Dealing With Gaylord (2)

"Excellent, that's quite sufficient," Magnus declared, fixing Kragnir with a stare that so unnerved the goblin, he fidgeted uneasily. Magnus added, "And by the way, drop the 'sir' business. It makes me feel ancient. 'Lord Magnus' will do nicely."

"Uh, certainly, si... I mean, Lord Magnus," Kragnir stammered, correcting himself quickly.

"Good. Take him away and prepare him for the grand occasion," Magnus instructed one of his summons standing silently behind Kragnir.

"Right away, Lord Magnus," the summon bowed respectfully before turning to Kragnir. "This way," he gestured, leading the bewildered goblin deeper into the fortress.

The remaining captives, including Kragnir, were thoroughly confused by this exchange. 'Grand occasion? What grand occasion?' they all wondered simultaneously.