
De Longjun climbed the stairs and reached his room. He put his backpack and sighed. I should really go to Feng Delun. He thought.

He looked at his phone. Should I call him or not?

After thinking for sometime, he thought it would be better to call him after changing. He took his tshirt and pants from the wardrobe and walked into the bathroom.


When he changed and reached outside, he saw someone inside his room. She didn't hear his footsteps and was looking outside.

It was Chang Mingxia.

"Why are you here?" She turned and looked at him.

She blushed.

"Get out of my room! NOW!!" He said angrily.

"Oh!! I.... I am sorry!!" She stumbled on her words.

"I was.... I was looking for De Genji!! I! I didn't know it was your room!! I am sorry!!" She apologized.

"Now you found it was my room!! So get out. I don't like strangers in my room!!" He commented.

She ran out of the room.

"And also!!" He said.

She turned.

"De Genji's room was one room after!" He told her.

"Thank you!!"She bowed and ran out of the room. She blushed again. Casuals looks good on him. Like uniforms.

Then she reached De Genji's room and knocked it.

"Who is it?" De Genji asked from inside.

"It's me!!" She answered.

"Oh!! I am coming!!" Chang Mingxia could hear footsteps and De Genji unlocking the door.

She let her inside.

"Do you know? I accidentally gone into your elder brother's room!!" She told her.

"WHAT!! HOW ARE YOU EVEN ALIVE?!!" De Genji screamed.

"I ran away!!" Chang Mingxia answered. "Haa!! He is so terrifying!!" She commented.

"Come and sit here!" Both the girls moved to the sofa in the room. "He is terrifying!! We are also afraid of him!!" De Genji agreed with her.

"De Genji?? Does your brother really didn't like it when somebody enters in his room?" She asked.

"Mm!! Yes!!"


"We don't know! I think he is somewhat germophobic in nature or has an OCD!! the truth is we don't know!!" She sighed.

"But you didn't even ask him about the reason?" Chang Mingxia asked again.

"Yes!! De Haoyu asked it!!"

"Then what was the answer?"

"He told that he has documents of our business and it's for protecting it. But!! We still don't know the real reason. "Even we didn't go to elder brother's room untill it was important... Untill recently!!" She became thoughtful.

"Recently... Means what?!" Chang Mingxia asked.

"One year prior, my grandpa's friend's granddaughter arrived here. And she is a good kid. She is the only person I have seen who could enter and exit in elder brother's room!!"

"A girl!! Wow!!"

"Don't think too much!!" De Genji chuckled. "She is only three!!"

"Oh!! But why she has so much freedom other than you, his sibling?!" Chang Mingxia piqued curiously.

"I think my brother took responsibility for her safety. It was because of grandpa!! So he gave her more freedom than others!! But it doesn't mean that he doesn't feel responsibility towards us!! You know our incident!!"

"Yes! I know!! I don't think I could even forget it in my entire life!!" Chang Mingxia pointed.

"Yeah!! Me too!!" De Genji agreed with it.

"Then what is her name?!"


"The girl!"

"Oh it's Zan Guiying!! If you come during weekend for a sleepover, you could see her!! She will be with us!!"

"Is it?! So you are inviting me for a sleepover here?! In De Mansion?!?!"

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Yes! You could! But before that you should ask for your parents permission!!" De Genji laughed.

"Yes!! I would!!" Chang Mingxia said existedly.

"Then what about the dress?!"

"We should....!!"


In his room, De Longjun took his small backpack and headed out.

When he reached ground floor, he found his mother was talking with Mrs Chang.

"Mom! I am going to Feng Delun's house!!" He informed her.

"Is it?! Then okay! Don't be late!!" Xi Fang instructed.

"Yes mom! And I have already informed grandpa and dad!" He smiled at both of them and walked outside.

"Who is Feng Delun?" Gen Jingfei asked.

"He is his friend!"

It's a boy!!

"Oh!!" She smiled and diverted to another topic.


When De Longjun arrived in Feng villa, he got informed that Feng Delun was in his room.

He knocked the room and Feng Delun opened it.

"Come inside!!" He said.

Suddenly some gunshots were heard!!