Chapter 7: Dark Tyrant’s wrath

Vexx ran to the back of the room while constantly observing the Dark Tyrant to see if he had a weak point that was clear but he didn't see anything clearly so instead he tried the hit and run tactic.

Vexx ran straight towards him and dodged the large sword that the dark tyrant slashed with against him, Vexx raised his sword and slashed down and saw how the Dark Nodachi cut deep into its belly and ran towards the other side of the room, When Vexx looked back he saw how the injury he had inflicted had disappeared "Am i seeing things i just slashed him deep into his stomach?" When Vexx tried again the same thing happened it just regenerated instantly.

Vexx didn't know what to do but he needed to try something so he stabbed through the Dark tyrant's heart but it didn't work he could clearly see that the heart stopped beating but just some seconds later it pumped as if it never had happened.

Vexx looked at the heart and just stood still in shock "How can it live without a functioning heart." Vexx looked up and remembered the message that popped up earlier.

When Vexx looked at the system he eventually saw what it was.

[Do you want to transfer your current Darkness to the Dark Nodachi]




Vexx felt how his power got sucked out of him and straight to his hands or rather the thing in his hands the dark nodachi which was starting to tremble and grew slightly bigger than before and feelt immensely more powerful than it did before. Vexx looked at his new and improved sword and felt how he had gotten much weaker than he was before but he couldn't think long because he saw how the big creature had started to move and was headed right towards him.

Vexx thought that he could easily dodge the Dark Tyrants attacks but when he ran towards him he felt how he was way slower than he was just moments ago and in no time he stood right next to the Tyrant and without warning the Tyrant swung his sword down on Vexx but he quickly move away but the sword had slashed right through Vexx right forearm but Vexx didn't care and just took the sword with his left and stabbed the Dark Tyrant right through his side where his heart was. Vexx used every thing in his power to not let him get away but the Dark Tyrant took out the sword from the blade and threw it away And knocked Vexx over in the process. Vexx was about to go to his sword when he saw how the Dark Tyrant couldn't regenerate from the stab wound

Right as he got up on his feet Vexx saw how the dark tyrant fell to the floor and slowly started to disappear and then a message appeared

[Congratulations you have completed the Dark Tyrant's challenge]

[You have received 3 rewards]

[You have received the Dark Tyrants lineage]

[You have received the Dark System]

[You have absorbed the Dark Tyrants last Darkness]

When the messages disappeared Vexx felt an immense pain in his whole body. He felt like his lungs were about to burst and how his heartbeat started to beat really fast. He fell down to his knees and felt how his eyes, Ears and nose felt like it had started to burn. Vexx started to scream in pain, The highest he had ever screamed in his entire life. Vexx felt how his skin was shrinking and became tighter and at the same time how his muscles broke down and got rebuilt nearly a thousand times. 

After what felt like two hours but probably was 10 minutes his vision started to become clearer and he saw how there were people all around him that was looking right at him and eventually his hearing came back as well and he heard how there was a car sound with sirens "When did i come back to the real world?" Vexx thought and then he heard "Help me carry him we need to get him to the hospital fast" After that he passed out.

When Vexx woke up he saw a white room with a big machine which was blipping and then he saw how a door opened in the other end of the room. There were two people, one who wore a white coat who he assumed was the doctor and someone who looked like a special agent. 

The one who looked like a doctor walked up to him with fast steps ``How do you feel?" The doctor asked and looked at Vexx's right arm with a frightened expression. "Where am I?" Vexx asked, not listening to the doctor. The other person answered "You are at Easton hospital. Do you mind answering some of my questions?" Vexx looked at the person who stood behind the doctor while he took out a card where there stood Grade 8 hunter Steven Greenwood "Sure ask away" Vexx said. 

Steven looked at Vexx and started "First of what happened to your arm?" Vexx had already decided that he would lie. "It got bitten off by a Beast that was in the city" he said nonchalantly, When Steven had heard the words he looked to the side and said quietly "As i thought there were a gate opening a few weeks ago i guess something really is out there" strangely Vexx heard it as clear as every other thing Steven had said to him previously. "What did the Monster look like?" Steven asked Vexx with a confident demeanor. "I don't know" Vexx answers. "What do you mean you don't know. It bit your arm off" He said with a little annoyance in his voice. "I never saw it. I walked in an alleyway and suddenly i felt something biting my arm and when i looked back there were nothing there and then i started to run"

"Alright" Steven said and observed Vexx closely and said "Thanks for the information i will pay the hospital bill as thanks" And then he walked out the door. 

Vexx looked towards the doctor and asked "How long have I been here?" 

"Seven days" he said and still looked at him as if he was going to die at any moment.

"Seven days!" Vexx shooted and asked "Can I leave now I have something to do?" The doctor looked at him and said in a panicked voice "No you can not, The earliest time you can leave is tomorrow morning" With that the doctor did some checks and eventually leaved the room.