Criminal Justice

Three weeks. That's exactly how long it'd been since Celine had accidentally shot Maxciel and forced his heart into Xenith's hands. And how much progress had she made in this past three weeks in the reversal of her foolish actions? Absolutely none. Maxciel had been MIA ever since she'd used her talent on him. Honestly she would've thought Maxciel was dead, killed by Xenith in his moment of forced vulnerability, if not for the constant posts of sighting online. Just two days ago there was a photo posted on instagram, it currently has 4.2 million likes, in the picture, the camera slightly angled, showing Maxciel's back, his face turned in deep thought in the middle of the household appliance section of a Fred Meyers. His long dreadlocks tied into a thick ponytail, giving way to the coffee colored skin of his neck and ears. Celine had analyzed every little detail of this post. She'd even stalked the posters account so she could get a clear idea of the area they'd lived in. Because clearly, Maxciel had been hanging close by to wherever the owner of this account resided. Celine groaned and shoved her face into her pillow in frustration. Despite all her creepy stalker-ish behaviors she still had absolutely no idea where that picture was taken, where Maxciel is, not one clue. She'd be a horrible stalker, and a horrible paparazzi too. Guess that's why she's studying law. Which ironically, she's most definitely breaking. She broke the law the second she tried to use her talent with a license from the AHGA, also known as, the "Acts of Heroism Governmental Association" and Celine, was definitely not licensed to do any hero work considering she'd just gotten her talent awakened at all exactly, three weeks ago, when she fucked up Maxciel's life! And now she's trying to stalk Maxciel, even though it's only to fix her mistake and revert the effects of her talent, stalking is also a crime. How ironic, a law student, who's goal was to become a judge, is breaking laws left and right. What's she gonna be judging based on, morals or personal experience with having committed the same crimes?! Honestly, the only other idea she could think of was basically living inside the shopping districts and grocery stores until she's lucky enough to catch a glimpse of Maxciel and fix everything, make life go back to normal and then never ever do anything even half as stupid ever again! She'd even switch majors because she clearly didn't deserve to be part of the criminal justice system anymore! Celine felt her eyes sting as she fought back tears, she didn't wanna cry over this again, she knows crying will lead her no where, it won't reverse her mistake, or bring Maxciel to her. So, she refused to cry over this again. She let out a deep breathe to calm herself and jumped out of bed. Hoping all her moping would be left behind in said bed and decided, she'd go window shopping at the shopping districts Maxciel's been known to frequent hoping the product she was searching for would decide to go shopping today too.