The rejection

I didn't want to ruin the day for my friends because I know they have put up with a lot of boring nights with me "okay I'll go" zana was so excited she hugged me continuously"

" but .... "

"but what " Sam and zana said simultaneously

" we would be late to class if we don't hurry up " we laughed and went into class, the day passed without any drama and I was happy about that, zana has a car so she drove us all home , dropping me off first .

I walked in to the kitchen and found what my mum left for me as lunch, my mum was the only doctor in the pack who could deal very well with both human and wolves health problems so she was always busy . I walked into my room after eating and washing up, at times like this i remember my parents and cry for all the lost opportunities, I love Clara and Ben but they just couldn't fill the void that the death of my parents left, I missed them so much and it always hit me the most when I'm alone, I shook my head to clear my thoughts and went into the bathroom to have a hot bath but it didn't help. " I guess I'm going for a run" I said to myself, I scribbled something down and dropped it on the table for my mum to find then ran out of the house, I ran for a couple miles then ran back, at this point I felt way better , I walked in and found out my parents weren't back so I went upstairs had a quick shower and slept off.

waking up to a start, I hear voices outside my door, I know it's my parents voices so I don't bother checking, I walk into my bathroom and start brushing my teeth, I look into the mirror and sigh "happy birthday to me, I get to know if i'm just crazy or If we really are meant to be together" I hurriedly have my bath, wear my outfit for the day and walk down to the kitchen.

My mum's voice rises over the music playing while she tries to reduce the volume "awwww sweetie, you look perfect" my mum said , " thanks mum" I reply with a shrug, my dad is reading a newspaper when I walk in but he dropped it and opened his hands for a hug, I walk over to him "happy birthday teddy bear, you are now a grown up, eighteen years," I chuckle because of the astonishment in his voice "thanks so much dad, the only thing left is my own car " I wink at him " let's not get ahead of ourselves honey ," he replied with a laugh.

I walk over and grab a piece of bacon hurriedly running from the house when I hear Sam's horn, " bye mum, bye dad, I love you guys" I say as I run out "bye baby" they reply simultaneously.

I walk out of the house and into Sam's car "what took you so long, I'm running on gas here u know" she asks "sorry mum and dad were wishing me a happy birthday"sam's face split into a smile instantaneous "awwwwww so sweet my baby girl is 18, I've been waiting for this day since forever, like I'm eighteen and it's boring being here alone" she says dramatically "uhmmmmm you turned eighteen two months ago and also you have a mate, I doubt you're bored, plus Zana is eighteen too" I tell her "yea I know but it hits differently when all the squad is 18" she replies, I roll my eyes and we drive to pick Zana up .

Zana screamed when the car stopped besides her "ahhhhhhhhhh happy birthday sweetie, it's finally here" she said running to the car, " Belle made us late" Sam instantly reported "she can do whatever she wants to do, it's her birthday" Zana said.

This is like a huge thing for zana cause she is a huge sucker for order. my birthday is a huge deal cause I get to meet my mate now and everyone hopes my mate might be able to fill the remaining hole left from the death of my parents "thanks Zana, I appreciate" I respond "maybe you can meet your mate in school" Sam said

"maybe it's Martin" I reply dreamily, my friends hate Martin cause they feel he doesn't deserve all the pain I go through whenever I see him with one of his toys but for some reason I can't stop thinking about him. "uhmmmmm or maybe it's someone who actually deserves you " Zana says sarcastically. I just sigh and turn to the window cause no matter how much I explain it to them they never seem to understand.

We get to school and classes go faster than they usually do, I don't see Martin neither do I feel my mate, I am moody all through classes and I even snap at my friends a few times but quickly Apologize, I don't know why I'm on edge today , "come on girly, it's the end of school" Sam yelled snapping me out of my daydream.

I walk over to the car and get in without even glancing around, I get into the car and Sam looks at me worriedly" are you okay " she asks with concern written on her face "yea I'm fine, I just have this odd feeling that something bad is going to happen" I finally tell her ," she immediately crossed her fingers "oh no, no jinxing of your birthday" I look over to Zana "are you okay" Zana asks "yea I'm fine, birthday Jitters I guess, come on we have a party to prepare for" I say lightly to improve the mood "yesssss partyyyyyy" Sam yells ,she is always itching to attend a party.