Part 44 - On a Tree

Simon screamed.

He heard a shrill voice accompany his and looked at Nell who was holding on to the carriage window for dear life.

The two stared at each other, when their attention was drawn to one of the seat's top cushion popping off, uncovering a hooded body underneath.

"What the hell is that?!?" Nell screamed, before the carriage hit something with a 'FLUMP'!

"Are we still alive?" Simon asked after checking if his limbs were still attached.

"I-I think so..." replied Nell who looked out of the window. "I think we fuckin' fell on top of some hell of a big, ginormous tree!"

Simon stared at Nell with his jaw hanging.

"The hell you gaping at?" asked Nell, his honey brown eyes glaring at him, for his hood and mask had both fallen off due to their accident.

"Y-your speech is a bit..."

"Shut the fuck up and help me get this body out of the carriage seat!"

Simon looked at the body hidden beneath Nell's seat.

The person was wearing a brown cloak which seemed to be stained with blood.

It wasn't moving.

"I-is he still alive?" he asked the healer who was holding the hooded person's wrist to check their pulse.

"I don't think they've croaked yet, but the pulse is weak."

Nell pulled the body out with Simon's help and removed the hood.

Simon gave a gasp.

"L-Lady June?"

He looked at the unconscious girl with her hair tied in a loose bun.

"She has a stab wound on her shoulder, and a bump on her forehead," said Nell after examining her. "Probably got it earlier. There doesn't seem to be any major organ or vein damage, but she has lost a lot of blood, and have sustained several scratches and bruises on her body."

"C-can you heal her?" Simon asked with concern, which earned him a glare from the novice priest.

"What else do you think I'm doin' right now, idiot?" he snapped.


"What for?"

"F-for... being so useless..."

"Well, at least you're aware."

Simon felt his face burn.

He watched as Nell's hands glow golden with healing light.

Lady June's pale face seem to instantly look better as some color returned to her bruised cheek. Even the pained look on her strained brows have gotten softer.

"I-I think it was much better when you were under a vow of silence..." he mumbled.

"The hell..." Nell cursed yet again, "you sound just like that annoying old bastard back at the Stone Temple monastery!" he retorted. "Well, now that I've broken my vow, what's the fuckin' use of keepin' silent?"

"C-can you at least... not curse out too much?"

"Hell. No."

"But as a novice priest..."

"What? You one of them tight-assed racist mother fuckin' bigots who think that all priests need to be prim and proper and hold their tongue through all their sufferin's `coz it's some sort of fuckin' sacrifice they must learn to live through?!"

"Huh? I-I didn't mean..."

"Or are you one of those mother fuckin' pervert bastards who think my face don't fit my personality?"

"M-most c-certainly not...!" Simon stuttered.

He can't deny, though, that Nell looked like an angelic being, even with his sleek, platinum blond hair shaved close to his perfectly round scalp, and his honey blond eyes that seem to glow golden even inside the shadowy carriage they were currently occupying.

"Is Lady June going to be fine?" he asked instead, changing the subject.

"I have already stopped the bleeding and healed most of her minor wounds. We would just need to wait for her to wake up."

'At least he talks properly when he's healing someone...' Simon found himself thinking.


Simon looked outside the carriage window, at the darkening sky above, and the thick green canopy beneath them.

"What do we do now?"

"Hell if I know."

Simon couldn't help but sigh.

"Anyway, it's a good thing that we fell on top of this huge tree, but I wonder what happened to the horses and that bearded knight who helped us escape..."

"Dead, obviously. Probably weren't lucky enough to land on a tree."

"How could you just say that!" Simon asked, horrified with Nell's reply.

"I'm a realist. Expecting for the best would just disappoint you."

"You've got a point, but..."

"Do you hear any horses neighing?" Nell asked Simon.

"N-no..." Simon frowned at his closed fists.

'Nell is probably right,' he thought. 'We would have heard the horses crying in pain if they were still alive, we fell from such a height, after all. The knight probably died while trying to help us escape, thus the horses fell off the cliff with us.' Simon shuddered.

'I can't help but pray that they died instantly.'

Nell gave an exaggerated sigh and rubbed his hands together.

"Well, anyway, this Lady would be better after some rest," said he.

"At least that's some good news." Simon placed his attention on the unconscious lady instead.

"There is still some minor damage inside her, but it's nothing some rehab healing can't deal with." the healer added.

"Thank goodness, then," Simon heaved a sigh of relief.

"So, who's the woman anyway? What the hell was she doin' underneath my seat?"

"I'm not sure myself..." Simon scratched his golden locks. "I just met her yesterday, she's the daughter of Earl Summers, the head minister of finance in our kingdom."

"Oh, is she one of them bride candidates you told me `bout?"

Simon reddened.

"I guess she couldn't wait to be with you, huh?" he said with a sleazy grin.

"But, yesterday, she made it clear that she has no plans of getting married."

"Is that why she decided to elope instead?" Nell gave a loud, annoying laugh.

"I doubt it, she seemed to be a very... proper girl..."

"Whatever the reason, you can ask her about it when she wakes up." said Nell. "You want me to wake her up?"



[Wake Lady June Up? ] go to Part 47

[Let her rest?] go to Part 48
