
"But.... Now I am not crying because I am sad... It's because.... Because I am happy.... Happy that you believed me!!" Thank you Zan Tengfei!" Hearing her huband's words, Bo Ehuang wiped her tears again and chuckled. "Thank you!!"

They both looked at each other and laughed.

"Khmm!!" Elder Zan cleared his throat.

"Father!!" Both the husband and wife came back from their world.

"Now what you are intending to do?" Elder Zan asked.

"We should catch her father!! She is doing these kinds of things like making someone looking as an insane person. We can't tell what she would do after sometime. If we let her go now, maybe... People would get into dangerous situations. So we should do something!!" Zan Tengfei said.

"Yes father! But when we catch her, we should do it with evidence. Otherwise, if we hand her over to the authorities, she may escape stating we don't have enough evidence!!" Bo Ehuang said.

"We could record that women's doings in a hidden camera and submit it as evidence!" Butler Wun suggested.

"Mmm... It was a good suggestion Butler Wun.... But what will be or who will be the bait? What is your idea?" Elder Zan asked.

"Father...." Zan Tengfei called.

"Everyone looked at him.

"When I was fighting with Bo Ehuang, I had told her about not to destroy mine and Li Kexin's wedding photo. So I expect if the women took the bait, she could destroy it and put the blame on Bo Ehuang's head." Bo Ehuang told his plan.

"What!! What are you talking?! Is that why you decided to keep the photo outside? Is that why you decided to talk loudly about the photo? How could you do that? How can you destroy that photo?!?!" Bo Ehuang shook her head. "No! No! You can't do it!! We should try to find another plan!!" She rejected.

Elder Zan and Butler Wun also looked at them.

"It's not what I am intending to do father! I also won't destroy mine and Li Kexin's wedding photo!!" He assured them.

"Then what are you going to do?" Bo Ehuang asked.

"I already have some spare copies of that photo. The editor made some mistake in that photo so it can't be used. We could replace the original with the fake."

"Mmm... Then we should do it like that! Do you have that copy with you now?" Elder Zan asked.

"Yes father! It's in my study! I will go now to collect it."


After sometime, Zan Tengfei came back with the damaged copy of the photo.

"So... Who will plant this in your room?" Elder Zan asked.

"It would be Bo Ehuang!!" Zan Tengfei answered. "Everyone in this villa should see Bo Ehuang going to our room. And she should be there for atleast one hour. And should come back!"

"Then what about you?!" Bo Ehuang asked.

"I won't be going back to the room. It should look convincing.... Every servant should know I was not in our room atleast untill dinner! And remember.... Everyone should see Bo Ehuang leaving to the room!!"

"So, then only the last question's answer we need to find. From where should we buy a hidden camera." Bo Ehuang reminded.

"Okay... Let me call someone to help us!" Elder Zan took his phone and dialed some numbers....


"Good evening elder De!!" Elder Zan greeted in the phone.

"Ha! My friend! How are you?! And why are you calling me elder De?!" Elder Zan asked.

"Elder De! It's for an official purpose... For finding a culprit!!"

"What!! What happed? Tell me?"

"I am sorry!! But I can't tell you the circumstances. But.... Could you help me?" Elder Zan asked formally.

"Hey!! Don't act like that!! I would definitely help you!! Tell me what should I do?!"

"Could you help me to get a hidden camera faster, it would help us!!"

"Okay!! I will resend you to another number. Don't hang up. And also inform me when the problem had been sorted out!!"


"And also... Don't forget our golf meeting!!"

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Elder Zan laughed. "No! I won't!! We could meet!!"

"Then I am going to hang up!!"

"Okay!!" Elder Zan heard a beep sound... And after sometime, he was connecting with another phone.

"Hello!! Elder Zan!! This is DeSecure!! How could we help you?"

"Hello!! I want a hidden camera!" Elder Zan answered.

"Okay!! Do the room have anything like painting, vase like that to keep the camera?"

"Then let me give it to my daughter in law!!" Elder Zan gave the phone to Bo Ehuang.

"Hello Mrs Zan!! Please tell us any feature of your room that would help us to plant a hidden camera!"

"It has a flower was and has yellow colour flowers in it!!"

"Thank you madam Zan!! We will send the camera in half an hour and please hide it in a hidden spot!! Thank you!!"

"Then... Could we watch the video after it was recorded?" Bo Ehuang asked the most important question.

"No madam!! For that the technicians from DeSecure will be arriving!! Please call us when you need us!! Thank you!!"

"Thank you!!" Bo Ehuang gave back the phone to elder Zan.

They also decided Zan Guiying would stay in Elder Zan's room that she couldn't hear all those commotion if something happens...

And they waited...


Half an hour later.

A delivery man came and gave a box to butler Wun. It was small camera, designed artistically like a yellow flower. It was so small that one would notice.

"Remember what did I say to you!! Bo Ehuang?!" Zan Tengfei asked.

"Yes!! She nodded. After that she took the camera and the damaged photo and walked out of the room.

Zan Tengfei looked at her worriedly.

Bo Ehuang deliberately walked all around the house showing herself to all the servants and indirectly informing them that she would be going to her room.

Then she reached her room. First thing she did that placing the camera in the vase. She looked at it again trying to find fault in it.

Then she changed the damaged photo to the photo frame. She was somewhat trembling so she accidentally cut her finger. And she walked out of the room.


"So... So you found out everything!! Right?!" Chang Mingxia asked angrily. Then she looked at Bo Ehuang. "Zan Tengfei... If you are not going to be mine, I am not going to make you her's too....

Then she ran and grabbed Bo Ehuang. She pulled Bo Ehuang along with her and jumped out of the window...

Everyone screamed...