The Bracelet of Fate is a high school mystery and supernatural romance that follows Kenn, a quiet and introspective student who unexpectedly gains the power to see the emotions of others through a mysterious bracelet. This new ability forces Kenn to navigate the complexities of his high school life, where every glance, word, and action is now filled with the hidden emotions of those around him. What seems like a gift becomes a burden as Kenn struggles with the overwhelming intensity of others’ feelings, which threaten to consume him.
As the story unfolds, Kenn becomes entangled in the lives of two very different classmates: Lynn, a compassionate and supportive girl who sees past Kenn’s reserved nature, and Yaoi, a dangerously obsessive girl with a twisted fixation on him. While Kenn’s bond with Lynn deepens, Yaoi’s infatuation grows more dangerous, leading to emotional confrontations and heart-wrenching choices.
The emotional scanner, initially a tool of connection, becomes a prison as Kenn must deal with the manipulative system behind the bracelet, which seeks to control not only his actions but the lives of everyone around him. In a world where emotions are raw and unfiltered, Kenn must find his way out of the tangled web of obsession, love, and control.
The Bracelet of Fate is a story about growth, self-discovery, and the complexity of human emotions. It explores the consequences of being forced to confront the truth of others’ hearts and the journey to regain control over one's own fate. As Kenn’s relationships evolve and secrets are revealed, he faces a final choice—whether to break free from the system and the emotional chains that bind him or continue living a life dictated by external forces.
In the end, The Bracelet of Fate is about finding freedom in a world full of emotional noise and discovering that true connection comes not from knowing others' deepest feelings, but from understanding one’s own heart.
This is my first ever completed web novel and I know it's not perfect but Enjoy reading!