1… in the bathtub…?!

"Why do you keep following me as if you're a baby ducking! Are you lost!? Did you hit your head? What's wrong with you?" Xenith yelled in frustration, oddly enough, not making any attempts at his life. If he was entirely honest, he wasn't sure himself what was happening, why he felt the need to follow Xenith, to stop going after him. For some oddity, his mind felt foggy when he looked at Xenith, he looked, strangely, very handsome to him at the moment, and he felt warm and fuzzy when Xenith spoke to him, glanced at him, or if he even so much as caught the scent of his cologne. "I just want to?" Maxciel said with an awkward smile of confusion. Talking to Xenith was like a big bundle of nerves. He felt incredibly self conscious in a way he'd never felt before. But he was also certain that he didn't want to leave Xenith either. "That's not an answer! You yourself even seem unsure of it. I can't hurt you like this! It might as well be killing a lost puppy at that point" Xenith insisted, his tone and expression only growing more agitated. "And what's more, people will believe I did this. If that happens every hero in the nation and every fanboy of yours will be after me" Xenith groaned and grit his teeth. "Come with me, you fool" Xenith grumbled, adding the last two words as a whisper under his breath, but Maxciel still heard it. He grabbed Maxciel's hand, and for Maxciel, he felt a jolt of electricity shoot through his body, he felt himself growing anxious and deathly self conscious about how sweaty his hands were becoming, and he swears his face was red as if he'd been sunburnt. Xenith's hand felt like lava in his palm. But, he rather liked the sensation of it. While he was lost in his thoughts, he found himself at the doorstep of some house buried in the woods, behind walls of trees, and barricades of bushes. He felt Xenith let go of his hand and he couldn't help but feel disappointed. He wished he could've held onto Xenith's hand at least a little longer. He watched as Xenith unlocked the door with a pin code and ushered him inside. He felt like a teenage boy all over again, being invited over to the house of the girl he liked to work on school assignments. Wow—that's a strange train of thought when you're with your enemy. But, weren't all the sensations, and feelings and thoughts flooding through him strange and unsuited for the situation he was in? He felt his entire soul jump. Perhaps, he did like Xenith! Perhaps— no, it's not perhaps, it's the only plausible explanation for his current state of being. Without thinking Maxciel suddenly blurted out the words, "oh my god, I like Xenith!" While said person, Xenith, was standing right in front of him. He watched as Xenith's eyes widened into shock, his face twisted in a way he couldn't seem to describe, a way that didn't seem to suit him. He watched as Xenith's face flushed with embarrassment and confusion and immediately grabbed something from by the door and shot him in the arm with it. It hurt but it didn't leave a mark, and certainly didn't kill him. He frowned and held his hand over the arm that was now stabbing with a sharp pain. "What was that for?" Maxciel yelped. "For your spewing of aimless and nonsensical lies! Repent!" Xenith yelled and shot him again with the same little nameless device. "Stop doing that" Maxciel insisted with a look of annoyance. "I will once you've repented and take back your words and swear never to utter such insanity again!" Xenith shouted with a look of certainty. "But— Xenith, it's not absurd, it's not insanity. For some reason, I can't explain it, but, I like I mean it" Maxciel whispered, his voice full of emotion. He reached out and grabbed onto Xenith's hands once more. He liked their feeling of warmth against his fingertips. "You—you've reached ludicrous levels of insanity! What am I to do now? Now I'll have to lock you captive here for, who knows how long! Until you find reason once more!" Xenith complained. "Please don't use the word captive, call it something normal, like roommates or something, captive makes this sounds worlds more horrible" Maxciel said but couldn't suppress a laugh at Xenith's words and reactions. "None of this is funny! Stop laughing you lunatic!" Xenith said and flicked. Maxciel's forehead. It didn't hurt a bit, not even a slight sting, Xenith seemed to lack any semblance of strength in his bony body. "Now I truly can't let you so much as leave until your mentality has at least reached stable levels" Xenith said apprehensively. If he was honest, Maxciel wasn't sure how much he'd actually mind that, on one end, it was a bit restrictive, but on the other end, it meant he'd get to spend more time with the man of his affections. "I don't even have a place for you to sleep" Xenith began and then paused for a moment as if he'd been struck with an idea. "Well, at least not a proper one" Xenith said and started walking somewhere, urging Maxciel to follow him. By the end of their short journey they ended up in a bathroom, which, Maxciel couldn't help but find a little odd. But he was sure there'd be an explanation soon, right? "You'll sleep here" Xenith said and gestured to his bathtub. "Excuse me, where?" Maxciel asked again hoping it was a joke. "The bathtub" Xenith replied without skipping a beat. "We can put pillows and blankets in there for you to sleep with" Xenith said and ran off somewhere, coming back a few moments later with his arms full of blankets and a pillow. He tossed the folded blankets into the bathtub, which made it look no more comfortable than it already was (or more accurately, already wasn't). And sadly, Maxciel could tell, this man was absolutely, positively, serious about this predicament.