Chapter 78: Dump them in the brothels

Qin Zhuzhu didn't know where they had taken her. All she knew was that one of the men had knocked her out, and the next moment, she was being carried roughly over someone's hard shoulder, the edge digging painfully into her stomach.

Everything was dark. Qin Zhuzhu realized she was gagged, and her head was covered with a black bag.


She was tossed onto the ground, a sharp pain shooting through her elbow and up her arm.

The black bag was yanked off her head, and the rag was forcefully pulled out of her mouth.

Qin Zhuzhu slowly adjusted her eyes to her surroundings, fear creeping into her heart.

She looked up to see two figures towering above her. Immediately, she recognized the haughty and proud expressions of the Xu sisters. So, it was them?

"I might not be able to hurt you online, but that doesn't mean I can't vent my anger on you!" Xu Lan burst out laughing.