Until we meet again

I'm sorry to disappoint you guys but my Fanfic will go on hiatus. At the moment my focus is on other things. Holidays, Family and friends to name a few. And something more special and specific than that.

To be honest I don't have the will to continue [Missing Piece] at the moment.

Ofc I could force myself to just write a half hearted and Lazily put together Chapter every now and then, but that would be unfair to you guys and unfair to myself.

I have higher standards than that. So for now I will take a break from writing Shadow Slave Fanfiction and focus on something else before daring to disappoint you and Myself.

I have the idea of writing my own Novel for Weeks now and it's slowly taking shape. For now it's just an Idea ofc but I'm planing to form that Idea into a Masterpiece that can Rival the status of Shadow Slave, Lord of the Mysteries and The Beginning after the end for example.

Will I succeed? Maybe, maybe not. My goal is nothing less than reaching for the Stars and beyond after all.

So...this is not saying goodbye at all. Rather it's the start of something new and beautiful...hopefully.

Thanks for reading my Fanfiction untill this point. I don't know when I will continue [Missing Piece] but I know that I will. Leaving something unfinished isn't something I would do. So you can be assured that I will...one day.

Until the day I continue [Missing Piece] I'm sure that there will be other writers feeding your hunger with incredible Fanfictions, so I know that you are in good hands.

First of all I'm gonna say that I'm obsessed with this Idea, so ...I will write it in my Native language which is German to ensure a higher quality since I don't have to ponder on the correctness of Grammar and wording. Of course I will also Upload it in English, but that will happen with the use of ChatGPT. I won't just copy and paste it and tell the AI to translate it and Then upload it, but rather it will guide me in the process of Translating. I will look over everything before I Upload it and then fix any mistakes that can happen when using an AI to translate a text that is full of tricks with words and can be easily destroyed by a Translation that is provided by an AI.

With that out of the way I wanna introduce to you the name and a couple of Informations about my own Novel.

[Sehnsucht nach dem Tod] or in English [Longing after Death]

The story is Inspired by my love for the Universe and all the things in it. Space and therefore Scifi will be a huge part of my Novel but I'm also a huge fan of Fantasy. So it will have both. God's And Demons are things that are hard to grasp but in a Universe that has both the technological advances of Conquering entire Galaxy's and the backing of other entities they are not as untouchable as one might think.

The MC will be a Man that is living on Earth but ends his life due to dire events and the Pain that comes with it. He's called Darrico Reblin.

After his death he's Reborn In a Place akin to Hell. Slowly he will unravel the reason for his Reincarnation and the new Body that comes with it. Humans have no place in a Universe that has God's And Mystical Creatures in it after all.

I already have the rough path of the Story and the end in my head. Of course everything can change along the way of the Journey Darrico is bound to face.

The friends and enemies he will make along the way of his journey back to earth will change him. Maybe even convince him to leave it all behind and treat the Universe he's been Reincarnated into as a new beginning. Maybe he will even conquer it while treating the World as a game.

In the end I'm a man with Ideas that are equally Ambitious and Crazy. So I'm excited to bring those ideas to the Paper…or rather Display since I will upload on Webnovel.

I hope some of you will follow the Journey of Darrico with keen interest. The first chapter is in work and will take some time to be finished. I'm currently creating the power system, History, World Building Characters and Concepts. It's hard to come up with all that while also forming it into a harmonious package that smoothly flows together to form a Novel I can be proud of.

I will inform you when the first Chapter along with an Info Sheet releases, until then I wish you happy holidays and leap into the new year. Stay healthy and happy as you continue on your path.