The shooting had started, and me and Drake sat in a corner, watching the men play various vigorous games that required them to use their outfits to the fullest.

Whenever they got thirsty, they only needed to reach out for their thighs, and take out the water bottle that was kept there.

"How did you come up with these ideas?" Drake asked, watching a man blowing a whistle which had its string attached to his shirt.

"Well, I didn't. My employees did. They're great under pressure, a little useless if you let them be though, so I pressure them with all I have. This particular idea, was brought when I gave them an option of bringing up an idea in three days, or all of them getting demoted in three days."

Drake laughed, "Right now, I really don't know what to say to you. That strategy yielded good results, but hey, that's a little cruel. Three days? One could have a nasty breakdown trying to bring something that will impress you."