Iris: Bloody fight

I CUT the call with a fierce jab at my phone, honking my car horn at a car that cuts me on the highway. What's up with highways and being full of cars when you need to be somewhere so fast?

Mary and Phineas didn't wait for me in the afternoon after she asked for her half day off, and fuck my life, I got a call from Lynn asking me to help her with a new design she had come up with. As her living mannequin.

The pushover in me couldn't resist her, not after the heart-to-heart we had in the restroom last week after I told her off about Lucas. She cried her makeup off damnit, and I was there comforting her even though I was partly at fault for her broken heart.

Yeah, she's a stalker but so what? I wasn't being a girls girl taking her crush from her like that. I should have backed her up instead.

Ahh, fuck it. I have to get home on time before Lucas kills his sister's man.