THE FAKE scenarios won't stop playing in my head. I lied to myself thinking I'd be able to sleep with all the drama that has unfolded for the past few days.
As cliché as it sounds, I can't sleep because of these weird daydreams. Everyone is walking away from me in a single file, not even looking behind at me whilst I'm chained to this huge tree whose roots outstretch all over.
The worst part is how I can't call out to make them stop. My voice is gone in every dream, and it's happening every time I close my eyes, Jerald being the leader of whatever this mind revolution is.
I was putting up with it all this time until Lucas popped in one of them, following Jerald and my parents like he doesn't give a shit I'm chained to a tree. Now I'm up, trying to write my book but nothing comes out. My mind is stuck, not running the gears of creativity at its usual pace.