"Oh my God. Jeez, we're indeed finding the BAT!" Sunny exclaimed, clapping, and laughing.

"This is crazy. You both have sharp eyes." Miguel said, still looking at it.

"So, what's the next step now?" I asked Sunny.

"Search up the locations. We'll have to visit them. Too bad we don't have a car."

"Even if we did, can you actually drive?" I asked, and Sunny smirked.

"Have you seen anything a vampire can't learn in seconds?" Sunny asked, and I hit him in realization. "Hey!" He snapped.

"That was why I learned the dance steps in no time. At this contest stuff, a girl danced a choreo just once, and my body was moving on its own!"

Sunny grinned, "We vampires actually have lots of advantages."

Miguel rolled his eyes, "I believe we were talking about a car."

"Oh yeah, we were, but you know what? There's something we can do. I can get us a car."

"How?" Miguel asked.