

~Author's pov~

Vale's absence from school hadn't gone unnoticed. Back at the campus, whispers flitted through the corridors, even dived deep into the walls.

"Where's that dummy?" Liora asked as she walked outside with bandages on her face, scanning the courtyard.

"I haven't seen her since the bell rang." she said again

"She's probably off doing something clumsy," Brielle nonchalantly sneered, her voice dripping with mockery. "You know how she is....always chasing Adrien like a lost puppy."

Liora didn't give a reaction as she didn't expect Brielle to be the one to answer, Especially after what happened.

Adrien, meanwhile, sat in the classroom with Derrick, glancing at his phone with an unreadable expression.

The question Brielle had asked moments ago echoed in his mind:

'Have you seen Vale?, I haven't seen her since the bell rang'

Adrien thought about telling Derrick but he knew Derrick will just shrug it off.

So he leaned back against his chair and closed his eyes shut, threw his head back and sighed out loud.

His overthinking killing him, especially after the weird conversation he had with Vale minutes ago.

He opened his eyes irritated by the sounds of giggles from the girls, which were surprisingly not for him but for the guy who had just entered.

Adrien leaned forward and sat upright, fixing his gaze on the figure that walked nonchalantly and unfazed by the giggles and fan girlish gestures.

With disgust Adrien eyed Damian, Damian entered walking to his seat as he immediately made a deliberate reverse stopping at Vale's empty seat.

Confusion and annoyance beaded his mind but his face beared no emotions.

Finally he looked at the classmates present in the class,

Some smiled warmly at him, some adjusted their clothing, some pretended to look somewhere else, some just looked at him with disgust..

All those movements and looks had no impact on him at all, His mind was fixed on Vale.

Not like he cared or he's worried about her, he just feared the consequences might have a very negative impact on him.

Damian looked back down at the empty seat and sighed annoyingly

"Where's Vale Seraphine?" He said almost like in an authorative tone, Giving no room for ignorance or hesitations.

Adrien rolled his eyes at Damian while Derrick watched with admiration.

'How did he know her full name?' Adrien thought.

Adrien presumed no one will answer him especially when he behaves like he's in control, Adrien leaned back and waited for everyone to ignore Damian.

But to astonishment, Girls and even some boys and even Derrick answered;

"We don't know she had gone out since break"

"Did you know she was following you Damian? That creep"

"Haha she probably went home or something"

"No Vale isn't the one to dunk school she's a nerd"

"Damian why do you care? Did she take something of yours?"

As they were giving their suggestions, it's seemed unreasonable to Damian as none of them were even answering his questions but just beating around the bush.

His jaw tightened as he-

~End of Author's pov~


~Vale's pov~

My jaw fell to the floor and my phone unintentionally slipped because of my shaky hands I wanted to scream but I couldn't, all the air was already out of my lungs, my blood ran cold and my knees were as weak as a feather, I clutched my chest.

My heart speed was at an acceleration that i couldn't falter, now i know what i have landed myself into...I batted my eyelashes again just to be clear I wasn't hallucinating.

The eyes staring straight at mine,the presence in front of me, the body facing me, the evil smirk smirking at me wasn't those of..... Adrien at all.

'Now I'm dead'

There staring at me was a man in his 30s, his features sharper and more sinister. His blonde hair was streaked with a dirty brown shade at the front, and his pale blue eyes gleamed with malice. His lips stretched into a smirk that sent a shiver racing down my spine.

He wore a leather jacket that was somewhat similar to those of Adrien but inside his jacket was nothing but his skin, he wore no shirts and was shirtless with only a jacket and a pair of black pants.

I gasped, clutching my chest as though it would stop the frantic pounding of my heart. My lungs burned, and my knees felt as though they'd give out at any moment.

My mind screamed at me to run, to get away, but I was paralyzed, frozen in place like prey caught in the predator's gaze.

My back stiffened at the jeer, but I instinctively took a step back. The puddle underfoot rippled, mirroring the trembling of my body.

He continued to smirk at me mischievously and took steps closer to me and I also took steps away from him.

"What's wrong?" he drawled, his voice laced with mockery as he moved closer. "You thought I was your mummy?"

"Why did you follow me all the way here?" He asked walking closer.

"Awww, you need a daddy, don't you?" he teased, his voice darkening with each word.

"Come here, little girl. I'll take you home." he said with the same evil grin on his face as he eyed up and down from the distance.

He continued, his smirk widening as his eyes roamed over me, dissecting me with every step he took.

His eyes stopped at my skirt, lingering a little too long, which I forgot I was still on, he licked his lips lustfully and increased his pace a bit.

My stomach twisted in revulsion as he beamed, his intentions as clear as the predatory gleam in his eyes.

I just kept moving back simultaneously as he did and then he just smirked at me

My pulse raced as adrenaline flooded my system.

'This isn't real. This can't be real' I thought.

I desperately trying to wake myself from the nightmare that was unfolding before me.

My breaths came in short, panicked gasps, each one barely satisfying the screaming need for air in my lungs.

His smirk grew wider, his steps faster, and then he lunged.

Instinct finally kicked in as the adrenaline finally decided to flow, and I turned on my heels, breaking into a full sprint.

The sound of my shoes slapping against the wet pavement echoed around me, mixing with the heavy thud of his boots chasing after me.

The narrow street seemed endless, its walls closing in around me as I ran blindly through the fog.

The moment I heard the sound of glass crunching under his feet, my heart stopped. A wave of panic washed over me as I turned, dread pooling in my stomach.

There he was, his boot smashing repeatedly into something on the ground. It took me a moment to was my phone.

"My phone?" I whispered in horror.

MY PHONE? I had forgotten that it SLIPPED??? I couldn't run towards it because of that crazy man, that was the phone dad spent his 6 months savings on....the weight of his sacrifices crashing and been broken to pieces.

Six months of savings, gone in a heartbeat.

I was so devastated that I wanted to cry all over again it felt like I was being bullied by Brielle but this situation is different I am in the middle of nowhere and a crazy man is smashing my phone.


I clamped my hands over my mouth, stifling the sob threatening to escape. My knees wobbled, and my vision blurred. This can't be happening. This isn't real.

But it was real, and it got worse.

this man could be a murderer or worse a rapist my legs fell weak again wh-...

"Run, little rabbit!" he taunted, his voice carrying effortlessly over the sound of my frantic breathing and pounding heart.
