

A furious sound ripped through the Silent Forest. The Deathstalker Wolf, its snarl laced with agony, scrambled to regain its footing. Magnus's sudden earth-softening maneuver, executed mid-sprint, had not only broken the wolf's momentum but also shattered one of its forelegs, effectively crippling it. Yet, despite the debilitating injury, the wolf's rage burned bright, a primal fury focused solely on tearing the human standing before it to shreds.

Magnus observed the struggling wolf, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. "It worked," he murmured, a thrill of accomplishment warming his chest. This was just a taste of what he could achieve with his newfound affinity for manipulating concepts, and the results were already promising. He knew this tactic wouldn't work against a stronger, more intelligent beast, but for now, the success was exhilarating.