Pained Memory

Trust Is a complicated thing. It can be built with a Single action and destroyed just as fast. Most of the Time trust needs days or even weeks to form. At least that is how it is for most people. Sunny on the other hand needed more than that.

He had never trusted people easily, on the contrary, getting himself to finally reveal his secrets to his Comrades and friends had taken him years back then. He did so only in their Second Nightmare after all.

So it was weird for him sitting here with those people he doesn't remember, knowing close to nothing about them while They know most of his Secrets as it seems. But somehow he felt at ease. Allowing himself to accept the Situation and hope that the strangers won't betray him with their knowledge.

There is no need to stress about things that lay in the past after all.

'What's done is done. Seems like I'm at the mercy of others once again.'

The reality was different of course. They are the ones at his Mercy, not the other way around. If he wanted To he could easily Kill Nightingale and Athena if they choose to betray his trust. Currently they are doing a good job at building it, so he would never do that of course.

'For the Moment at least. For now they seem like good people. Should that change though… let's just say that her son would grow up without a Mother.'

Noticing his complicated expression Effie giggled. The Huntress has been drinking not only the wine they brought, but also getting her hands on Sunny's Liquor Cabinets. He doesn't mind though, she is paying for it after all.

"You look like something is on your mind, Sunny. Tell us, what is it?"

He hesitated, he could hardly tell her that he was just thinking About how he would turn her Husband into a Single Father if the need arose. So he pulled one of his oldest tricks, Deception.

"There are many things I'm concerned about, Athena. None of them are easy to explain."

Effie sighed Deeply, she knew better than to press him into telling them something, but one thing has been irritating to her for the entire evening so far.

"Effie… call me Effie. Athena is for people I don't know and don't like."

She spat drunkenly. Kai too has been looking into his Glass a little too deep as it seems and joined her agenda.

"Me too…call me effie too…no wait, Kai…my name is Kai."

Both of them Laughed at Kai's mistake. Even Sunny couldn't hold back a smile.

'Perhaps I was wrong, how could these two be bad people? Sure Athe…no, Effie is a bit loud and irritating sometimes. But somehow I enjoy being in the presence of such contrast to myself.'

The evening has been going very well so far. To his surprise the two have even shared some of their secrets too. How their Abilities work, what kind of Memories they possess and of course, what their Flaws are. Which in Case of Kai irritated him more than it eased his mind. That damn fool still thinks he has a Flaw. Of course from Kai's perspective it is, but from Sunny's? He couldn't have hoped for a better Falw to get. Instead he got the Opposite.

'Fate is a Funny thing sometimes. In this case though, it's a bad joke.'

He thought with a sour face. Suddenly Effie jumped up from her seat like something had stung her from under the Table. She turned to Kai, grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him while she yelled.


Effie was right, their Transcendent Armors they Both received from the Chain Lord's had been upgraded By Sunny to the Supreme Rank in their 3rd Nightmare. Surely he doesn't remember it but the Shadow Strings inside their Memories are undeniable proof of his work.

Of course Sunny was nothing but confused for a Moment. Only when Kai realized what Effie Was trying to do and stood up while ethereal Sparks engulfed his body did Sunny's eyes widened and his Jaw dropped a little as the Weave hiding inside those Memories Looked more than a little Familiar.

"How…how Did you get these? That's my Sorcery…imbued in those Memories."

Kai and Effie looked at him proudly. Him wearing a Beautiful Ivory Armor made out of Dragon Scales and Effie…well the Beauty of Effie's armor doesn't come from the Armor itself but the Body beneath. Since it made its wearer look lIke She has been dipped in steel so it clung tightly to her skin. So tight that she was normally Wearing a piece of fabric to cover her Breast but has Forgotten to do so in her Drunkenness.

Sunny studied Kai's Armor with great interest before looking at Effie, where he quickly looked away again pointing at his own chest in Embarrassment. Luckily Effie got the hint and soon a Red cape like the ones from the War Maidens covered her upper Body.

"You can open your eyes again."

She said with a Chuckle. Sunny did as he was told, although not without hesitation. Soon his eyes widened again as he studied Her Armor too, or to be more precise, the Weave inside of it.

"Your Right, there is no doubt…I have altered those memories To elevate their Ranks To Supreme."

Sunny couldn't believe his eyes. They are wearing Armors with His Sorcery Imbued! In order to raise their Rank. Something he would hardly do for an Enemy. He couldn't help but think that they had been telling the truth all along. In the Depths of his Mind Something stirred, the same happened inside his heart.

He felt like coming to a deep understanding but shortly after…

….his head began to hurt, that headache of his has become a Normality as of Late. It had all started as Nephis and her Cohort came to the Nameless Temple. A sharp pain that feels like someone is driving a needle through the Back of his Head. He tried not To let it show but failed miserably.

As of now that would be it, the Pain would be agonizing, sure, but he had been through worse while still keeping most of his Composure. But today everything was different.

His head shot upward while his hands tried To ease the pain by pressing down on it from the top. His fingers sunk deep into his hair, almost ripping it out. If not for Bloodweave, Blood would be flowing down his face from the wounds He is inflicting on himself right now.

Kai and Effie quickly got to his side trying to Aid him in any way. None of The two knew what was going on and sadly they have no means to heal a Person.

"Sunny, what's wrong?"

Effie asked worriedly but instead of an Answer Sunny just Screamed in pain. Kai felt useless here so he Quickly ran outside And jumped with all his Might into the air before taking Off with terrible Speed towards the Ivory Tower.

Landing on the Top Floor he quickly opened the Door to Nephis Apartment In a Rush he looked for her. But to his frustration she was nowhere to be found. So instead he asked Cassie.


It Took the Blind Seer a second to answer but with how panicked Kai sounded right now there was no way for her to ignore him no matter how important it is what she was doing right now.

[She's in the Waking world to get Rain. What Is happening?]

'Sunny is in great pain. We were showing him our Armors in an effort to make him remember that he altered them. He realized it but Suddenly he began to scream while tearing at his head.'

[OK I think I know what's going on. I will tell Nephis to Hurry and come over myself. I tell Jet to join us too while I'm at it.]


Without wasting a second he dashed to the nearest window and jumped out of it. Shortly after he was back at Sunny's Café. To his horror Sunny was still screaming. Effie was trying to keep him safe while he rolled around in the Ground Trying to make the Pain stop by hitting his head on the ground repeatedly.

But Sunny is strong, too strong as it turns out because her strength alone isn't enough to pin him To the Ground.


Kai, Without hesitation dashed over to Sunny's other side and grabbed him with all his Might. With Kai's Support it got easier but Sunny was still furiously fighting the Pain.

"When did he get so damn Strong? I can remember a time when I was the physically strongest in the Group."

Effie groaned while giving it her all. Suddenly she missed the times on the Forgotten Shore. When She was still the one with the greatest physical Might.

In a house somewhere in NQSC a Girl was currently training with Mundane weapons made out of an Alloy in an Underground Dojo when suddenly the Door swung open.


Nephis Came rushing inside looking for the 20 year old who still lives with her Parents. After Noticing Nephis, Rain had a wide Smile on Her face. She hasn't seen the Beautiful Saint in a while now. Normally Nephis Would be sitting or training With her every Evening. The two share a strong bond now after all those years.

Of course Nephis wasn't the only one visiting Sunny's house just to remember The Peaceful times when they were still Masters without any immediate dangers to worry about.

She hated herself for not realizing her love at that time. The only thing that could Help her in such situations was laying down on his bed and sleeping. Exploring what their Relationship could have looked like in her Dreams.

But now was not the time for such things. She had to get back to Sunny as fast as she could. But taking Rain with her was something she couldn't wait for. After all, her brother has been back for 2 Days now. Not a great amount of time, sure, but she was already feeling guilty for not telling Rain immediately after she Came back from the Nameless Temple.

Upon reaching Rain she gave her a quick hug before grabbing her hands and looking her deep into her eyes before she explained why she was in such a Hurry.

"HI RAIN, quick explanation. Sunny Is Noctis and he is currently in great pain, let's go."

Too quick of an explanation Perhaps Because not even Nephis really understood what she just said. It didn't Matter though. Before Rain could even register what Nephis had just said she was being pulled into the Dreamrealm.


Seconds later they both Appeared in the Ivory Tower. Nephis was in such Hurry that she didn't Notice all the Doors and even a Window in her Apartment hanging wide open.

She quickly grabbed Rain though giving the Girl no Chance to ask any questions and jumped through the window with her. Rain screamed in horror of course. Just a couple of seconds ago she was Training in Sunny's Dojo and Now she is falling into the Depths below the Ivory Tower With Nothing but the Beautiful Sunset being something she could be sure about.

Before they hit the Ground 2 Radiant White wings spread from Nephis back and she flew with terrible Speed towards Sunny's Café.

Rain was still in a Turmoil of Emotions when they landed. She had not even recognized that they had landed actually because she was still clinging At Nephis body with all her strength. Her eyes tightly shut, not daring to get a peek at her surroundings.

'The sunset looked So Beautiful, I'm gonna die as a Happy Girl.'

Still whimpering she was suddenly pulled out of her fear by Nephis calming voice.

"I'm so sorry, we are on solid ground again. You can open your eyes and let me go, please?"

Rain hesitantly opened her eyes again. As she did her whole body loosened up again and she let out a long sigh of Relief.

"Damnation, I thought I would Die today. Thanks For the Ride but next Time please ask me before you drag me with you into a seemingly Bottomless abyss."

Nephis just nodded with an even expression not feeling a glimpse of guilt And pulled Rain behind Her while running to the Door.

"Will do, now common, Sunny needs help."


Nephis suddenly Felt a little relieved not Having the same Flaw as Sunny because she would have to answer every single one of those questions. Instead she just gave her a quick smile and said.

"Later, we don't have time."

When they both walked inside they couldn't believe their eyes. The entire interior of the Dining Room was in Shambles, where tables and Chairs stood was now Nothing but Chaos consisting of Broken furniture and blood spread everywhere the Floor had cracked.

Her gaze finally landed on three People laying on the Ground looking like they had just been Wrestling A Titan, which was not even an exaggeration. Sunny had been a fierce opponent while fighting mainly himself.

Nephis quickly dashed over to the 3 Saints In a hurry to Help Sunny. She was late as it turns out. Jet, Effie And Cassie still breathing Heavily gave her a dazed Look and said together.

"You're… late… It's over."

Suddenly Nephis felt like a weight from her shoulders dropped. A second later though she frowned before asking confused.

"Then where is he?"

Cassie mustered up the strength to point at the Staircase and muttered between heavy breaths.

"He's…upstairs…with Kai…he's…Unconscious though."

Nephis wasted not even a second and rushed up the Stairs, leaving Rain downstairs with the 3 Saints.

"Wh…what happened here?"

Rain asked, never had she seen a Room in such a sorry state with 3 Saints laying in the Middle completely exhausted. This time it was Effie who answered though.

"Your brother…that's what happened."

Rain upon hearing those words Shuddered.

"Did you… Fight him? I don't understand."

"He mainly fought himself. We were just trying to keep him under control while he was trying to ease his Pain by banging his head against the Floor… he fell Unconscious after some time."

Jet said with a pained voice while holding her right arm which now looks more like a sausage that has been left in a Microwave for too long after her attempt to get him into a Chokehold.

Rain suddenly felt like she would fall Unconscious any second, so she sat down. That was not because of Jet's mangled arm but the fact that her Brother was presumably back and all she found as evidence of him were 3 battered Saints and a Café in Shambles.

"Can someone please explain to me what happened In the last 2 days? The last thing I knew was that Sunny has been lost and now I'm sitting in a Café with 3 battered Saints and blood everywhere among the destroyed Furniture. And Noone Seems like to Think it's strange except for me?"

They all just sighed before Cassie and Effie stood up and helped Jet to do the Same. Cassie looked in the Direction of Rain and gave her a calming smile while dusting off her Clothes.

"Sure…where do I start?…."