Chapter 2: The surprising friendship

 The person in front of him was Blake. He looked at Vexx with an impressed look and said "You are quite skilled, you would be a force to be reckoned with if you had a soulability.

Vexx looked with a grim expression and asked as politely as he could "Do you need something from me Blake?" Blake looked at him and said "I'm also going to Hunter academy so I thought we could get to know each other." When he saw the surprised face on Vexx he chuckled a little and said "I can start.. My name is Blake Rivers. I come from an origin clan and have teleportation as my soul ability" Vexx looked at him and asked "What is an origin clan?" Blake looked at him with a surprised look "Do you really don't know?" Vexx shook his head "Do you know who the people that control this country are?" 

Vexx had always thought that there was someone at the top who controlled but that was just a speculation, Because he didn't have the money for intuition until last year so Vexx didn't know much that others would call common knowledge. He said "No" With a calm expression on his face 

Blake Began from the start "You know that in this world we have strange phenomena known as outbreaks where do you think those outbreaks come from" Vexx thought for a second and answers "Probably from space" Blake nodded and continued "They come from other planets and when those outbreaks appeared and the creatures that come out of them are beasts who feed on humans. The humans had to fight them off so they did everything they could to kill them and they managed to do that for a while but after a while there weren't many humans left. About half the population had been killed by the beasts but at that time the first six unnatural ones were born. The unnatural had special abilities we call soulabilities, The power of the Unnatural was Space,Time, Fire, Water, Wind and Light. My ancestry is the Space Unnatural."

Vexx was quiet for a while and thought about what he just had heard… After some time had passed he asked. "Are these origin the people who rule?" Blake looked at him and said "Close but they died a long time ago, Now it is the heirs of the clans that rule. My fathers sister Iris Rivers is the one who is the leader of the River family" 

Vexx was thinking about the things he had learned and asked "But there are more than six Soulabilities, how come not everyone has one of the six?" Blake thought for a second and said "The other soul abilities are stemming from the original six; they are a little weaker than the originals but they can still be strong. For example the wind origin can control wind and weather to some extent but there are abilities that allow you to fly which wind already does so wind is better in this case."

Vexx thought about it and it made some sense how the abilities worked and hailed from the original six.

Blake watched him with an interested look in his eyes then he asked "What about you how are you really Vexx?"

Vexx saw the intense look in Blake's dark blue eyes; it was almost like a wild river that was breaking through every defense in the world. Vexx felt how his hair on his arms started to raise and then he started speaking 

"My name is Vexx and I don't have a soulability. My mother and father died when I was four years old in a work accident. They both worked in a factory full of toxic gasses and in the end they both died because of the gasses. So when i was four i learned how it was to live on the streets and fight for my food, But eventually i gathered enough money to go to school for one year so i decided that i would go one year learn as much as i could and then start working but when i found out that the hunter academy was free I changed my plans." And that was his life. It wasn't anything special but he knew he had gone through more than the normal sixteen year old would have normally done." 

Blake steered at him with a bit of shook in them and then after half a minute he asked "You lived alone since you were four… No wonder you have such good reflexes. But how did you survive?"

"I Just lived from day to day" Blake started to look at him with some type of respect all of a sudden, Vexx didn't know that it was such a different life than most 16 year olds ever could have dreamt about.

When they came to the station that the rich used to travel to, Blake said bye to Vexx and left for the station. When Vexx stood alone in the street he couldn't believe it… He had made his very first friend. 

Vexx saw the train leave at a surprisingly high speed and just seconds later it was out of sight. When the train was gone he started to walk toward the main road which was near the station. In the corner near the end of the road was a sword smith. When he was near the sword smith he always had to take a look through the window to watch the cool swords that were in the store but he could only dream of owning one of those. If Vexx one day would become rich the first thing he would do was to buy one of those cool swords.

When he started to walk into an alleyway and walked for some time until he got to the slums and looked at it with a smile and said "Home sweet home" When Vexx took his first steps he started to feel light headed and felt like everything around him started to spin, after resisting for just a few seconds he felt that it was futile and gave in and started to see some shimmering light around him as he closed his eyes.

[Welcome Vexx would you like to accept the challenge to inherit the Dark Tyrants lineage]

[Yes] [No]