Iris: Protective brothers and wine

ONE TERRIFYING thing about Jerald is the ginormous love he has for his sister. You might think, umm how is that bad, but it is, because his love is big brother love.

The kind that makes him want to know where she is, who she's with, what she's doing, if she's hurt, who hurt her, and so forth. It might sound like a lot but he has boundaries, or he used to have them anyway until his naive sister got heartbroken by a boy in college.

The guy moved abroad for a while to finish his masters and came back three years later after we were done with college to run his family's business. That guy is Phineas.

I hated him when he did that to her because it was now mine and Jerald's responsibility to comfort her, and that meant listening to her cry every fucking day until she healed, but after listening to her story, I kind of felt pity for the two.