Who did it?

"We should expand our search. So we should split into groups." De Yating instructed.

There were two people in each team.

"If you find anything, report it on walkie talkie." De Yating continued.

"De Longjun and Zan Tengfei was in the same team. So they started searching together.

"Yingying... Yingying...!!" They began to call her name.

Nobody responded. They walked for some more time.

"I am sorry, Mr Zan." De Longjun suddenly apologized.

Zan Tengfei looked at him.

"It was my fault. I shouldn't have let her go alone."

Zan Tengfei sighed. "It's alright De Longjun. You people are kids. Sometimes mistakes may happen."


"De Longjun! Kids making mistakes is normal. It becomes only dangerous when you lie after making mistakes. Thankfully you are good kids. You informed us faster. What would have happened if you tried to hide it? It the result may be disastrous."

"Thank you Mr. Zan."

Zan Tengfei smiled.

Suddenly their walkie talkie crackled.

"There was nothing here. Over!"

Other parties also repeated this. Zan Tengfei started to worry. His face became more complex.

After sometime.....

"Sir I have found a peach hairclip." Suddenly one of the servants messaged.

"Oh!! My!! It's her's!!" Zan Tengfei felt like he found his breadth.

But his suddenly found relif was short lived. "But there was no young miss!!"

Suddenly De Yating said from his walkie talkie. "It also meant she may be near. Over! Where did you find it? Over!"

"From West side! Over!"

From West side!!!

Suddenly De Longjun said.

"Mr. Zan come with me I know where she may be!!" He ran.

He took his walkie talkie and informed others that they are coming.

"I know an easy way to reach there Mr Zan. Come with me!!"

Without thinking too much Zan Tengfei followed him. They both ran.

After sometime they both stopped.

"Why did you stop?!? Where is my daughter?!?" Zan Tengfei asked.

"She couo be up! In the tree!!" De Longjun said excitedly.

He ran towards the oak tree and removed some bushes. The stairs were revealed.

"She may be in the tree house!!!"

Zan Tengfei exclaimed. But he also took the stairs.

When they reached the door, it was Locked. De Longjun pressed pasword and opened it.

"Oh my baby!!!! Yingying!!!" Zan Tengfei put his hands in his head!!

In the bed Zan Guiying was sleeping without a care about this world. He thumb was in her mouth.

""Little yingying!!! Baby!! Wake up!!" Zan Tengfei called his daughter.

Zan Guiying rubbed her eyes and opened it.

"What is it daddy!!! How!!!.... How awe you hewe?!?!" She asked in a loud voice.

"And wew is bwig bwothew Jun?!?"

Zan Guiying hugged his daughter tightly. He kissed her eyes, cheeks and temples.

"What!! What is it daddy!! Tell me!!"

It's when she saw De Longjun.

"Bwig bwothew Jun!! Why awe you wate? I was waiting fow you!!"

Hearing this Zan Tengfei looked at De Longjun doubtfully.

De Longjun's eyebrows pointed up. "I have never told you to wait. Who told you that?"

"I saw sistew Wihua. She is the one who towd me."

De Longjun understood what she meant.

"What is it De Longjun? Why is yingying saying like that?" Zan Tengfei looked at him and asked.

"Don't worry uncle I will explain everything. We should go now."

De Longjun took his walkie talkie and informed others that he found Zan Guiying.

And they walked towards the mansion.


Bo Ehuang and others are waiting for them in the mansion.

"Why isn't they here yet?!" Bo Ehuang asked.

She was accompanied by Xi Fang and she was rubbing her back.

"Drink some more water Mrs Zan!!" She urged her.

"No I can't!! Let them arrive with yingying!!" Wiping her tears she said.

Seeing them Gang Lihua cleared her throat.

Everyone looked at her.

"Can I say something patriarch De?" She asked.

Grandpa De nodded.

"I think Zan Guiying broke the antiques and ran away. That's why we couldn't find her."

"What are you saying?" Xi Fang asked.

De Genji agreed with her. "Mrs Zan!! I think she is right too, I heard that if somebody hid themselves knowingly, nobody can find them."

"It may be that Madam De had said to be careful in the backyard. When coming back, she may have broken it and afraid of being scolded, she may have ran." Gang Lihua explained.

"Now! when I think about it we told her to come back in the mansion through backyard." De Haoyu remembered.

Bo Ehuang couldn't reply.

"What would we do? After we find her?! These antiques may worth millions of dollars." Gang Lihua poured oil in fire.

"Mrs De!! Patriarch De!!" Bo Ehuang suddenly stood up.

"Firstly I apologise for what may have she done. In my case, I don't belive she broke the antiques. And I know this antiques could not be remade. So..... As a compensation we would pay the appropriate amount."

Xi Fang agreed. "It would be the right thing to do. But before any of it, we should find the kid."

And they waited.


De Longjun, Zan Tengfei and Zan Guiying reached in the house with others.

"Baby!!!" Bo Ehuang ran and kissed her everywhere. "You worried mommy and them!!" Smiling happily she said.

What? How could they find her? My plan was to find her myself and make De Longjun indebted to me!!" Gang Lihua thought angrily.

"How did you find her?" Grandpa De asked.

"Not me patriarch De, we should thank De Longjun. He found her."

Everybody looked at him. De Longjun explained how they had been in the tree house prior before the incident.

"We should also thank Yingying. She may be small, but she is clever. She never gone far in the forest, but in the safest place. Even though she didn't understand numbers, she understood the symbols."

Bo Ehuang kissed her kid again.

Before she opens her mouth I have to do something.

"Zan Guiying where were you? We were so worried!!" Gang Lihua asked.

"Siste Wihua why awe you asking mwe that?! You towd me bwig bwothew Jun cawed me and made me wait thewe." Zan Guiying was surprised.

Everyone looked at Gang Lihua.

"WHAT!! WHEN DID I SAY THAT!! DON'T LIE ZAN GUIYING!! I DIDNT SAY THAT!!" Gang Lihua screamed suddenly and shed some fake tears.

Her parents who stood there ran and hugged her.

"No yingying won't wie!! Sistwe Wihua told me." Zan Guiying took a stand for herself.

"You are a liar. You are lying to cover your crime of breaking the antiques."

"We know our baby won't lie." Both Zan Guiying's parents supported their kid.

Suddenly Mr. Gang turned at Zan Guiying's parents and said. "Look here Mr and Mrs Zan, of course we are not rich as you. But it doesn't mean you could blame my child."

"Yes! Dad! Zan Guiying is trying to cover up her crimes!!" Gang Lihua ran and stood behind her dad.

"We know it's not our place to say this madam De!" Mrs Gang said from the crowd.

"I don't think Zan family could be in De mansion anymore. It could affect these kids also. Also look at the kids parents!! They are not even seeing it!!!

"Mrs. Gang!!" Grandpa De roared.

"Please accept my apology patriarch De! I am sorry I had to say this."

Hearing this Zan Guiying felt so helpless. She wanted to argue with them, but she found her father was holding her mothers arm to stop her from talking.

Zan Guiying suddenly turned towards her mother. "Mommy!!! Yingying didn't do it!!"

"Do you have any proof that I told you to go in there?" Gang Lihua turned haughty.

"But I have someone who can vouch for me." She continued.

"Who is that?" Grandpa De asked.

"Second young miss De was with me when I reached here!!"

De Genji nodded.

"Now admit it Zan Guiying!! You did everything and blaming me!!" Looking at Zan Guiying, Gang Lihua pointed her fingers.

Everybody looked at Zan Guiying. She began to sob. "Daddy!! Mommy!!! I didn't do it!!" Please belive me!! She cried and called her parents.

Now what you will do Zan Guiying? From today onwards you will be not more than a liar. You will not set your foot in your mansion. Nobody will save you today. Gang Lihua smirked.

Zan Guiying looked at her parents who was standing up to apologise to De family. She wanted to stop them. But how? She doesn't have any evidence. She searched De Longjun.

Where is he? When did he leave? Maybe he was angry and gone. Maybe I will never see him again!!! Zan Guiying's self thoughts made her more unhappy and sad.

Zan Guiying closed her eyes.

"Stop your acting Gang Lihua!!"

Zan Guiying opened her eyes. She looked staight ahead.

It was De Longjun.

He was looking at Gang Lihua angrily.

"Everybody turned and looked at him.

What is it? Gang Lihua gulped some dry air.

De Longjun walked towards her angrily....