Chapter 5: The Dark forest

When Vexx woke up on the morning of the 7th day he felt really sluggish. After a while Vexx remembered what had happened to him and looked down "What!" He shouted out loud, When he looked at his chest the big claw mark was completely healed and nothing remained except for some blood. Vexx felt a strange smell coming from somewhere in the forest. Vexx looked towards the smell and could see much further and clearer than he ever had been able to before. 

When Vexx looked towards the smell he saw something in the distance it looked like some kind of ruin. He wasn't exactly sure if that was the right way but he wouldn't know if he didn't try to find out what's in the ruins.

Before Vexx was about to leave he felt that his stomach was pretty empty and needed some food, So he walked up to one of the Mournclaws and looked at it for about 10 seconds then realizing that there weren't enough meat on them to eat, So he walked over to the big Mamba who still looked as terrifying as it did the day he killed it. 

After Vexx had eaten and felt like he was about to puke he was ready to go to the ruins. When Vexx started to walk through the dark cold forest he felt more powerful than he ever had felt before. Vexx had a bad feeling about the ruins he was going towards but he didn't really have a choice where he wanted to go after all that was his only clue. 

After about 6 hours of walking he felt the smell much clearer than before. Vexx wasn't tired which he thought was a little strange but didn't complain so he just kept going for three days straight and with many encounters with the Dark Minions which he could easily defeat with the spike from the Dark Mamba's head. Vexx had almost killed 80 creatures when he could start to see the ruins he felt that the smell was really strong. 

Vexx started to look for a spot to sleep eventually he found a tree which was pretty big and had a hole in it so he took the chance to restup. The next day he started walking towards the ruins which he could see were some sort of temple in the past.

Vexx walked inside the ruins which were really broken and looked like it had been important in the past. When Vexx started to look around he felt how the smell he felt before was really strong but he didn't think much about it. Vexx kept going forward and jumped over the walls and crawled through the cracks in the walls. Vexx walked to the walls and looked everywhere. After about 20 minutes of walking around he had gotten to the core of the building where he saw a dark aura emanating from some sort of steel blade. When Vexx looked inside he saw a dark aura around a blade that had a snake pattern around the blade and a black handle. It looked like a katana but it was significantly longer and had a really cold aura. Vexx could almost feel how many the sword had killed. Vexx walked up to the sword and placed a hand on the handel and then a message popped up

[Side quest completed]

[Find the Dark Nodachi]

[You have received the Dark Nodachi] 

When Vexx looked at the message he couldn't believe it he took out the sword from the stone it had been placed in and suddenly another message popped up.

[Do you want to transfer your current Darkness to the Dark Nodachi]



Before Vexx could answer the system he heard a loud growl behind him, Vexx quickly turned around and saw a tall black figure more than 2 meters high with red eyes and big claws on his humanoid hands. The big creature looked like a wolf that was standing on its hind legs. 

Behind the wolf were three smaller ones and they looked almost as menacing as the one in front. Before Vexx could even think the wolves sprinted towards him and in just a few seconds they had surrounded him. 

Vexx looked at the wolves and didn't even flinch, just raised his sword and started swinging it. If anyone had watched him they would clearly see that he didn't have any experience with swords. 

When Vexx swung his sword he felt how light it was. It was actually really surprising and the long and sharp blade felt like a lightning strike when he clashed against the large wolves claws. When the wolf took the hit he staggered back a few steps and quickly turned around. He felt really strong as he ran towards the other three and tried to cut them all at the same time. 

Vexx was able to hurt two of the wolves really badly by cutting them in their legs so they wouldn't be able to walk but before the blade had started cutting the third one the big wolf had leaped into the air and sank his claws into Vexx's back. 

When vex felt how the claws had sunken in he immediately thrusted his sword backwards into the wolf's chest and as he pulled it out he heard a loud howl and quickly ran towards the third wolf, the one who was left standing. 

When Vexx had closed the distance he saw that the wolves he had cut down earlier had already healed and started running towards him. One on the left and the other one on the right, As he saw them he started to run even faster and as they were about to tear him apart Vexx leaped high into the air and they clashed into each other. When Vexx was in the air he felt a sudan enjoyment kick in and a big smile appeared on his face than he sliced the last wolf right in his head 

When he turned around again he saw how the big wolf had already regenerated. "How am i supposed to win this fight?" Vexx thought while already preparing his next assault but before he even moved he heard how the big wolf howled loud and started bowing and before long the other wolves did the same. "What's happening?" Vexx thought and then it became clear when he saw the message the system had shown.

[The Dark Werewolf Officer wants to make a contract] 



Vexx looked at the message and started to think "What does the Dark Werewolf Officer do for me?" As he thought those lines he heard a dark rusty voice coming from the Werewolf Officer. "We werewolves have wanted to serve a new lord ever since the 6 deities killed our old master" When Vexx heard the voice he got a little bit startled. Vexx asked, "Who was your old master and who are the six deities?" Vexx already had a feeling on who their master were and who the deities were after all he had quite a fruitful conversation with Blake before he got caught up in this mess. 

The Werewolf said in a calm and steady voice "The master we once served was the Dark Tyrant… And the six deities are the Space Deity, Time Deity, Light Deity, Fire Deity, Water Deity and the Wind Deity. Our old master was actually the seventh but then the other betrayed him and only his darkness remained." Vexx thought about it "The things blake said was that the originals had the same powers as the deities but he never mentioned them, Is that just a coincidence or those he does not know them? There was one more thing: the dark tyrant was a deity but there were only six originals?"

Vexx looked at the Werewolf again and asked "What's your name?"

"Cormac sir" He said with confidence and respect 

Vexx thought for a while and said "Welcome to the team Cormac!" As he said this he chose accept

[You have Accepted Cormac and the Werewolves into your Darkness]