Chapter 55

The Wellington Mansion

The whole place was eerily still, even droplet of water could be heard As the last rattle of gunfire faded. Smoke puffed in the air, and the once beautiful grounds were awfully littered with debris. Aiden stood near the entrance's gate, his eyes fixed on the spot where Maxwell's helicopter had vanished. 

Jayden approaches him, wiping sweat and dirt from his face. "He got away?"

"For now," Aiden replied, "But Maxwell just made the mistake of underestimating us. We will find him, and when we do, this ends..."

Jayden looked back at the mansion, where the staff were cautiously coming out from their hiding places. "We need to restrategize. The our team is shaken, and we have got some repairs to do."

"That's right," Aiden agreed. "We will need a plan," He pointed at the screen where the blueprint of Maxwell's facility was shown. "This is not just a hiding spot. It is a fortress."