chapter 4: The wedding day

Before the wedding, Emily sat in her dressing room, surrounded by her bridesmaids. Her best friend, Naomi, helped her with her veil.

"You look beautiful, Emily," Naomi said, tears in her eyes.

"Thanks, Naomi," Emily replied, her voice shaking.

Just then, Chris, Emily's step-brother, burst into the room.

"Hey, sis! I just wanted to check in before the ceremony," Chris said, his voice warm.

"Hey, Chris," Emily replied, smiling.

Victoria, Emily's step-sister, entered the room, a sly grin spreading across her face.

"Emily, I need to tell you something," Victoria said, her voice low. "Nicheal has a rare disease, he might or might not die. That's why he's marrying you. So you can have children with him to continue his family lineage.He wants an heir before he dies."

Emily's eyes widened in shock.

The ceremony began, and Emily walked down the aisle, her heart heavy with the news.

After the ceremony, Nicheal and Emily drove to his estate, conversing in the car.

"So, what do you think of the wedding?" Nicheal asked, his eyes fixed on the road.

"It was...fine," Emily replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

When they arrived at the estate, Nicheal showed Emily to her room.

"Do you like it," Nicheal said, smiling.

"Yes,i can finally breathe in a more comfortable space."

Emily took a bath, but realized she had no clothes to wear. So she wore a robe instead.

Oh my goodness , don't tell me I forgot to bring clothes. What the heck am I going to wear. she exclaimed in panic.

After pondering for some time she went to nicheal's room.

Knock knock.

Nicheal opened the door,he saw Emily standing innocently in front of him.

What do you need ,he asked in a low voice.

I forgot bring clothes so can I borrow yours , she asked .

Okay he answered.

He gave her his shirt to wear.

I hope you are comfortable wearing it.he said looking at her.

Thank you.

After she got back in her room Emily felt a wave of embarrassment

After shaking off her thought , she got dressed.

The butler, Mr. Lee, called them downstairs for dinner.

Nicheal, she whispered.

Yes ,he answered.

Did you marry me because you needed someone to continue your family lineage. She asked staring deeply at his eyes waiting for his answer.

My father wanted me to marry you and my grandparents wants a great grand child, I married you to fulfill their wishes. he responded honestly because he felt there no reason to lie to her.

What about your illness. emily asked , she wanted to know everything that led to her marriage with him .

It has nothing to do with our marriage, it is not contagious, so you don't have to worry about being infected by it . he said with pain visible in his voice.

My sister said you might or might not die because of it, do you have any cure for it. she asked.

No,there is no cure. he answered obviously not wanting to pursue the matter.

Let change the topic. he continued.

"I want revenge on my family for the way they treated me," Emily said, her eyes blazing.

Nicheal listened intently, his expression softening.

The only person in that house that treated me like family was Chris and now am separate from him. she said sobbing.

And my mom, she left me alone in this world with that man. she continued.

"I knew your mom,Nicheal said.

Emily's eyes widened in shock.

She was an amazing doctor, when I was young, she was the one my parents consulted to treat me.her goal was to find a medicine to cure my illness but unfortunately she died.he said.

No, she did not die,I believe she did not die. she said sobbing.

Do you have any evidence.he asked.

Well,her body was never found , so there might be a slight chance that she is still alive right.she asked looking at him with hope in her eyes that he will agree with her.

Hmm,there might be a slight chance.he answered.

Butler lee, sat down opposite of them.

"What do you study Mrs Kim"Butler lee asked.

I study arts in the university of Seoul.

"I want to become an entertainer," Emily said, her voice filled with passion. "That's always been my dream."

Nicheal nodded, smiling.

"I'll support you, Emily. We'll make your dreams come true."

And with that, Emily felt a sense of hope she hadn't felt in years. just maybe, her life was about to change for the better.

Oh , your clothes will arrive tomorrow morning, with a surprise.he continued.looking at Tae-hyun.

I will arrange it now.Tae-Hyun Lee said

Tae-hyun . Nicheal called in a commanding but soft tone.

Yes sir .he answered.

Assign Gina and any another person to be my wife bodyguard.he commanded .

I will do it now sir .he responded.

After that they all ate in silence.

After dinner everybody went to their rooms to sleep.