Building Trust

Nephis and Kai were still watching him tending to his Customers. After the initial Shock of their encounter here in his Café, Sunny needed a while to sort his feelings out.

'He's like a totally different person. Always smiling while effortlessly bringing the Food to the Customers When Aiko gets overwhelmed by the number or orders. And even in the Kitchen, each step and movement is perfectly executed…. Almost like he's dancing.'

Both Nephis and Kai thought while watching him. They had hit the Nail on the head actually. Sunny was indeed using Shadow Dance to traverse the Café and execute the perfect movements in the Kitchen to use the least amount of effort and time.

That something whose origin laid in Battle and Destruction Would be used to do something so simple as managing a Café? Never in a Million years would they have thought of that.

From the outside, Sunny seemed Calm and even happy. But today his smile was a fake one because his emotions have been thrown into chaos again.

'Have I grown…soft? I should have at least broken his hand if not maybe even cut it off for pulling a stunt like this. We'll, Maybe that's not a good idea since there Are other customers around.'

Sunny may be a Recluse Saint that was not friendly in any way, but since opening his Café to follow one of his Passions like Making others happy by letting them enjoy his food he has become somewhat of a Softy. At least his Incantation that works in the Café.

'The others don't have the privilege to be idle. Ahhhh, it's almost time to close the Café. Let's see what ridiculous lies they have for me today.'

Soon the last customers left the Café with only two Remaining sitting on their Chairs drinking tea while one of them watched him Closely with her dark Blue eyes.

'Why is she smiling like that? Didn't I threaten them just an Hour ago? This woman is truly crazy.'

He shook his head dismissively before walking to the Door, flipping the 'Open' sign over.

After sitting down on the Chair opposite Of them Aiko sat down too. Instead of sitting beside Sunny she chose To sit on the end of the Table, between the two Parties.

"So? What do you want? I'm sure that I have nothing to tell you so give it to me straight so we can end this tiring ordeal."

He said not entirely even but with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Why so calm all of a Sudden? Earlier I was sure you would crush my hand or do something even worse."

Kai said with a Chuckle. He Didn't know if this was the time to joke around but he was trying to lighten the Mood anyway. To his surprise Sunny actually had a smile on his lips now. He took a deep breath and looked up from his coffee mug, his smile turning sinister in the last second before he spoke.

"The only reason for that was the fact that there were still other Customers in the Café. Otherwise I would have cut your hand off maybe or even a little bit more. You know…just to see how much Changing Star can heal your sorry ass until her Abilities reach a limit."

All 3 of them Looked At him with wide eyes. To Kai's horror he was sure that Sunny didn't lie this time.

"You 3 look at me like I'm the crazy One here but once again you fail to see the reality of this Situation. You might claim that we have been great friends in the past but for all I know as I sit here now after losing a good Chunk of my memories you could be my Enemies. How am I supposed to react when 2 Saints come into my Café trying To hide their real identities to spy on me?"

Before one of them could answer though he continued.

"Let's just say I believe you for a second. Then I would try to remember what my life was like when I was still with you. Of course I can't do that since I have forgotten but like I told you in my Citadel, I do remember one thing… And that's the Pain, Suffering and Sorrow. That doesn't sound like great friends to me."

None of them dared to say anything. His voice might sound Calm and even again, but they knew what Sunny has been through since they were by his side for most of it. So they knew that he had always been in Pain and still didn't act on it. A Sin they now have to feel the Consequences for, in the form of a Friend that only remembers the Bad and none of the Good.

Of course in reality not everything about his past life has been bad. They weren't Monsters that treated Sunny badly out of Malice Towards him, just out of Negligence, which Wasn't much better.

To everyone's surprise it was Aiko who spoke next.

"Bos…I mean Sunny or Boss? Sunless? Noctis?... Sorry I'm confused . What are we even supposed to call you now?"

Sunny chuckled at Aiko's confusion and took a sip from his Coffee before Answering.

"I don't care what you call me. This Café will move locations soon anyways. You will have to look for something else in the near future, Aiko."



Both Nephis and Aiko spat quickly, clearly surprised.

"What do you mean "what?" I will be leaving now that you found out that it's me who's running this Café, I'm sure you won't leave me alone, still claiming I'm your long lost member or something like that. Or am I wrong?"

All 3 of Them remained silent again not wanting to lie To him. But Nephis was Noone to give up easily of course.

"What if we… What if we stop trying to get you to join our Cohort again? We won't bother you with it any longer, but please stay. We don't wanna lose you again. You Are far more than just a comrade to us and we want to stay close to you."

Sunny looked At her for a second, he was deep in thought. The situation was confusing for him and he didn't know what to do. After all he wasn't Entirely sure if they were being really honest with him.

"To be honest I would rather stay here too. Don't get me wrong, it has nothing To do with you at all. It's just that I have something to do here and as it turns out it's gonna take me a while."

"Are You… looking for a part of Weavers Lineage?"

Suddenly Sunny spat out some of his Coffee he was drinking. He gave Nephis an annoyed Glance and muttered.

"Damnation… but yes you are right. How the fuck do you know that?"

Nephis chuckled and Shrugged before Answering.

"Like I said, You have been part of our Cohort for as long as it exists. In fact you are a founding Member. Having been by our side from the Forgotten Shore all the way to our 3rd Nightmare. You really Think we haven't talked about our secrets in all those years?"

Sunny was trying To stay calm, this was a strange situation after all. He still didn't believe them but how did they know about his Forbidden Lineage and his Flaw for example. There has to be some truth to their Statements. But after 3 Years of Living a more or less peaceful life it wasn't just a Question of IF he would believe them. But if he WANTED to do so at all.

"Don't get your Hopes up or anything. But I would be willing to be more…cooperative, if you helped me with something."

Nephis eyes began to light up and a bright smile formed on her lips.


She shouted excitedly. Maybe a little too excited since not only Sunny was looking at her weird But Kai and Aiko too.

"Ahem…I'm sorry. I perhaps got a little too excited just now. So…what can I do?"

Sunny nodded and said evenly.

"Heal Me, that's it."

Nephis looked at him confused. She let her eyes wander Down his body in search of a wound or any signs Of Blood.

"I'm sorry but I didn't even know you were injured. Where are you hurt?"

He rolled his eyes while taking a sip from his Coffee again, only to notice that it was empty.

"Fuck I need to buy Coffee. But that can wait. Anyway, it's not this body that's hurt but two different ones instead."

"Different… Body's?"

Nephis asked, confused. Since Kai had not told Her what Aiko had told him she had no idea that Sunny possessed multiple Body's now. So of course she was confused by his words.

"Yeah, I have multiple Body's. Seems like there is something you didn't know about me which, to be Honest, calms me down a bit."

He said evenly, but not without a hint of a Smile on his lips.

"Have you seriously cut your hand while polishing that Glass and need nephis to heal you now?"

Aiko asked jokingly, almost mocking him as it seems.

"Ha Ha funny, miss "I bring my Boyfriend to work to spy on my Boss" you gonna pay for his Tea he has been drinking and Cake he has been Eating…. And it's gonna come out of YOUR Paycheck."

Sunny spat annoyed. Aiko stopped laughing faster than she had started. Every other person would just shrug it off since it's not a big deal losing a couple of Bucks, but losing Money is for Aiko like losing a part of her Soul, so the Fact that Sunny would take it out of her extremely High Paycheck was more than just a small inconvenience to her.

"No please Boss, I apologize. I didn't mean it like that. I will never do it again, I promise."

She said with big puppy eyes. Now it was her who might have overreacted a little and everyone else was staring at her with a raised Eyebrow.

"I won't change my mind, you're lucky I don't fire your ass for pulling a stunt like that. Now let's get back to the Subject of my mangled bodies. They are both not here so we will have to get them first."

Nephis stood up and was ready to ask where they needed to go when Sunny gestured for her to sit down again.

"No need to leave the Café for that. We will use the Mimic for Transportation. Just sit tight and try not to fall out of your Chairs."

Before any of them could say anything though the whole Building shook and suddenly It was pitch Black inside. Nephis and Kai summoned some luminary Memories to not be sitting there completely In the Dark.

"Where… are we Sunny?"

Nephis asked hesitantly.

"My Soul See, I need to summon the Mimic from a Different Incantation. It will take a second so just stay calm and whatever you do, don't go outside the Mimic."

They gave him all a nod. Rather he was watching out for them since his Soul Sea is not a safe place for outsiders or if he was hiding something from them didn't matter really. No matter what, they would respect his wishes, but not without looking outside the Windows of course.

Out there in the Distance they could see vague outlines of Creatures, Illuminated faintly from above. Aiko staggered back, nearly falling to the Floor, but of course Kai catched Her.

"Wha...what are those? You have Nightmare Creatures in your Soul Sea? And why Is it so dark here?"

Aiko asked with awe and fright in her Voice. She has never seen anything like this. Nephis and Kai weren't no different from her. They too couldn't comprehend what they were looking at.

"Those are the Shadows of Everything I have ever killed. Nightmare Creature and Humans alike. Their Shadows all stand Inside my Soul Sea."

He took a deep breath and chuckled before he Continued.

"As for why it's so dark in here, what did you expect from Someone who's Aspect is all about Shadows? You might have trouble seeing even the Faintest of outlines, but I…I can see perfectly in here."

Nephis and Kai were searching for something they Might recognize to point out to Sunny, but in the Next Second the Building shook again and they were somewhere Else entirely.

A burned Forest…as it seems. Mist Shrouding their View so they couldn't see Further than a couple dozen Meters. Suddenly 2 Figures stepped out of The Mist towards the Brilliant Imperium. Both Clad in the Same Onyx Armor from head to toe. Or rather what was left from the Armor since they both looked like they have been pushed through a Meat grinder.

The two took one step together before dissolving Into the Shadows, only to appear right beside Sunny a second later.

Now that they were standing so Close they finally figured out who the two are. Both of Them Looked exactly the same. Well, when setting aside the different injuries of course.

In the next moment the Building shook again, only to be Back in Sunny's Soul Sea, this time they didn't have any time to look at it with awe. Because A moment later hey we're Back in Bastion. With a man shaped Shadow standing on the Sidewalk with his Arms Crossed.

The shadow glided over the Pavement into the Café to Sunny's side again.

"Meet me and me, these two are Incantations of mine that managed to encounter a Creature of the Cursed Rank. A Devil, to be exact. That did not go pretty well for me as you can see."

He said with a somber expression. He turned to Aiko and said with a condescending Tone.

"So no, I didn't hurt my hand by shattering a Glass in it. I was just attacked by that cursed thing and as you can imagine, it hurt pretty bad. So excuse me if I lose a little composure when being dragged through a Cursed Meat grinder."

They all looked at Sunny's Incantations with horror written all over their Faces. Nephis was so shocked she had her hand covering her mouth while Kai had trouble even looking at his two mangled Bodies who fell to the floor at one point, probably due to exhaustion.

"How…how Did this happen? Normally you are very cautious and alert. You still have Shadow Step to teleport, don't you?"

Sunny was not Surprised anymore by Nephis knowledge of his abilities. He has somewhat accepted The fact that she knew most, if not not all of his secrets. So instead of complaining he just sighed before giving her an answer that she definitely wouldn't like but was no less the truth of course.

"Well, that Happened 2 days Ago. I was walking through the Burned Forest being Very alert and cautious since it's a Death Zone after all, when Suddenly I was forced to shift my concentration to my Incantation In the Nameless Temple. I think you know who decided to give me a Headache that day."

Her expression froze, suddenly she felt really guilty. Too ashamed to answer she just dropped to her knees laying a hand on each of Sunny's Incantations Stomach where the Damage seemed to be the Most severe.

'If not for Bloodweave He would have lost these two Incantations. That Must be his Transcendent Ability. Probably the Manifestation of Bodies from his Shadows. Which would mean that he has at least 6 extra Body's right now. 7 if he has Formed his 7th core yet.'

Nephis thought while healing his two Incantations. The mangled Flesh reformed and connected back to seal his body again. While healing him she traced the lines of his Muscles. After all there wasn't much left of his Armor. Only the Helmet and parts protecting his legs have survived Without significant damage.

'His body has gotten even stronger and more defined over the Years. There aren't many people with a body like this. Even among Saints he's Special.'

Nephis had begun to smile while rubbing her hands all over his well defined Chest and Abs. She Was deep in thought, that's why she didn't Notice Kai and Aiko trying to hold in a laugh.

'Who would have thought that Nephis would touch his body so shamelessly? Sunny looks like he doubts that it's Necessary. He would be right of course, but Noone Has to tell him that.'

Kai thought while watching the scene unfold. In reality Sunny's bodies have been healed completely for a while now. But somehow Nephis was still going, mesmerized by how good his body felt under her hands.

All of a Sudden Sunny coughed awkwardly and said confused With his Arms Crossed.

"You Know I didn't ask for a Massage…right?"

A moment later Nephis froze. Her face flushed deep red while she slowly Stood up. Her voice was clearly nervous and ashamed of herself as she spoke.

"I...I was just making sure that none of your Organs would be left damaged. The wounds were pretty severe after all."

'Lie, except for the Last part of course.'

Kai thought to himself with a Chuckle escaped his lips which earned him an annoyed Glance from Nephis. Luckily Sunny didn't question it any further and just dismissed the now perfectly healthy Incantations. Now 4 Shadows dwelling at his feet.

"Thanks, those wounds would have taken me at least a weeks to heal."

He said with a smile. A genuine one as it seems. Gladly Nephis accepted it.

"No need to thank me. It was my fault that you got hurt that badly. It's a wonder that you even Survived meeting a Creature from the Cursed Rank. Truly an outstanding Achievement."

Sunny upon hearing her words felt his Cheeks heating up a little. He didn't remember ever being praised like that, so it took him by surprise.

'Maybe she's not as bad as I thought. Should I give her a Chance?'

But before the thought could get a hold in his mind the Memories of all the Pain he went through shot through his Mind again, knocking away the thought of giving her a Chance.

'I have a life to protect. I can't have them destroy it.'

That was how he felt and they couldn't just change that in an Instant. But never giving up was somewhat Of their Specialty. Something that they have learned from Sunny. Who's life seemed like perfectly designed for Failure. Which made it so impressive that he kept going and winning against all odds.

"Uhh thanks, I guess."

He said a little Embarrassed. Now there was silence for a short moment. Not for long though since Kai had a question that has been burning on his mind for a while now.

"How do you Lie? You weren't wearing Weavers Mask earlier when you told us that your name is Noctis. Who we both know would be appalled by your choice of Clothing by eye way."

Sunny shrugged and pulled out a Rock from his pocket. Ignoring his statement About his clothes completely.

"I have lines like stating my false name saved inside that Memory. On Command I just let it play out a lie I recorded while wearing Weavers Mask and move my lips accordingly."

"You treacherous son of a Bitch."

Aiko said with her Jaw hanging wide open. Sunny chuckled and put the Rock away.

"I take that as a compliment. Now I must say, although I don't trust you just yet. I will stay here in Bastion. At least my original body plus one of my Shadows will."

He took a look at his feet and chuckled darkly.

"You two will go out there again though. Chop Chop we have things to do."

Two of his Shadows flinched before one showed him the Middle finger while the other walked out of the Door with his head and shoulders low.

"Aren't you technically talking to yourself when you give them Commands?"

Kai asked curiously. Sunny just nodded and let out a little hiss of Embarrassment.

"Kinda…when they are Intangible Shadows they have their own personalities. I don't know for sure but I guess since they are part of my Soul every single one of them represents a part of my personality. When I manifest them into Avatars though they are all me and the same. I have to control them otherwise they won't do jack shit."

Hearing his explanation was perhaps a little hard to grasp for them. After all they had no Idea How that Could even work. The thought of Controlling multiple bodies at the same time was exhausting. Some people had trouble Controlling the one they had so having multiple must require a high mental strength and stability.

"That's…Amazing, how many of those bodies do you have now?"

Nephis asked awed. She should have guessed what would happen next though because Sunny's smile dropped and he turned away from them. His voice went back to being distant and devoid of Emotions.

"I can't Tell you that."

It was weird though. Kai sensed him clearly telling The truth. But how could he be prohibited from telling them that answer? Was he still so wary of them that he truly believed that to be true? Or was there Something else that made him state that answer?