chapter 14


"But Mom-" No! ", Johanshen !" you know that what you did to your classmates was wrong!" i said to my pains me everytime i punish my son but i need to do it to prevent this from happening again.,"i ask you to be with your nanny at the party but you disobey me instead you ask your uncle not to bring ate anna and look what happened?!.." Im sorry mom,for breaking my promise to you but their hurting Ian too!" " im not the one who started a fight," hanshen said while clenching his small fiest."*sigh* you almost break dave's arm!." that because i was so mad at him for always hurting Ian!."i look at the teared eye little boy infront of me." But atleast say sorry to his father for speaking so rude- again he cut off my word and suddenly raising his head to look at me,No,mommy!" i wont say sorry to him it his fault for not teaching dave to be kind to people."I was stunned for a moment after i heard my son's displeasure,i really cant get used to hanshens maturity,"Then you don't have to go swimming for a week," I almost hug my son when i saw him got tense.he was so sad,and hurt for what his mommy said.But mommy i like *sob* No! my answer is final."and dont come out of this room until i tell you to!."You know that it hurts mommy too, everytime i do this to you,you always making mommy worried about you!"i said to my son tearily."we only have each other love i don't want you to get hurt i love you so much,you know that!" You understand mommy right? He nod while crying silently." come here" i said to him softly" listen love,im not mad at you fo protecting your friend, infact i am so proud of you," but for talking back to adults like that, its not right." *sob* "i know mommy im sorrry," he said as he cry snuggling me." alright! Thats enough no more cry okay?!"i love you,love." i love you too mom." i smile to him as i kiss his cheeks now,wait for me here and i'll prepare your breakfast okay? Remember,no more using gadgets and no watching tv!" he just nod to his mom sadly."can i still go to swimming mom? He said pleadingly.still no! we already talk about this,.im not mad anymore but you still gonna get punished.i said firmly.,after i talk to hanshen i come down to get make his breakfast.its 9am in the morning already,.when i finish i come back to my room, love can you open the door for mommy?" i cant open it as i was holding food and a glass of juice," you took a shower already? I smile to my son as i put the food in the small table,"Yes mom" he said proudly, i chuckle.very good then come here and eat your breakfast!"i the way your teacher told me that you dont have class today and until friday."Are you staying home too mom?!"Yes! But how about your work?.Don't worry about mommy's work love i'll hundle it myself." your ate Anna is not here anymore so we need to take care of each other kay?!".Don't worry mom i will take good care of you,"he beamed i chuckle i know love .." so mom am i allow to go out ?!" he daid hopefully." you, little foxy!"But, Nope!" You still punished." he pout mom so mean" i giggle..."its so boring here mom" can i atleast watch tv?"nope! And dont try to trick me with that puppy eyes of yours!" i said as im acting mad at him." come on don't be sulky lets read your favorite book instead."okay mommy hanshen said while still pouting." go eat your bricky now so that we can read your book after i just gonna shower while i wait for you kay?!" yes mom,."

When hanshen finished his breakfast he heard his mommy's phone ring." he then run toward the shower room to tell his mom."Can you answer it for me love?," okay mom!" he replied to his mom as he answer the phone."Hello! He said." Meanwhile on the other line Rhys, raise his eyebrow when he heard a little boy voice,Hello! May i know why you call? Mommy's still in the shower so she cant talk to you right now.!" the little boy continue said." Rhys froze despite of his cold expression,Rhys heart began to race."he then smile fondly at the little boy on the other line." So can i talk to you instead?" Yes Mr." But may i know your name hanshen said as he frown the voice of this man is so familiar to him."Mmm, im Cassian Rhys Vittori."the little boy got stunned when he heard the name."W-why did you call mom?" hanshen said while holding his mom's phone tightly." Look Mr Vittori," i already recieve my punishment from mommy i am not even allowed to go swimming for the next two weeks also i i dont allowed to watch tv and get of this room." so please dont talk to mommy anymore." hanshen said sadly." Rhys frown," she punished you?" Yes! So please Mr. Dont talk to mom about this." i got the punishment because i am being rude to you" Mommy wants me to say sorry to you, but i wont!" insted of getting mad,Rhys just chuckle of his son's stobburness, "Yes His Son" ..