
Two days later, the kids who got bullied by Gang Lihua got a call from her seeking an apology.....


Months came, seasons changed... The children of De family began their school lessons after vacation. When everybody asked about Gang Lihua, De children told them the lie that they have already practiced. They got a job. So they moved....

And came the next year.


Not much changed in Zan family except Zan Guiying became one year older. She still gets kisses from her mommy, daddy and grandpa... She still hears stories in night... And she still sleeps like a koala....

The relationship between the husband and the wife improved. Sometimes even doing a late night talk. Small small happy things are happening.


On Zan Guiying's lavish third birthday party, she got one percent of shares from her grandpa and lots of toys and other stuffs from her parents.

The chocolate three tier cakes were cut by her. In the morning she ate long noodles specially made by her mother.

In that happy day... There were also some unhappy events.

One of their guest criticized celebrating the kids birthday because her mother died on the same day.

"How could they do that!! I heard that Zan Tengfei loved his wife dearly, so why does he even do that to his wife?! It a day for her mourning!!"

"I think it's because of his new wife!! You see... She is a beauty!! What a body she has!! Tsk! tsk! Even I would forget about my dead wife if I can enjoy her every day in bed!!"

"Look at that kid!! She doesn't even remembering her mother!! Because of her, her mother died!! She should have some consideration. She calls her stepmother 'mommy'!! Untill how much years she would allow that?! After one kid, everything will change!!"

This lewd and harsh comments was coincidentally heard by Xi Fang.

She took a wine from the sevice boy and slowly walked towards them.

"Hello!!" She said.

Did she heard anything? Hey no! No! Maybe she didn't, otherwise her expression may be not like that. They thought.

"Hello!!" They also greeted back.

"Are you new in the city?!"

"Yes!! In case it's our first birthday party invitations from Ze's!!"

"Tsk! Tsk!! How did you get it?!" She called Zan Tengfei.

"What is it Mrs De?!" He asked.

"Did you give invitations to these people?!" She looked at all of them.

"Yes!! I did!!"

"Ooooh!! You did!!!" She looked at them. "I thought you lost it in garbage and they took it!!"

That group was shocked, including Zan Tengfei.

"Excuse me!! What the hell... Are you talking about!! Garbage?!? Us?!?!" They asked angrily.

Zan Tengfei looked around. Nobody was listening. They were in a quite far away from the main ground. He sighed and relaxed.

"What happened?!?" Could you please explain?!" He asked.

"They were talking garbage!! So I thought they came from garbage!! Is it?!" She asked sarcastically.

Oh my!! She heard everything!! What we will do??

Zan Tengfei somewhat understood the situation. " What did they talk?!" He asked angrily.

"Mr Zan! Before I would answer, let me remind you something. Today is your daughter's birthday. It's her day! So dont try to ruin it. Okay?"

He agreed. Xi Fang told all she heard. Zan Tengfei boiled with anger, but he didn't get physical because of his daughter.

"Look!! That women is lying!! There is no witness on her side!! She might be doing to turn us against each other!!"

"Oh!! Why should I do that?!?" She swirled her wine.

"Because... Because you are jealous of us..... Mr Zan!! Mr Zan!! She want to take out our business and make money from it!! Don't believe her!!"

"Who told you that she needs money!!" Zan Tengfei grinder his teeth in anger. "Do you know her?!" He asked.

"Didn't you hear!! She is Mrs De!! Now... Do I need to tell who are the De's?!?" He mocked them.

Hearing his words, they are shocked. "Please!! Please spare us!! Mrs De!! We were.... We were drunk!! So we didn't know!!! Please!!"

"Ha!!!" Xi Fang scoffed. "Before you knew about me, you were so bad towards me!! After hearing my family, you are trembling!! Cheap!!" She then turned towards Zan Tengfei. "So what should I do?!"

"You people are are disgusting!!" Zan Tengfei looked at them. "Your thoughts are so much malicious that I now fear about your kids!! Look here... So called gentlemen!! What we do and what we don't do are none of your buisness. By doing any of this, we are not breaking the law. So you don't have a say in it. Also.... Don't dare to talk about my wife and kid like that. You have no right. As for my wife!! She loves my child. She loves her too. What she remember or not remember about her mother is none of your buisness!! Also.... Understand one more thing... No newborn baby killed her mother knowingly and and the mother's death is not a fault of the child!! Children doesn't decides to be born themselves. So no child!! No child would be it's mother's killer. UNDERSTOOD?!?" He asked angrily.

"Mrs De!! I am so much angry because I couldn't beat them. So do whatever you like!!" He turned to her.

She smiled." Security!!"

Later they were gragged away from that place.

Next day, those people's buisness were plummeted leaving them beggars.

The De's were also present. They gifted precious jewels worth millions of dollars.

De Longjun already told her that he has another surprise for her, so she asked her parents permission. But they didn't let her go that they had to go to another place.


The family stood in front of a tombstone.

Everybody kept flowers on it and lighted some incense.

"How are you child? Grandpa De asked to the tombstone, bearing the name Li Kexin.

"Thank you for giving me a beautiful grandchild. We always remember you. Thank you! My child, for everything you have done to us!!"

"Li Kexin!!" Zan Tengfei called his wife. "Our daughter turned three today. Look..... she is so happy!!" He looked at his kid who was picking wildflowers nearby. You know..." He wiped his tears. She is growing as a beauty like you!! Sometimes..." He smiled. "Sometimes I think that she would grow into a more beautiful girl than you. Please look after our child. You know I will always remember you!!"

Zan Tengfei sighed. Bo Ehuang patted his shoulder.

"Hello Li Kexin!! I am Bo Ehuang. I think you would know me. Please don't be angry for not visiting you.... Before I visit you I wanted to show you that I am not a bad step mother. I wanted some courage to face you.... You know... Your child is so beautiful...I promise you, I would always love and take care of her. I won't let her feel that I am a bad mommy...Thank you and take care of us!!"

"Yingying!!" Grandpa De called the child.

She came and kept.some wildflowers in the tombstone. "Hi mumma!! I am Zan Guiying. My daddy towd that you awe in a fa away pwace. Pwease be happy in thwe. Yingying won't fowget abowt you. And today was yingying's biwtday twee. I was so hawpy and ate wots and wots of cake. Evewyone gave me gifts!! And I bowt something fow you!!" She took out a box from her nut shaped bag. It was a small piece of chocolate cake.

"It's fow you!" She smiled.

Everyone momentarily forgot their sadness.

After sometime....

"Can we go?!" Grandpa Zan asked.

"Yes father..." The nodded.

I am trying to make a new life for us. And it was a change in my life. Bo Ehuang is a good women. I promise that she would never do anything harm for our child. Li Kexin!! Honey!! I will always remember you... nobody can take your place from my heart. I will meet you again and again... untill we meet again in the sky.... please wait for me.... Honey... Taking Zan Guiying in his hand, Zan Tengfei talked to his wife in his mind.

And they walked towards their car.

That night Zan Guiying dreamed about her mumma smiling happily in a valley of flowers and kissing her.... Singing birthday song....

That night Zan Tengfei dreamed about her wife hugging him and telling him to be happy... She smiled... I would wait for you honey.... Please be happy and live your life.....

And that night, the family of three slept happily towards a new morning....