clothes,.i then drive to the hospital where i was a big hospital own by the Vittori.i didin't meet the owner yet i just heard that they are so rich and powerful.,i was just lucky that after i talk to nathan that i have to quit working to their hospital because of Jacob,.i was so annoyed by the man he wont stop courting at me even though i already told him that i dont like him and i have no plan to get a boyfriend.,but he wont listen so i have no choice but to quit there.and here i am now working in one of the big hospital in the country.though at first i was so sad because i miss working with nathan,but as the time passed i get used to it.and i was happy that i have the oppurtunity to work here.

"Meanwhile a luxurious car arriving infront of the big mansion,Rhys get out of the car handsomely with his usual expression a little bit annoyed,.He really does'nt like to attend these kind of party, but he have no choice.,he then walk inside the massive mansion to meet his Aunty and uncle there." Oh Rys your here!" And Melin happily said.,"hello Aunty,"Uncle sorry to come so late." no worries the party has just started."now lets go find your parents theyre already here."Auntie said."Woah Fire,still hondsome as ever huh!" Cedrick said playfully, "He just ignore his annoying cousin as he look around to find his parents,.and then he found them talking to some visitors ,.when his mother spotted him she excuse herself as he's mother come towards him."Son,! Good evening mom" he greet his mother as he kiss her cheeks."i thought you couldn't come," your always busy to your company you didnt even have time to your son." he's mother said,scolded him." Im sorry mother i was just stuck with the papers in my office."Just dont forgot to spent some of your time to your son." you know dave have been so rebel lately," the more you distance your self to him the more he got so naughty." he doesn't even care to listen to us anymore,"Nicole Was been always busy to his work too.also she doesn't have time for dave."His mother said,"he is innocent Rrys you,please have some time to the poor child he needs you."you didn't even know that dave has a fight with his classmate,.he has bruise all over his face when he got home he was just four years old and he already Involve a fight."He frown with his mother's words yes its true that he and the child has no good relationship because of the child's mother..everytime he look at dave he always got piss cause he looks so much like his mother..he doesn't even remember when was the last time he talk to dave.,"why, what happened to him ? Why did he involve to a fight? He ask to his mother." dave was bullying his classmate ,saying he's weird because his classmate looks like a girl and dave call his classmate a.." the word of his mother got cutt-off because of a little boy's shouted,the small boy was crying while telling his mom to help his friend.,"Dont tell me?,..hes mother said as she walk towards the back of the mansion where the kids are fighting, he follow his mother.," but before they could come to stop the fight they suddenly pause when they heard the boy talk, facing the five little boys."So what is it with you all if i have no dad?"Do you think your dads will be proud of you,bullying a little boy like that?why don't you fight with me instead?" you know very will that i can take you all down even if im alone here,"don't try my petience dave,stop saying bad things to my friend!!,"and who are you to tell me like that!! do you know who my father is?"Dave said ."Even though johanshen got so piss off right now he still held himself as not to attack the little boys infront of him as he promise his mom that he wouldn't having a fight anymore, he doesn't want to worried his mommy."he just stand still on guard while hands on is pockets he doesn't scared of the five little boys infront of him cause he can take care of himself.he didn't have a block belt for nothing even though dave is bigger than him dave is chubby, and the other four was older than him.i dont care who is your father !, and i dont have plan to meet your father.he didn't even know how to teach his son a good manner, so why would i waste my time to know about your father,? "hanshen said calmly.hearing hanshen word the five got so angry that he start to attack the little boy,but Rhys and his mother got stunned when the boy fight back and in just for a mare seconds, the five little boys lying on the ground moaning in pain." "i told you, leave Ian alone!" hanshen said angerly.."Johanshen thats enough! let go of him now!" Nathan said while coming towards hanshen,No!" hanshen said as he twist dave's arm more he was so angry that he doesn't care anymore if he broke dave's arm.Dont come near !"Rhys and his mom froze when they saw the little boy's face.,