The Demon Makes A Request.

"Are you alright, son? You seemed shaken there for a moment," the Major asked, his sharp eyes narrowing.

Elijah's chest heaved rapidly, the words snapping him out of his fog. His pulse still raced, but he fought to steady his breath.

The unsettling feeling of death that had gripped him was slowly dissipating as he forced himself to focus. With a deep exhale, he squared his shoulders and looked up at the Major, his voice level and calm.

"Yes, sir... please carry on".

First Lieutenant Darvik's brows furrowed in quiet skepticism, his eyes lingering on Elijah for a moment longer than necessary.

Verayth, on the other hand, leaned back in her chair with an air of casual disinterest.

The Major, sensing the shift in atmosphere but choosing not to dwell on it, nodded and said calmly.

"I was asking you to retire for the evening, If you wish to stay for the rest of the discussion, then I will allow it".

First Lieutenant Darvik's eyes squinted, a man that follows the book like him, definitely did not approve of having military regulations disobeyed.

"Major, the boy isn't even a Private yet, how can we possibly allow him to join in on such classified discussions".

The Major shook his head lightly, Elijah just provided him with knowledge he never thought could be used in warfare, so he said plainly.

"Wisdom knows no rank, his proven himself a capable strategist, and so like I said, I will allow it'.

First Lieutenant Darvik opened his mouth as if to speak. But in the end, he could not say a word, the Major was correct, Elijah had proven himself a knowledgeable young man, he atleast deserves their respect.

But just as First Lieutenant Darvik was coming to terms with the Major's arrangement. Elijah spoke up.

"Thanks for the offer sir, but I think it's best I get some rest, I have been on the battlefield all day".

Everyone was taken aback, they would have sworn he was going to accept the Major's offer, who wouldn't.

But Elijah simply turned and exited the tent, after leaving the tent he sucked in a breath of cold contaminated air.

"Oh hey man, how has the weather been treating you?". Elijah casually asked the raccoon nosed man standing guard.

The man wasn't expecting a conversation starter from Elijah, but he still respond.

"Better than the battlefield, that's for sure".

... ...

Elijah once more found the pair of rocks he and Verayth sat on, he took a sit and calmly called upon the Demon Lord Revival System.

"Speak to me, what does it mean to have a penalty imposed upon my death?".


The penalty resets your revival point each day until all missions are complete.

Elijah exhaled, he was trying his hardest not to lose his cool, if it was anyone else, by now their annoyance levels would have been off the charts.

"Why is it that this system only says things faguely, even when I ask it simple and direct questions, it always finds a way to make them complicated, I wonder why that is?".


The Revival Systems follow the will of the users inner resolve.

Elijah blanked out.

"Da fuck is that supposed to mean?".

The system didn't answer that question, so Elijah tapped his foot several times in frustration.

"I can't rely too much on this system. For now, I need to follow the exact same pattern as I did last time, except I must convince the Lieutenant we need to depart early in the morning instead of midday."

... ...

First Lieutenant Verayth later met Elijah, and joined him on one of the rocks, just like before, their conversation revolved around what they believed in and how they choose to enforce that belief.

Except this time, as Verayth was walking away, Elijah called out to her.

"Lieutenant"... He said, his voice rising beyond its usual pitch.

First Lieutenant Verayth halted her steps and turned, a flicker of hope and curiosity in her ocean blue eyes.

"Yes, Elijah".

She said, but he wasn't about to change his twisted logic, the Demon just wanted to make a request of her.

"Tomorrow morning... we need to depart for the mission early tomorrow morning, so please try to prepare everything before you go to sleep".

Verayth was baffled.

"You can't seriously expect me to go through thousands of paper work, and send invitations to thousands of possible...".

"Five". Elijah said suddenly, interrupting Verayth.

"Only five will agree to join us, and yes I know I have been selected to join the suicidal team of masochist".

Verayth's eyes widened slightly, she never doubted Elijah from the start, but the fact that he knows what the Major decided on just proves his crazy stories even more.

Elijah continued, his voice low and even.

"The master swordsman, Vornak Ziek. Ferik Aelar, Taelia wave, Ardyn Sylros, that Ovarth dude from your squad... and then, me and you... that's all, so please prepare the team before the sunrises...

also... please get a rope".

Verayth didn't fully understand what Elijah was on about, but the best part if it was she didn't have to, she just had to trust him, and carryout the plan.

... ...

Elijah later returned to his tent, this time, he slept like a baby, the next morning.

Verayth came and delivered the letter of promotion from the top brass, Elijah opened it with skeptic eyes.

"Still stingy".


The team assembled once more, but this time at dawn, Verayth did the introductions and the team began their journey.

As Elijah gazed back at the fading camp,he could spot men bustling and preparing for another charge at the enemy, but this time, using techniques from twentieth century earth.

Due to the team moving out in advance, the plan was brought forward, but atleast now Taelia would be able to see the path towards the top of the mountain much clearer.

And Elijah won't have to worry about having his face smashed to bits by her climbing boots.