The heat in me was quelled and replaced by fear. The unstoppable being that had taken over me had retreated, leaving me bare with pain from the stab of betrayal— from the knife of someone I thought was a blessing sent to me by the heavens to console me for the rough life I had.

Water slipped out my closed eyes, and I opened them slowly. Luke's hand was down, and his eyes were no longer red. Confusion, pain, regret, and sorrow filled his eyes, as he watched me. He was breathing heavily as his blood dripped onto my cheek. Just like the blood of my father had dropped onto my cheek in his last moments.

I pushed him, startling him, and turned straight for the window. Grabbing a chair, I flung it and slammed it into the window, smashing it.

"Ari, please!" Luke called, but I'd jumped out, not caring how high it was. I landed on the grass, cushioning my fall with a forward roll, and as soon as I was back on my feet, I broke into a run.