chapter 12

"Uncle" Yes buddy?. "Im sorry about earlier,i know i was wrong," Hanshen said regretfully. *sigh* "its alright buddy,i know you just want to protect your friend," but what you did to them was wrong .and you shouldn't talk to dave's dad like that."you know your mom would get mad at you if she learned that you hurt your classmates again.Nathan said in a gentle tone as not to hurt his nephew's feelings first the little boy was gonna sleep in their house but due to what had happened earlier,."its best to send hanshen home now..I know,! but they wont stop making fun of Ian! and they tried to hurt me first and i was just protecting myself Uncle!" i shouldv'e just bring your nanny with us."Now your mommy were going to kill me if she know's what happened Nathan said helplessly,they didn't bring Anna to the party because he thought that he can handle hanshen while is mother in-low busy talking to here friend.But now he can't do anything about it he would just accept to be killed by his bestfriend ."Uncle!" he look at hanshen when the little boy call him again." ahmm?!" Can we just not tell mommy ?!" pleaseee uncle!" hanshen said pleadingly.he doesn't want to see her mom to get worried and cry again." Nathan sigh again for the 3rd time.he park his cark infront on jane's house as they already arrived."But- please! Please Uncle !"*sob* *sob*..okay, okay! Hey buddy! stop crying come here." Nathan said while he panic he really dont like if his favorite nephew cry. he get out of the car and pull hanshen into a hug ". he massage his temple as he can feel his head started to ache.shhh.okay fine! I wont tell your mom just stop crying okay?."hanshen didn't answer but he continue to sob.

"..i was reading a book when i heard the car stop infront of the house i look at the clock its 11pm already. i walked towards the window to see who it might be. I frawn when i saw Nathan got out of the car to open the passenger .,"Nathan what happened?"i ask urgently running towards them,worried sick by my son's cry." Mommy!!!"*sob* shh love its okay mommy is here,! Lets go inside i said tearfuly and worried.,i carry my son as i walk inside the house while Nathan following me."as we settle in the living room,. I sit on the sofa as my son sitting on my lap while still huging me.after a while i heard my son got relax and snoring lightly" Can you please tell me what happened ?" and where is Anna?!.Nathan got tense .."well ahm..she's..."WHERE.?" and why is my son crying like this?.i said impetiently."amh i left anna at home because hanshen doesn't want to bring his nanny at the party,"And you let him?" i blood saddenly boiling in anger."Nathan got startle in my voice.Well i thought its okay not to bring anna because i can watch hanshen there, but when i was talking with Cedrick Vittori he suddenly got in to a fight with his classmate he said nervously,."shit! he forgot,that he promise hanshen not to tell his mom," but what can he do," he don't want be killed by jane.Come again?"i said hoping that i heard it wrong."A-and its not just that..He amh H-he beat his five classmates in just 55 second, and one of his classmate's arm nearly broke by him." nathan continue a-and also... he stammer he already sweating so much, he think that he's going to die soon," as he can see how angry his bestfriend is.,though jane looks so harmless and beautiful.but when she's angry no one can stand against her .will just like her son she have a black belt too".you know Dave Vittori right?" His father wants to see you tomorrow." there is a long silence after.i was trying to digest all the information i got from Nathan of what happened at the party,"Can you tell me why hanshen beat his classmates,she wasn't surprise if her son can beat 5 people alone because he really have a natural fighting skills like he was born for that.But all i want to know is why did my son having a fight again .He already promise to me not to fight anymore..and i know my son too well, my son wont break his promise unless there was someone that he thinks he needs his protection.he would do anything just to protect them.,"well he was just protecting I an again."How did they meet ? Imean how in the hell that theyre all in that party too?because their parents are one of the visitors of the Vittori too".Nathan said."Dont get angry at your son jane he was crying because he don't want you to know what happened earlier in the party he doesn't want to worry you." i sigh helplessly as i look my son in my lap."and about Mr Vittori wanted to talk to you,i already explain to him that you cant meet him because your busy and he already know's that its his son's fault so.Nathan said as he stood up..its getting late lets talk again tommorrow. He said while avoiding jane's eyes he doen't want jane to know about Johanshens father yet .he want to make sure first if he was right."i nod to Nathan..please send anna here tomorrow."

ahm about that i think you have to look for another nanny for hanshen." and why is that? I said as i raise my eyebraw. will i just gonna borrow know andy's pregnancy is risky and i am looking for someone that i could trust to help me take care of my wife.Nathan said pleadingly." okay i understand. hanshen is big now she don't need a nanny anymore, if anna is okay with that, then i let here go, just bring her to talk to me tommorow. Okay thank you so much jane!.. Nathan said happily."ahmm." just go now hanshen is getting heavy i need to put him to bed.,do you want me to carry him into your room?" Nathan suggest."No its okay just go now. Drive safetly..