I knocked on the door to Sunny's room, and opened it gingerly. The room was painted in purple, and gave a dark feel. Everything was so neat, and organized, and while the room was painted in purple, everything else was a mix of purple and white.

Miguel sat on the white bed, one knee raised, and I'd never seen Miguel look like that. He looked so serious, so focused as he stared into space. Sunny was sitting on the chair with a tangerine he'd peeled.

He looked at me, and gave an expression with his face and lips that seemed to say, 'I don't like seeing him that way too.'

"Did you tell him?" I asked quietly, and he nodded.

"He's thinking of how to start looking for his parents, and ask them his numerous questions. He went berserk. Jeez, we almost had a fist fight." He said, with a smile, and I could tell that the smile was a hundred percent fake. He probably hated the fact that Miguel was mad.

"What did you tell him?"