chapter 20


" If you dont want me to get merried then i dont have to!" I already told you didn't i?,that i dont want any other man,!" And i cant marry him" But mommy he is my dad! And i wanted to have a complete family like my classmates!" Mommy please!! Hanshen said pleadingly to his mom" *sigh* love its not that simple, we just meet him." But you already know dad don't you?!.come on! If your mom don't wanna marry me then she doesn't have to,.Rhys said seriously but you have to come with me. I already agreed to our deal but your mom don't want to so," Rhys said to his Son." Jane got tense."i cant believe this arrogant man for using the child against me".Mommy!" Johanshen called me he is in the verge of crying. I clenched my fist." Fine!, we can live with you." Hanshen eyes sparkle in excitement really mom?" I smiled at my son while nodding my head.then i look at the man who's now smirking while raising his eyebrow he knows that she did not finish talking yet."But i dont have to marry you, i just live to your house because of my son ." i will pay all my expenses except for my son cause that is your responsibility."No! Mommy, hanshen whines. you have to marry daddy!." Hanshen-" thats enough we will get married so that we can both take care of our son together and thats final!,one more arguments from you and you will never see your son again Miss Mendez " Rhys said in a deep and authoritative voice cutting off her words." I took a deep breath to control my range as i am in the verge of exploding," one thing that i hated so much is when someone forces me to do the things that i don't like."i got up and left without even looking at the two boys,.both of them have a bossy attitude.i hate it when hanshen got his father's attitude and physical appearance when i carry him in my tommy for nine months." I slam the door of my room when i step inside.

"after Jane left Rhys rub his temple. His gaze falling on his son's anxious face." Dont worry son "he said softly," Mom just needs a little time to calm down."But she's really mad,Daddy,"hanshen whispered."Rhys sigh pulling his son close and settling him on his lap.

Meanwhile Jane still cant believe that his son got warm up to that jerk so fast." What should i do now?" Should we just leave this country? I said to my self as i sit on the bed.But that man is so powerful he will know immediately if i run away with my son,But i just can't marry him! I don't know him." But i won't let him to take my son away from me." I said frustratingly.oh my god! I think i im going crazy.!" What have i done in the past life to have this kind of problem now.i got startle when i heard my phone ring." I look at the screen to see who's calling,when i saw that it was nate i immediately answer the call." You bastard! Why did you let hanshen meet that man in the party! I shout,Nate just pull away his phone to his airs when he heard his bestriend shout on the other line.Hey! Relax no need to shout i can hear you clearly," he joke to make a light atmosphere he can feel how mad his friend right now.But instead of calming down i was annoyed even more.,"what happened? Nate ask in a worried tone. Why didn't you tell me that you meet hanshen's Dad?" Nate froz ,W-wait what do you mean? Who's hanshen's dad i didn't know." Dont lie to me you pig!! I said i was really upset." Im sorry," Nate said in a guilty tone, i didn't tell you cause i dont want you to get more worried."he already have a child,and i don't want you to get involved to a merried man its better if you and hanshen just continue with your life without knowing that man.hanshen will get only hurt when he knew about his father." Nate said." *sigh* well its too late for that.i said helplessly," what do you mean? Nate said confused." He's here to get his son,and there's nothing i can do about it . he can turn the law upside down if he wants to," i sigh well here we go again" im not mad at anyone but myself for making this mess."W-what? So your just okay with it? Nate said in disbelief,!" Oh,hell! Noy way! That im okay with it. i cant even stay away from my son even just for a day!" I said in what are you going to do now? You know how powerful that man is,no one can even stand againts him even the president of this country has a fear on him."Nate said while frowning even though he has a lot of connections too he still cant compare to that man.".I need to go now!" I letf hanshen in the living room with that man."i want to check my son first." Ok .do you want me to come?" Nate said worriedly." No just take care of andy there he needs you more."ok nathan said in defeated he wants to help her friend but he cant just leave his pregnant husband." Just call me if you need anything."